On The Process...

Those women really ignored Zykan and went to enter apartment eighty. Rianne is not an exception but was gently pulled by Zykan to stay saying;

*Let them catch up first while the two of us will go to your lab. I have something for you to see.

*Sus,,, just say you want to spend some time with me alone. Let's go, I also want to show you my new lab; and do some adult stuff.

Didn't forget to joke dirty before pulling the man and head down to the next floor.

Arriving at the thirty ninth floor, Zykan noticed that the whole floor became the laboratory room; partitioned by glass walls.

*What do you think? It's three times wider than the old one; divided into six areas where I work for different fields in sciences. So my dear Ruru, what do you want for us to do here?

Went to hug Zykan as she said the last sentence.

In response, the man pat her on the head before taking out the vines he collected together with the extraterrestrial aircraft part saying;

*Stop fooling around and determine the age of those vines. If you can, find out what kind of aircraft that thing fell from. This might be something connected to the Caba incident so do a good job.

Upon hearing the last sentence, this happy go lucky girl had suddenly become serious as she looked at the things on the ground.

Immediately with confidence;

*I can determine the ages of those vines through dendrochronology and can tell you the result today. As for that extraterrestrial scrap, it will take some time but i'm confident to make a blueprint of it in a few days.

*Well, there's no rush so take your time. By the way, I have something to give you before getting busy.

Said the words and directly took out a scroll.

*Ruru,,, is this a skill scroll?

*Yes it is and it's very suitable for you. Come one, drip one drop of your and acquire the skill directly.

Excited to prick her thumb and let the scroll have a taste of her blood.

As soon as the scroll recognized the blood, it disappeared as the skill goes to the host.

*Well, let's go up first and you can start your work later.

*No, I want to start now. Just leave so that I can begin. I will follow when i'm hungry.

*Then be sure to take a break when you're tired. I also have something to give for the others so i'm leaving.

When to kiss her on the forehead and was about to leave when;

*By the way Ruru, do you know an aunt named Wanwan? Because she came to visit when you're not home seems to be very worried. I asked why but she said that it was nothing and left.

*Well, I will give her a call so don't worry about it. Okay, i'm leaving now.

Pat her on the head and left.

On the way, went to dial the number of Wanwan and was immediately;

"Kid, is that you?"

The man was about to reply when;

"Wanwan, is that the man the reason you rejected my propo..."

"Leave me alone you annoying old man! Hello Zykan, please say something if you're there."

"Well,,, it me. Is someone bothering you?"

"So it's really you Kid. Where are you now so that I will come to you right now? It so stressful these past days and I need to unwind."

*Well, i'm at home. You can come here and relax wit..."

"You loser, keep away with my wo..."

"Who the falk is your woman! Zykan, wait for me and I will be there after five hour."


Worried for the safety of the aged lady, sent a message saying;

"If you meet a problem on the way, quickly send me a message and I will come right away."

It didn't take long for a;

"Huh, i'm not a little girl to be lose on the way. But anyway, thank you for your worries. See you after five hours. By the way, prepare yourself because it's time for me to get pregnant,,, goodbye."

Reading the last sentence, the man immediately got an answer in his mind and was confident to convince a very active aged girl.

Can't help to shake his head before heading up...