Practiced Skill: Sniping.

No sounds were heard and suddenly, two projectiles hit the perverted villain's shoulders,,, followed by his two defenseless knees.


The first scream sounded and directly followed by four louder ones.

They tried to drink manmade healing potions but ten arms became useless and can't even move to grab the bottle.

Seeing this scene, the young man who can't do sheet just now had suddenly become high to himself and went to kick those bandits who are good as vegetables.

*Better stop it. They're already useless people so you don't need to do that.

*Hah! Who do you think you are to command me boooyyyy. My family pays so many taxes for the military to exist so don't order me around just because you saved us; because that's what you are paid to do, right.

Despite how loud the dog barked, the lion ignored it.

Zykan doesn't have the spare time to talk sheet to sheetty people, turned around and went to aprroach the girl whose cherry was almost popped.

He took out a feminine jacket from the storage belt which is in the system storage, handed to the girl saying;

*Be reminded that your shirt have tears so please use this.

She was reminded and quickly grab the jacket and put it on.

*Thank you.

*Your welcome. Just never again be with someone who will put you in danger but doesn't have the ability to protect you.

The truth hits differently for someone to;

*Falk it! A lowly soldier dare to talk sheet about me. Do you believe that I can make your life miserable in just one call.

The words sounded and someone can't help to;

*Hahaha. What a mouth you got there boy. Your family better be on the list of top ten powerful families in the country or else, I will destroy it by myself. Do you believe that boy?

The man is arrogant but not totally stupid to keep running his mouth in front of someone who excludes a powerful aura. Not to offend even more, pretended to be mute as he bow his head.

*That's right. It seems that you're not that stupid or else if you chose to say one more word, you should had died directly. And for you girl, remember the one who saved your innocent so that in the future, you can give it to him.

With black lines on his forehead, Zykan was quick to;

*Just pretend that you didn't hear the words of this old woman. You don't owe me anything so don't worry about it.

This girl want to say that she can in the right time when a military CFC came rushing and land not far away.

A team of eight evolved soldiers are snappy to come out and immediately went to secure the place.

The leader of the team seems to be that he was informed and directly went to;

*Hello miss Maria, we're the team sent by captain Amihan. Can you please give me a short breifing?

*Well, just ask those kids and they will tell you everything. After all, we're just passing by and should leave now. Do you have a problem with it?

*No miss Maria. Please go on.

*Let's go son, let's continue your training somewhere else.

Obedient like a son, went to follow when suddenly;

*Stop! Can I at least know your name.

The man was the one asked but to slow for this aunt to;

*His name is Zykan Aliguyon. And one day, he will come to impregnate you so better protect yourself and saved your first up to your last only to him.

Said these unusual words and took the lead to leave.

*Except for the two words "protect yourself" , forget everything what she said. Take care and goodbye.

The girl didn't speak but already made up her mind to prepare a future for two...

Back in the CFC...

*Auntie, can you stop talking to every ladies like that. It is you who's in the very right age should be the one to find a busband and procreate?

*Well, your aunt never met a worthy one so she's still alone. But you should know that I adopted three triplet sisters so they should be your cousins. After we rescue your lover, I will take the two of you to meet them.

It so happen that they're turning twenty two next month. We should be there and celebrate their evolution.

*That's great, at least we're not the only ones in the Aliguyon clan.

The aunt and nephew keep talking until...