The Third Person In His Life.

Enthusiastic than usual, two male shopping guides who are definitely with common skills to have a crappy profession were quick to approach Kristy and Rainne; mainly with the purpose to show off than to assist.

But before the two dogs could bark;

*We prefer female guides to assist us so please make some space.

Playful as always, went to hug the only arm of Zykan and said in a childish tone;

*What do you think brother, I did a good job right?

Expressionless as always;

*Stop fooling around and go buy the gifts.

*Huh! You're really a piece of wood. Come on sister Kristy, let's ignore this spoilsport husband of yours.

Said the words and really gently pulled Kristy, leaving Zykan with the two dogs who just ate sheet.

Treated the words as farts, followed the two like a bodyguard.

Not like most women who can shop for hours, Rianne and Khristy were able to buy some gifts in just twenty minutes.

Both women are not the type who show off through clothes that's why they didn't change their clothes and directly headed to the venue.

Conjuangco Residence...

There's still more than two hours before the party begins but there are already guests who came early just to impress the host.

Very familiar with the place, Rianne led the way to where her mother is.

The group of three came to a spacious room and saw a woman with an aura of the old but looks young, sitting alone in front of the mirror.

*Mother, how come you're alone in your room? Where's everyone?

Hearing the voice, you can see the joy in her eyes when she turn to look saying;

*Well, you know how busy your brothers and sisters are. But i'm sure they will be here before the party starts. How about my little girl? Why are you already here if it's still school hours? Is this Zykan? You have grown into a fine man. And who's the new friend? She looks a little familiar.

There's more than one question but Rianne was so excited to say;

*Hehe,,, guest what mother?

A mother knew what her daughter was playing and went to;

*What is it daughter?

A big smile appeared on her face before saying;

*Ruru found a wife, the one beside him. Hehehe.

Surprised and confused, this mother can't help to;

*Really,,, and your okay about it?

*Huh! Do you think your daughter is selfish. I love Ruru but he loves me as a little sister so it's better to be that way. But it doesn't mean that I can now be betroth to someone for the benefits of the family. I rather become the second wife of Ruru than to marry someone that I don't love and will never like.

*You silly girl. I will try to talk to your father but you should accept whatever the result is.

*Huh! I will choose to run away if he still insist; but thanks to my mother for being understanding.

Mother and daughter hug each other for a few moments before;

*This lady, go on and introduce yourself.

*Hello Aunty, my named is Kristy Walton. I'm just an exchange student from USA but will stay here even after graduation and with Zykan, we will grow together as Evolved humans.

Familiar of the surname, Rianne's mother want to make things clear and went to;

*Are you a distant relative of the Walton family, the Weathiest family in USA? Are your parents okay being with a man like Zykan? I am very aware of what kind of family the Walton is and it worries me about the safety of Zykan. After all, I acted as his mother for four years.

Asked with a similar question, Kristy was patient to;

*Aunty, I assure you that the Walton family will never hurt Zykan as long as i'm alive. I also have a mother like you who supports my decision so i'm confident that my father won't force me.

*Well, then i'm relieved. Did you hear that Zykan? Women like Kristy is not easy to find so you should cherish her. I know that you're not good in expressing your emotions but your Emotional Intelligence is high for you to adopt easily. And now that you found someone in your life and one day have a family on your own, you better focus on them and not on revenge. A one time alliance between the military, guilds, private organizations and big families was established just to kill the beast that killed many people and reclaim the land ruled by your tribe for more than a thousand of years. In the end, you don't need to do it yourself and let human race avenge their own kind. Do you understand?...