An Unusual Lady.

The annoyance was so obvious but for a man like Zykan, he doesn't care.

It's good that this assessor is a professional and were able to put aside her emotions to continue the;

*Well, all my questions from now on are under the guidelines so better answer them truthfully.

So tell me, are you planning to join to any group like guilds?

*I had planned a long time ago to join a guild but an aunt who left home suddenly came back and will follow her from now on.

*What's her name?

There's a question but the man didn't answer directly and looked at the assessor in doubt.

*Kid, this is not a secret for you to hide right? With so many eyes and ears out there, do you think we can't find out ourselves. Come on, don't be paranoid and answer it.

The words have a point and make sense for the man to;

*Her name is Maria Aligiyon.

Upon hearing the named, you can see the change on the assessor's face.

*Is there a problem?

Zykan asked.

*Nothing, I just heard a long time ago that she has higher potentials than everyone in the family; including your father. Well, it's really the right choice to follow her. For that, I think there's no need for us to go on. We just need to determine what class are you as the main information written on your ID. Follow me to the next room where a machine will assess your class.

In the next room, there are others who are already being assess; one big machine assessing ten evolved humans at the same time.

One spot was vacated and Zykan was ordered by his assessor to step on the small platform.

It was his assessor too who went to operate and in just more than a minute, the man-made machine was able to determine one's class.

*That's it. Go and wait at the lobby and your license ID will be dilevered by someone to you after twenty minutes at most.

*Yes ma'am, thank you for your assistance.

*Well, it's my job so there's no need to say thank you but your welcome. My name is Corazon Dela Cruz, find me if you have business here and I can make easy for you. See you when I see you, goodbye.

Before Zykan could reply, this aunt had already returned to her post so he also walks toward the exit and left the room.

He doesn't know where did his aunt go and just texted her that he's in the lobby.

Doing nothing, the man can't help to think about his wife abroad and decided to send a message.

"Kristy, I don't know if this message will reach you but if it does, I want you to know that i'm coming for you. Yes, you will be marrying a man one month later and that man would definitely me. Just be patient and wait for me because your real husband is coming to take you away. Take care of yourself and always remember that I love you."


The man expect that there's no reply and really got nothing after a few minutes.

An unemotional man like Zykan, still felt something. Took a deep breath and let it out together with those negative feelings.

Decided to update himself through social media when;

*Excuse me, is this seat taken?

*No, take it if you want.

Didn't even look at the speaker and went to scroll.

This action is an indirect to say that i'm not interested in you or go away but still, the newcomer occupied the seat saying;

*Do you always talk to ladies like that? You see, i'm a rare beauty so you should at least look at me when you speak.

The man realized that what he did is a little rude so he looked at the newcomer and said;

*I'm sorry, I thought you just want to take the seat and go sit somewhere else. But seeing that there are many vacant seats, I can conclude that you intended to sit beside me. Why is that?

*Hahaha. You're so direct so I should also. Do you believe in love at first sight? As soon as I saw you, your ripped body underneath that clothes had immediately taken my heart away. So tell me, what do you think of me?...