69. Party Of Eleven




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



The next day after the great night,

"Ahhh! Fuck, it was such a good chance and I missed it, damn!" Liese cried out after waking up and finding that she was in her sister's room, in the academy dormitory.

"Ehhh! What happened Sis, Yawnnn!" Selina woke from the shout of Liese and asked while yawning.

"Ohh! It's nothing and go wash your face, It's morning already." Liese hurriedly denied it and chased her sister to the bathroom to wash herself up.

Liese was lamenting the chance she lost yesterday, after brooding for some time. She hyped herself up and went to bathe herself to get ready for the new day.

In the bath, she met other the girls too except for Yui and Arin, who were bathing themselves and getting over the hangover.

"Hey, morning Lilith, Levi, Akio and Mira, how is your head!" Liese greeted everyone and commented seeing Mira massaging her head.

Lilith, Levi and Akio greeted back, then a few bantering with Mira, everyone got out bath covering their tantalising bodies with the uniform. After that, they together went to have breakfast.

"Ahh! Damn it, Kosei! Now, this breakfast tastes very bland. Hey, how about we all have Kosei make us breakfast, lunch and dinner every day!" Akio cursed Kosei after taking a bite from the plate which taste very ordinary.

After eating food made by Kosei not just Akio but almost every girl feels like Akio is right, they almost thought about the scene where they can partake of the food made by Kosei every day. Selina and Levi started to gulp audibly.

"Hehehe! That's a very good idea, now that I think about it. I can ask him to make my portion of breakfast, today too!" Levi laughed mischievously with her hand on her mouth then suddenly remembered that she can directly ask him and knowing him, he won't say no to the request.

"Me...me too!" Selina also voiced out that she also wanted to ask Kosei. So in the end, Kosei had to make five extra portions with his and Yui's breakfast.

The next door all power full taboo tattoo ended up used as a communication tool, actually most of the time, girls only use it for contact from long distances.


Last day of Kosei in the Royal Biblia Academy,

"Hmmn! Nom..gulp!" All of them were sitting in the field and having bento made by Kosei, with one extra person in the group.

"So Kosei, care to tell why that creature is here!" Levi asked looking at the girl who was eating like she was having her last meal.

"Eto, how should I explain, well! I went to the headmaster for permission to leave the academy for a while and also wanted Yui to tag along with me as he happened to be in communication with Master Liber so she heard me saying the word treasure hunting after that here she is a fanatic of treasure hunting she won't let this chance go, that what she said!" Kosei explained to himself that it wasn't his fault, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time but personally for him, It might be a good thing.

The extra person who was sitting with them was Lugh, the light goddess. After hearing about the treasure hunting she was adamant about following him so he didn't have a choice but to accept her request.

"Anyways Arata and Arin, both aren't going anywhere from Academy from now on until Arata has become a Trinity. Arin would be assisting you and the headmaster would also be giving you pointers from time to time so take these months seriously. The faster you become a trinity the faster you would be able to travel around the world!" Kosei looked at Arata who was being teased by Liese and Arin who was clinging on to him. He instructed with a serious face which left no room for doubt about his decisions.

Arata with a dumbstruck expression accepted his fate of being beaten again by Arin in the name of training.

Arata is not a serious type of guy, fortunately, he has gotten a considerate Master to show him the way by torturi....cough training him by using various methods.

"By the way, Kosei! Where are you going for treasure hunting!" Liese asked getting bored from teasing Arata and Arin.

"Hmmn, Well! It's a place which Akio is very familiar with!" Kosei replied looking at Akio.

"Huh! Me, what place!" Akio looked confused and pointed at herself.

"Hmmn! I am talking about your home town, which got destroyed by a flying island. Our target is that flying island!" Kosei said and felt bad for reminding her of something she clearly doesn't want to so he glance at her eyes and noticed that Akio had a sense of sadness in her eyes but she quickly hide it to not let anyone see that part of her.

"Lugh-san, if I am not mistaken, isn't your weapon that you always carrying came from that island!" Levi said while looking at Lugh's weapon which she calls armaments. Fortunately, Levi quickly changed the topic to Lugh as she also noticed Akio stuff expression.

"Ohh! Hehehe! I was lucky that I got these armaments and it's a very dangerous place. The sky island, nobody knows when it came into existence but as long as mages remember, it always has been hanging there!" Lugh laughed sheepishly, remembering how she has stolen them from sky island and got chased around by the machinations on the island for that, she also told them that sky island is not a safe place.

"Lugh is right! Sky library is a mysterious place and you might also be able to know where it came from after going there!" Kosei agreed with Lugh on the dangerous part and said with a smile making girls more curious about sky islands origin. Even those fucking golem are quite hard to deal with. But now girls can handle them without a problem.

"Okay, now you making me very curious. Then it settled, I will also tag along with you two!" Levi said with a twinkle in her eyes like a curious cat.

"Hey, even you are going with him!" Lilith looks distressed a little as a strict teacher, she was contemplating if she would also tag along with them or not, obviously in the name of the teacher's duty.

"Hey, I will also tag along as it's been a long time since I visited my hometown, even though there is nothing to see there but I can also see the mysterious sky library!" Akio also expressed herself as willing to go with them, more like she wanted to find out about the tragedy of her hometown.

Mira had also agreed to follow as Akio was going so she also wanted to tag along with her, she can't be the only one to be left out of the fun.

In the end, a total of eleven people trinity seven girls with Lugh, Arata, Selina and Kosei, got ready to head out to Sky Library.


