Philippine Evolved Regulation Commission.

There's a series of questions but the only answer Rianne can say is;

*What I only know about that thing is that it can clone itself and shape-shift. Remember the three wolves that attacked as in the restaurant, they're just clones. The real one was killed by instructor Amihan and her team. They found that organism in the beast's dead body and was genorous enough to give it to you; the one who predicted the attack and saved many lives. But i'm sure it's mainly because of instructor Amihan's effort. Anyways, we didn't have the chance to test it's full potential so you will find it yourself. Go on, at least try to make a punch for us to see if it works.

Unconsciously, really went to punch the air and suddenly remembered something for him to swear in his mind. It was to late to take back the punch and" Boom"! The punch was powerful enough to create a sonic boom and instantly turned the room into a mess.

Seeing how weak the punch was, he was relieved. Even if it's a big disappointment to know that his heavenly fist won't work to an artificial arm; still very thankful to fail because if the skill really that powerful, planet earth has been destroyed by the punch just now.

The shake and noise created by the blow made this aunt worried and was in hurry to enter the room asking;

*What happened?

*Well Auntie, this nephew of yours is so stupid to test his new arms indoors; and like a fool wearing only an adult diaper.

Upon hearing the words, lower his head and really wearing adult diapers; looks full.

The man is a being too with some feelings and know how to be embarrassed.

Grab the storage belt on the bed and rushed to the bathroom.

*Did the bionic arms worked?

Ignoring those useless things, a good aunt was more concern about the matter and asked.

*Well Auntie, what Zykan got is more than that. A kind of organism was acquired at the last minute so instead of using the rare materials you gave me to make bionic arms, I let this organism devour to become more durable and capable; it became the most suitable thing to Zykan. As you can see, he was able to turn the room into a mess with just a simple punch. I'm sure my Aunt will lose money for the damages.

*Then I finally can have a peace of mind knowing that Zykan got his arms back. And what is the total cost of this things? It's not a problem to pay even if the whole hospital was destroyed.

*Hehehe, aunt Maria is really rich. I'm so happy for Zykan to have an aunt like you.

*And i'm so grateful that Zykan met a girl like you.

Aunt and niece having their moments until Zykan came out from the bathroom; fresh and looks cool in his outfit.

Wearing a dry-fit long-sleeve shirt coupled with a pair of gloves on the upper body while a slim fit cargo jeans together with a pair of sneakers on the lower body, Rianne was curious to;

*As I far as I can remember, you don't have that kind of expensive clothes; when did you buy it?

*Well, there are a lot of pairs in the storage belt. Maybe the clothes of Kristy's ex-boyfriend.

*Fool! Sister Kristy had never been in love. You're the first and would be the last in her life so better apologize when you see her. What's more, it's all in your size so it means that sister Kristy have been buying you clothes for a long time; before the two of you have become husband and wife.

Believed the words for the man to thank Kristy in silence.

He became more eager to save Kristy from a force marriage and was about to ask his aunt how to start his training when;

*By the way Zykan, we should go and get your license as an evolved human so not to become a problem in the future. You can go against anyone but never become the enemy of the government; because every governnent of a country is centralized with the military as their main force. Even those evolved ones with legendary skill are afraid so son, better keep a low profile first. Unless they're unreasonable and bully you, your Aunt will fight even if it's the falking Government.

This statement, both Zykan and Rianne got curious on how strong this Aunt is; but no one ask for her to;

*Let's go. Settle the discharge formalities and bill, and directly head to PERC office...