It's The Day.

It was only until time passed by for the man to calm down.

Gently let go of the woman in his arm saying;

*Go back to sleep. Let's talk about it later.

In times like this, Rianne was a good girl and went to sleep.

Waited for her to fall asleep before getting off the bed and made a phone call.

The phone rings for some time before;

"What's wrong kid?"

Instead of scolding for calling her at two o'clock in the morning, worriedly went to ask the caller.

"I'm find aunt Amihan, it's just that I need your full trust for the things that i'm about to say.

"What is it kid? Just tell your aunt already."

Didn't talk sheet anymore and directly;

"I dreamed about things yesterday night and was able to prove some of it to be facts. A while a ago, I have a dream where an evolved wolve with a mark on it's forehead is going wild in our school. I think it will happen today at around eight to ten am. So auntie, please trust me on this one and inform the military; because only a few hours will be lost if i'm wrong, but many innocent people will die if i'm right.

"Well, why would you think that I will not trust you? Stay at home and just wait for my updates, goodbye."

The call ended but didn't put away his phone and send a message to Lyka.

After that, return to the room, didn't forget to turn off the alarm before going back to bed.

The man was worried to leave Rianne alone and decided to skip his morning workout routine to be with her.

A few hour later,,, past six in the morning.

Rianne woke up and found herself lying on Zykan's only arm while hugging him with her left hand.

Realized something, directly went to;

*I'm sorry that you missed your workout because of me. You can just toss me off next time.

*Of course I would really toss you off but it's my choice to stay. Class is suspended so we don't need to go to school today.

*Again... Is this related to your dream?

The man was about to answer when Rianne's phone rang.

*It's Lyka, let me take this.

"Hello sister Lyka, what can I do for you?

"Well, is Zykan with you? I tried to call him but he's not picking up."

Because it was on speaker, Zykan heard the words and was the one who;

"Hello, it's me. I will explain it to you face to face."

"Then why don't we have breakfast together. Our school announced that there's no classes for today so why don't we go out and have fun."

Zykan want to say that they should stay at home but;

"Well, that's a good idea sister Lyka. Let's meet at the lobby after forty minutes."

"Okay, see you after forty minutes."

The man didn't have the chance to say his opinion and there was already an agreement by the two women.

Rianne noticed that the man who's always been with a straight face seems to be thinking something. Curious and worried, she can't help to ask;

*Ruru, is there something wrong?

*Nothing,,, we just need to stay away from school. Go and prepare. Don't let Lyka wait for us.

*Well, you better explain everything later.

Chose not to ask questions and went to prepare.

Surprisingly, not like other women, Rianne managed to get ready in just thirty minutes; arriving at the lobby before the agreed time.

Lyka was also early for the group to head directly to a nearby restaurant.

This time, didn't rent a private room and picked a table for four people near the window.

As usual, Zykan didn't bother to order and let Rianne order for him.

After the orders were made;

*Now that we have nothing to do, it's time for us women to hear what the man will gonna say.

There's nothing to hide from these rich ladies and went to;

*It can be considered as gift because I got it before turning twenty two. We can say it's similar to foresight; just that I see some things in my dreams. I had a dream that our school was attacked by a marked evolved wolve and that is today. If my dream is right again, our school will become a battlefield...