103. "Exploring the Ark Ruin: Kosei and the Girls' Dangerous Discovery"




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



Next day,

The morning after the wild night before had left Principal Relie with a throbbing headache. But Kosei, being the gentleman that he was, had offered her a soothing drink to alleviate the pain. Grateful for his kindness, she downed the drink in one gulp and felt the tension in her head start to ebb away.

Once everyone was ready, they set off towards the nearby island where the Ark Ruin lay. As they approached, Lisha-chan gasped in amazement at the sight of the fish-shaped ruin jutting out from the cliff face.

"This is Ark Ruin?" she exclaimed in wonder.

Principal Relie nodded. "Yes, it's one of the ruins that surfaces at specific times, and today happens to be one of those times."

Kosei turned to the girls and asked who was coming with him. Lisha-chan, Celistia, Krulcifer, Philuffy, and the trio from the Tried Group all volunteered eagerly.

"Alright then, let's get going!" Kosei declared, floating up into the air with ease.

Principal Relie watched in awe as Kosei walked on the air as if it were solid ground. She couldn't help but think how remarkable it was that he could do such a thing. Lost in her musings, she failed to notice that the others had already taken flight on their Drag-Rides.

"Hey, onee-san, aren't you coming along?" Philuffy shouted, rousing Principal Relie from her daydreaming.

Blushing with embarrassment, Principal Relie quickly took to the air using her won drag-Ride and joined the others. As they soared towards the Ark Ruin, the wind rushed past them, making their hair and clothes billow out behind them. The thrill of the ride was exhilarating, and Principal Relie couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within her as they drew closer to their destination.


As they stepped through the fish mouth entrance of the Ark Ruin, a blinding flash of light engulfed them before they were transported inside. The students blinked rapidly as they tried to adjust to their new surroundings. The air was musty and thick, as if it had not been disturbed for centuries.

Kosei, their guide and teacher, looked around at the group of girls before her. She was more relaxed than usual, now that Philuffy had been cured by the Kosei. This was a thrilling adventure, and she wanted her students to enjoy it.

"Okay, girls, who will lead the way?" Kosei asked, looking around expectantly.

"Me! Me! Me!" Tillfur Lilmit exclaimed, waving her hand in the air.

Everyone else immediately shook their heads, causing Tillfur's hand to droop sadly. She was known for her cheerful personality and constant jokes, but leading the group was not her forte.

Principal Relia turned to Noct Leaflet, the reliable member of the triad group of three. "Noct, did you pick up any signals?"

Noct's jade eyes flickered as she concentrated. "For now, I am not sensing any danger. We should be safe to proceed."

"Okay, then everyone proceed with caution," Principal Relia said, signaling for the group to move forward.

As they made their way deeper into the ruin, the students could feel the weight of history all around them. The stone walls were adorned with ancient carvings and symbols, each telling a story of a civilization long lost to time.

Every step they took echoed loudly in the silence, making the girls jump at their own sounds. The only other noises were the occasional skittering of tiny feet and the distant drip of water.

The group moved slowly, checking for traps and examining any artifacts they came across. The excitement of discovering something new kept them going despite the eerie atmosphere.

As the group ventured deeper into the ruins, they were met with a sight that left them in awe. The small forest-like area was overgrown with towering trees and vibrant flora, creating an enchanting atmosphere. But the once beautiful place had been ravaged by battles, leaving scars and rubble scattered around.

Kosei took it upon himself to survey the area before parting ways with the group. His senses heightened, scanning for any lurking danger, as the others split up to explore the ruins. Celistia joined Noct and Airi, while Lisha-Chan accompanied Principal Relie, and Krulcifer went with Philuffy.

As Tillfur Lilmit and Shalice Baltshift decided to team up, they were met with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. But before they could take a step, the pair were warned by Kosei to tread carefully. He informed them of the seven floors that lay ahead, each with its own treacherous obstacles.

The group decided to split up and explore each floor separately, reuniting at this spot once they had finished. As they went their separate ways, Kosei couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. There was something about this ruin that was different from the others he had explored.

"Be careful out there," Kosei warned the others, his voice carrying a hint of concern. "We don't know what we might encounter."

As they all disappeared into the darkness, the ruins became quiet once again, with only the sound of footsteps echoing in the distance. The sense of adventure mixed with danger made the hairs on the back of their necks stand up, but they knew they had to press on.

"What do you think we'll find down here?" Tillfur asked Shalice, breaking the silence.

Shalice shook her head, "Who knows. But with Kosei's warning, we need to stay on our toes."

The two continued to walk, their eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger. As they descended down the stairs, they could feel their adrenaline rush, their hearts pounding with anticipation. They didn't know what awaited them on this floor, but they were ready for anything.





"Apologies are in order for the author's absence for the past two weeks, for I was preoccupied with important matters. However, the author would like to express his gratitude towards his dear readers for taking the time to read his work. As a token of appreciation, the author promises to deliver an exciting new fanfic that will not disappoint their fellow enthusiasts. So stay tuned for the upcoming chapters, as this author assures you readers that it will be worth the wait. Thank you once again for your continued support and patience."

