
In a dream...

*No father, I will never leave him! Even if you remove my name in the Walton family tree, I will still choose him as my husband.

It was a lady in her early twenties with a very strong character who said the words in a very firm tone. The big mole on the right face near her lips, it may have a big part on how powerful she speaks.

*You little lady! Dare to go against your father!

Together with those words, a slap followed and about to hit the lady's beautiful face when;

"Criiiiiririring! Criiiiiriring! Criiiiriring!"

Went off an old alarm clock for a young man to wake up.

You can see the confusion on his face about the dream while trying to stay away from sleepiness.

When the body and mind are ready, the man got out from his old bed and directly went to do some basic stretching exercise.

It seems that someone is working out for a long time to have well defined cuts all over the body and perfect eight pack abs. The only flaw is that he's missing his whole right arm.

But despite losing one of his superior limb, was able to achieve the body dreamed by most men; shows what kind of a man he is.

After loosening for more than twenty minutes, put on a simple jogging attire and got out from his small rented room carrying a backpack with him.

Coming down from an old building, directly starts to jog following his usual route.

It's still three o'clock in the morning and only a few who are active to wake up so early to do some lapses.

After running for more than an hour, the man arrived at a public park located in the central part of the city.

Came to an area where stuffs related to exercise were provided by the government for the public to use.

Didn't even rest for a moment and directly went to do his routine on the pull-up bar, doing eleven kinds of pull-ups with fifty reps each; just using his left arm.

Even though only one arm was used, the muscles on the body are surprisingly proportionate that can't be explained by common sense.

After finishing all the excercises for the upper body, immediately proceed to his lower body; workouts to boost speed and agility.

This time, the man didn't count, waiting for the church's six o'clock bell to be rang.

"Dingggggg! Dingggggg! Dingggggg!

Only this time, the man stops and proceed to his set of cooldown exercises.

It's six'o ten when he finally ends his morning routine exercise. Went to sit on a bench to rest as he wipes his sweat.

At this moment, more and more young people are coming in the area to do their own morning exercise; all were lousy compared to the earliest one who even have only one arm.

But the man seems to be that guy who only minds his own business for him to leave the place without socializing.

Leaving the park, went to a cheap bathhouse to take a bath. Wore the cadet uniform that were taken from his backpack. As for the used clothes, washed and dried by a machine and were stuffed to the backpack.

Freshened but hungry, the man then proceed to a stall that serves cheap breakfast yet nutritious, enough to help the body develops.

While waiting for his order, the attention was attracted by a big screen stalled by the government to some main part of the city which features important information and news for public awareness.

At this moment;

"A few days later, it will be the tenth aniversary of the Caba incident and I'm sure all of us knew how tragic it was. A sacred place with a population of more that five hundred thousand, even the evolved had died and only a twelve years old boy survived; still lost one limb. A meeting will be held today with the agenda on how to reclaim the land once own by us but now a breeding place of evolved animals and possibly accupied by an extraterrestrial beast; basing on what the only survivor had said ten years ago. But even if what killed more than five hundred thousand people that day was really a beast that out from this world; we, humans after two hundred years from the day of evolution, have the abilities to fight against intruders and protect our mother Earth. It will be..."

*Hah! What bullsheet abilities do humans have? Heavens sent us such powerful enemies but only blessed a few lucky once who can fight toe to toe with those evolved animals and extraterrestrial beasts. For those who got mediocre skills, become connon fodders. Hey Kid, you're wearing a senior cadet uniform so it seems that you're about to acquire your skill. No matter what you get: low or high skill; never join the military and become a pawn that can be sacrificed anytime. Better find a good organization or guild. At least in there, you have the bigger chance to survive if you got lucky.

An experienced middle age man who came to serve the food was talkative enough to speak the truth for the young man to say;

*Thank you for the advice and for the food. I already long had decided not to enter the military so this uncle does not need to worry.

*Well, it's good to know. You already lost your right arm so try not to lose your life. Goodluck to the life of an Evolve kid.

Drop the words and left while picking his nose.

It's good that the man didn't see the action not to lose his appetite.

The meal was simple but managed to fill the stomach. After paying the bill, the young man didn't go elsewhere and headed to the academy he's studying...