71. Abyss Trinity, Crimson Demon Lord




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



The person came down from the dragon and lifted his cloak showing a smirking expression. He had a full body of red armour on him, with a black cloak on the back.

"My name is Abyss Trinity. I am the Crimson Demon Lord and a master of Luxuria Archive!" He introduced himself with a condemning smile like he is above everyone else.

Sora, Arata's Grimoire, sensing the dangerous presence has long since appeared beside Arata, was trying to access him but to no avail. From what she can sense in him tell her that this unfriendly guy is absurdly strong.

"Master, he looked just like you but more mature compared to you!" Sora looked back and forth at his master and Abyss Trinity, with a jocking smile she pointed out something Arata missed or more as he ignored it.

"Huh! What the hell, you mean I am not mature enough!" Arata looked annoyed at Sora's comment and looked toward Arin, hoping she can defend him.

"Don't worry husband, I still like you!" Arin replied with thumbs up showing that she liked him the way he is and in a way, saying that Arata is immature.

"Guahhhh!" Arata took an imaginary arrow in his heart and stubbled a little and have a look of defeat.

"Hahahaha! Arata! You are funny but you don't have to worry about that. In the future, you may be able to become mature like that or even better than him!" Liese laughed like a bell holding her stomach and then jocking tried to give him condolence advice which made Arata sigh with relief.

Kosei looking at this drama felt like hitting Arata in the head, even though the enemy is standing in front of them he was still in the mood to joke.

"Anyway, joke aside. This guy is the real deal as an alternative world demon lord, he should have enough strength to wipe Arata's ass a hundred times over!" Liese said after she calm herself and turned serious as she analysed the behaviour and magic pattern from the Abyss Trinity.

"It might be because of heaven's library security system who summoned him here to content with this world demon lord candidate!" Akio replied while knowing a little bit about the library security mechanism.

"Or he can be just a part of alternative demon lord power, who knows what he is!" Lugh interjected in Akio's guess as there are not many records of it so nobody knows about what heavens Library's security mechanism does.

"Hmmn! What's that!" Arata feeling confused asked.

"When demon lord comes here, the security system of heavens library forces the demon lord candidate of this world to face with demon lord of an alternative world." Akio replied to Arata.

"Hahaha! You bunch are a very funny group but you are right, Spriggan Girl!" Abyss trinity laughed seeing the drama and agreed with Akio's reply.

"And he is also the one who destroyed my homeland!" With anger mixed with boiling rage, Akio said towards the Abyss Trinity.

"Hey, calm down! Akio, don't let your anger dictate your decision!" Kosei came beside Akio and hurriedly grabbed her wrist then patted her shoulder with little energy to calm her down.

"Ohhh! It looked like you are talking about the town below that was destroyed when I tested my power. Honestly, I was feeling bored at that time!" Abyss trinity replied with a hint of amusement like he watching a kid throw a tantrum to him so he can teach them a lesson.

Kosei knew that Abyss Trinity is trying to provoke Akio so she get angered and attack him. From that, he can take the upper hand in the initiative.

"Okay...okay Akio, listen to me! I know how much you want to pummel that annoying bastard's face but you aren't strong enough to do that and you will be just throwing yourself at his mercy. How about you take his dragon as the opponent and take your anger out on his pet!" Kosei grabbed tightly on her shoulder to make her immobile as her anger was showing on her fave listening to the blatant provocation of Abyss Trinity towards Akio. Kosei tried to reason with her and successfully made her divert her anger toward one of the pets of Abyss Trinity.

He was also quite pissed but Kosei held it inside himself and kept his cool head, remembering that Abyss Trinity has dangerous magic on him which works similar to DXD Satan's destruction magic.

"Crack...!" "Swish!"


Just as Kosei let go of his hand from Akio, she moved with impressive strength making a crater appear where she stood and the next second, she appeared above one of the dragon's face and kicked him hard enough to make his head smash into the floor with dust flying around.

"Owie! That poor dragon might get wrecked from Akio-san's wrath. I've never seen her this angry before!" Arata commented with little awe impression looking at the damage Akio did with the impressive swift movements.

"What are you all gawking at, get moving. Levi help Akio deal with that dragon but keep your movement a little distant from Akio and let her went it out as much as she wants. Others who are proficient in close combat move into pairs and engage the other two dragons. Make sure to destroy them completely and leave no chance for them to heal or regenerate if they have any!" Kosei chided the girls who were just spectating and making fun of the poor dragon then Kosei gave them clear instructions to follow.

Except for Akio and Levi who engage with one dragon, in the group only Arin, Lugh and Liese are left who are proficient in close combat so Liese dragged Lugh with her so they can take care of another dragon leaving Arin alone.

"Okay, you can go with Arata and put combination practice into live action!" Kosei said to Arin who was left frowning over who to go with, once Kosei said that she happily twinkled her eyes and glued on Arata who also heard Kosei's words so he reluctantly followed her along to engage with the last dragon.

Kosei, Selina, Yui, Mira and Lilith were left standing in front of Abyss Trinity who was watching everything with fascinated expression.

He was also keeping his eyes on Kosei as from the moment he showed up, he got danger signals from Kosei all over so he kept his watch on him.

Kosei had already sensed him doing so, that was also the reason he let girls and Arata fight out with dragons. Kosei did make sure to keep Abyss Trinity in the bay with his aura locked on to him.

"Hahahaha! This is truly fascinating. I am very interested in knowing who and what are you exactly!" Abyss Trinity asked with a very grim expression for the first time sensing a warning signal not just from his instinct but from the heavens library security system.


