Easy Hunting.

One man and one woman who are still pure, they're too close to each other for the body heat to rise.

Zykan was used to this but Wanwan is a woman who never had a close contact to a man.

Her heart is already beating wildly as the body starts to feel weak; the instinct of the body to offer itself.

*Zykan, can you hold me. I think i'm sick.

*Why,,, a level fifty six evolved being got sick?

He said the words but still went to hold her and felt the the heat coming from the body.

*I can't believe that you're really sick. It seems that it suddenly happened when you got closed to me. Hold on to yourself and I will move away for us to see if it's really the case.

Went to distance himself, wait for a few seconds and ask;

*How do you feel?

Wanwan was confused because she's starting to regain her strength.

*What is this? Am I allergic to you or something?

*Well, I never heard of someone allergic to anyone. I'm sure it's because of other reason. We will find the answer late...

"Ratatatatat! Jujujujujug! Boboom!"

The man couldn't finish his words because different kinds of guns were fired to make the place noisy.

*Let's talk later.

Said those three words and quickly went to position himself. With a night-vision scope equipped on the rifle, Zykan has a ninety five percent vision on the camp.

It was a group of evolved bearcats who took the lead and ravaged the first soldier in sight.

The sound of gunfires and explosions had alert everyone for them to come out from their tent and join the bloody battle.

Modified rifles are effective and wounded many low level evolved animals. As for those who are above level twenty, they can only be killed by above level thirty evolved humans.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Zykan aimed his sniper rifle and went to pull the trigger.

A level five wounded bearcat didn't even know what happened and everything turned dark.

The man didn't stop there and went to shoot several shots; not a single one missed the head.

The war has just begun but already become bloody. The smell of it, made the other evolved animals go wild and finally went to attack.

Just by the look at it, the human side is outnumbered; also the strength is weaker.

*Why,,, who did this? No, I need to get out of here.

The speaker, it's none other than the young lady who didn't even have the time to put all her clothes and quickly took out a convertible flying car. Went to board the flying car but before it could speed up, a giant evolved eagle suddenly appeared and grasp the car with those big claws like a toy. In just a few seconds, the car exploded; not enough to kill the young lady but lost some skin and flesh.

At this moment, the camp was surrounded by different kinds of evolved animals and just a few survivors on the human side.

Four high level evolved humans are leading a number of soldiers to make a last stand at the center part of the camp; including the young lady who drank a healing potion to recover.

Looking at this scene, Zykan had decide to go all out and shoot even those animals that are not wounded; before losing his distraction which are those humans on the camp.

Equipped with a modified silencer, every shot of the sniper rifle doesn't make any sound for Zykan to shoot as much as he want without being detected.

Starting with those low levels, the man keep shooting and every bullet never failed to kill.

It's because the gun used is as powerful as a rare class weapon bought in the system shop that can kill below level forty evolved animals.

Still taking advantage of the situation while those beasts are distracted, continue to shoot until only five remains; let them finish the human survivors on the camp.

One among the five beasts is the giant evolved eagle with a level of fourty five; the highest one. The other four beasts are all in level fourty: two bearcat, gorilla and a bat.

On the human side, the strongest is in level fifty eight with other three level fifty five; including their young lady who's just in level thirty five.

As for those low level soldiers, no one was left; just a few bones and flesh...