The Instructor.

Emotional words that comes from the heart, make most women have teary eyes; especially the one with feelings to someone.

Driven by her emotions, closed those eyes as she moves, asking for a kiss.

The one armed man knew this and gave her a kiss on the forehead instead before saying;

*Riri, always remember that you're the number one woman in my heart and even the world would go against you, I will go against the world to protect you. Do you understand?

She understands but never those feelings would change. The girl can only nod and about to say she understood when their instructor finally arrived and directly interrupted the kaydrama-like scene.

As an evolved human with stronger senses, this instructor immediately felt the unusual aura in the room. Saw a student in tears but instead of asking the person;

*Mr. Aliguyon, what's wrong with miss Cojuangco. Did something happaned? Don't forget that her father is not in good terms with you. If he finds out that his daughter cried while she's with you, i'm sure an overprotective father would overthink. Better make things clear to me so that I will personally explain it to him; save you from trouble.

This one armed man with the surname Aliguyon, he was asked but it was this lady with a surname Cojuangco who went to;

*Instructor, nothing happened. It's just me who's very happy today and shed tears of joy.

*Your happy? Why is that I became more worried when I think about it?

Looked at the man with the surname Aliguyon when she said the words.

To make things clear;

*Instructor, rest assure that I didn't do anything for you to worry. Please begin your lesson because it's already time.

*Really? Then that's good. Alright class, quickly settle down and we will begin our lesson for today after a few minutes.

Those minutes, went to set up the big screen in front that she will be using in her presentation.

*Well, as you all know, everyone was about to acquire their skills so we will be talking about the Evolved for today and the coming days.

Everything had started two hundred years ago. Out from nowhere, two mysterious towers had appeared here on Earth. As you can see, the one is standing on a forest not far away from the city; the main reason why Ifugao became the biggest city in the Philippines. The other one is standing somewhere in the country of Brazil; opposite of the Philippines on the globe.

On the same day, living things on Earth start to change and later, expert determined it as an Evolution.

This phenomenon, it was confirmed to be connected to the Two Towers. Even a nonexpert can tell because in the entrance of both towers, a set of words were written saying: "All will be blessed by the Heavens but only a few will be favored to be the best. Among the best, the one who can reach the top will have the title 'The Strongest' ". Once again, those experts had interpreted that the ultimate goal of an Evolved human is to reach the top of the tower; the goal of the many. But there's one expert who said that those abilities are meant to protect ourselves, our mother Earth; which is I chose to believe than the other one.

If we check on the records, one thirds of the Earth's territory is either occupied by Evolved animals or those Extraterrestrial beasts.

The Trial Towers will always be there but Earth would be gone if run down by beasts.

Those organizations and guilds are fools to think that they can clear the Trial Towers in one go. Two hundred years had passed but only nine floors were cleared; more than one thousand unsuccessful attack with

more than one billion deaths. Why can't they realize that it's still too early to challenge the Towers.

Once evolved, state of immortality is somewhat achieved for humans to have more than enough time to level up. So I advice everyone that after you acquired your skill, don't rush things and get stronger step by step.

Either if you choose to join the military under the goverment or those private organization and guilds; always know your limits and retreat as soon as you feel unsure of something. As long as you don't die, even the Heavens won't hold you back because time can make anyone stronger.

Take me as an example. My skill is just in the Rare classification yet still managed to reach level fifty five. Not like those arrogant people with Epic and even Legendary classifications who died early.

Many of you may know already about the classifiacations but we'll still tackle it later...