Their Goodbyes.

Zykan didn't do anything wrong but someone wants him to die.

Seeing the two ladies still want to talk sheet about him, chose to speak first saying;

*Are you two done talking? Because I want to eat now.

*Yow, where did that attitude come from? In front of a goddess like sister Lyka, you should wait like a servant. Sister Lyka, ignore this man's ignorance on how to treat a princess; because he's not a prince himself but a knight.

*Hahaha, so sister Rianne also prefer knights than princes like me. Anyways, why don't we go and have dinner together. I know that sister Rianne can afford but let this meal on me.

*Well, it's an honor to have a dinner with the Ifugao National Academy's top six goddess.

*Haha. Sister Rianne is in the seventh rank herself; but in terms of beauty and brain, she can be the first.

Fellow women who are in good terms didn't hold back and went to praise themselves.

Ignoring the man with them, head to a high-end restaurant without even calling him to follow.

Long been used to this kind of treatment, didn't put into heart and went to follow.

Eat and Greet Six Star Restaurant...

With a gold membership card in her possession, Lyka's group went straight to a private room and directly ordered something expensive.

*Sister, i'm going to use the restroom. And as for you, don't try to act cool in front of the goddess and embarrass yourself.

Didn't forget to warn before heading out.

Left in the the private room;

*Is she treats you like that all the time?

Zykan has no intention to initiate a conversation but it doesn't meant that he will snub the lady for him to;

*We're been together for almost ten years and it's normal for us to be like that. By the way, did you promise to stay away from me?

*Hahaha. Who said that I want to get close to you? It's Rianne whom I want to get close and coincidentally, your with her. You don't need to worry about me because I mean no harm.

*It's not about you causing harm but what you have said just now bothers me.

*Why,,, is there a reason for you to be bothered? As long as Kristy and Rianne allow it, there's nothing wrong about it.

*Did you say you don't like playboys? I have already two women in my life and can be considered as one.

*Well, I think you don't know the definition of the word playboy. You consider yourself one but didn't even touch a woman until now. Because the number of women on Earth is three times higher than men, men with abilities had that privilege to have wives as much as they can support. You may not have the ability right now but a man who trains twice a day for more than four years, I can bet my future that you will surely achieve something in the future. I'm just like Kristy, only that she took the lead to be the first wife. After I get her permission, I will officially tell our marriage to my family.

The man want to ask why his opinion was not needed when Rianne came back to the room on the phone and directly gave it to Zykan saying;

*It's sister Kristy. She want to talk to you.

Putting the matter aside, reach out for the phone and said;

*It's me. What do my wife want to talk about?

*Well, I want to let you know that all the phones of those who were about to evolved in the family will be taken away in order for us to focus in levelling up. I don't know when will they return it but I will call you as soon as they give it back. Anyways, Riri told me about everything and i'm happy for the two of you. In fact, she should be the first wife so treat her like one. As for Lyka, she's a good person and has a big family so you can accept her as your third wife to expand your connections. And if others like her confess their feelings, accept them all because it will help you get stronger; asking for resources as dowries.

The last five words, a man with principles could never do for Zykan to;

*Wife, do you see your husband as a useless man. I can still accept gifts but to ask for resources to them is impossible. It should be the man who gives betrothal gifts so wait for me to bring mine to your home.

*Then always remember that I will be waiting even if it would take a thousand years. Alright, the elder is here to take my phone. Goodbye and I love you.

*Okay,,, goodbye and I love you more...