97. Inside Garden Ruin




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



"Brace for the impact, Now!!" Just as Kosei shouted towards the girls who were waiting for something to happen, immediately guarded themselves tightly.


"Hmmm! Ruin is about to activate. Illia, make sure that everyone is together and in one place!" Kosei said while looking at the Ruin which started to emit piercing white light after the destruction of Diablos.

"Gotcha, don't move! We are about to enter the Ruin Garden." Kosei turn back and instantly came beside Krulcifer Einfolk and caught her as she was wobbling a little after shielding herself from the shockwaves.


Everyone unconsciously closed their eyes feeling the piercing light from the Ruin.


"Where are we!"

"Look, aren't we inside the Ruin!"

Just as everyone opened their eyes, they were already inside the garden. Some were standing all right while some were laying flat on the ground from the dizziness.

But everyone exclaimed seeing the view inside the Ruin, it was a little different from their expectations but it was an amazing scene.

The ceiling of the structure produces light during the day, so the Garden interior was bright as the day. (A/N: For more details visit Fandom or wiki.)

"Where are we, are there any dangers!" Lisha-Chan looked around vigilantly and asked looking at Kosei, knowing full well that her big brother might know something about this place with how calm his face looked at the moment.

"Well, yeah! We are most likely in the center of this Ruin and I suppose there should be a alter somewhere around here!" Kosei said looking for a certain altar that would take them deeper inside the Ruin.

"I think, it's this way!" Krulcifer Einfolk pointed and walk in that direction.

"Hey, don't walk your own, it's dangerous here!" Lisha-chan shouted at her and ran behind her.

"Ummn! Girls, aren't you coming, or do you want to admire the view a little longer!" Kosei looked back to see that the girls were looking around and poking here and there, checking if the place has a real view or was made up. He felt amused with them so he asked seeing that they haven't noticed that Lish-chan and Krulcifer are already going ahead.

"Ahhh! No...no...no!"

"Hahaha! We are coming, instructor Ko!"

Hearing him calling them, they blushed feeling embarrassed for acting like bumpkins. They hurriedly followed behind as Kosei also left seeing that Krulcifer can sense the location of alter.

A few minutes later, they reached the altar. Just as Krulcifer stood at the centre, the alter activated and started scanning her.

"Existence of the Key confirmed. Executing special code ' unlock'...!!" Just as the mechanical sound has done speaking.


The door leading to the deeper level cracked open and tremors passed through where they were standing.

"What the...Krulcifer-san! What is this??" Feeling a little baffled by the situation unfolding in front of them.

The girls became confused as they haven't understood the situation fully so they only showed puzzled expressions.

Lisha-chan was shocked and also had a puzzled expression so she looked at Kosei for answers.

"As you can see, I am related to Ruins," Krulcifer replied while turning around after opening the door.

"Ummn! Lisha-chan and Krul-chan, you can talk later, for now, we need to move." Kosei said interrupting their talk and motioned with hands towards others girls to run towards the door leading deeper inside the ruin.


The large slab landed at the place the girls previously were standing making them gasp from fear and they immediately ran inside from the door.

Kosei made sure everyone left from there, he also moved behind the girls while the place got to cave in.

"Phew...is this place safe, Ko-nii!" Lisha-chan asked calming her breath.

"I think so, this place should be the production line of ruin so it should be safe for the time being!" Kosei said while looking at the hundred baby chambers, on both sides where they were standing.

"By the way, girls! Shouldn't you be doing your job by now!" Kosei looked at girls from the Chivalry order and asked feeling doubt that these girls are an elite unit.

"Hahahaha! You are right, Instructor Kosei!" Girls laughed with bashful expressions and started their work.

Nothing special just that, they had to take images of important places and see for any traces of new things which they haven't found in the previous investigation.

"I don't think you can find anything useful here, as most likely this whole ruin has been salvaged before by the Royal family or the Lords." Krulcifer Einfolk said while sitting down and looking at those pods with reminisced expression.

"Lisha-chan, could you help the girls in completing the formality as this team need something to show for completing the investigation to the council," Kosei asked Lisha-chan to lead those girls and complete the formality which they would have to show later for submission.

"I am fine, instructor-Ko!" Krulcifer looked back as Kosei patted her shoulder in comfort, seeing her mood.

"We already talked about it, didn't we? Whenever you want to leave that sorry excuse of your family, just do it and you are always welcome in our home. Lisha-chan and her little sister both will surely enjoy your company!" Kosei said with a warm smile while his hand switched from her shoulder to her head and patted her like a little lost kitten.

"Hmmm! I will and thank you for your words, I really needed that!" Krulcifer smiled beautifully while giving him a short hug while secretly wiping her tear-stained eyes.

"Krulcifer-san, why are you taking advantage of my Ko-nee behind my back!" Lisha-chan suddenly came and startled Krulcifer from her presence, she became embarrassed hearing Lisha-chan words but didn't deny it.

"Are you done with collected scrapes!" Kosei asked not minding Lisha-chan's glares.

"Yeah, we are done here so I wanted to ask if we need to proceed any further!" Lisha-chan said and stopped her glaring.

"Well, I am already here so I was thinking of taking care of that big guy which might become a nuisance if left alone sooner or later!" Kosei said and made a small gesture in the air producing a small illusion of a figure resembling the Diablos but bigger with a more menacing appearance.

"Amazing, how did you do that!" Krulcifer said with an amazed expression written on her face while looking at the illusion in front of her.

"Hey, why are you so surprised? You haven't even seen one percent of what Ko-nii is capable of!" Lisha-chan looked at Krulcifer with a smirk while her words were filled with pride.

"Ohh! Then I am getting more interested in him!" Krulcifer said with a teasing tone while looking at Kosei with a greedy expression.

"Gahh!" Lisha-chan took the invisible damage seeing her reaction and made a mental note that she won't say anything about Ko-nii's other amazing feats otherwise this thieving cat would become glued to her big brother.

"Okay...let's go girls, to the depth of this ruin!" Kosei said with a smiling expression towards the girls.

"Ohhhh, go...go!" While girls replied with enthusiasm.






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