Spending For Them.

Zykan was done buying and still, the girls are still looking for the best equipments for them.

He got bored and decided to take a nap.

It's like a few minutes had just passed when Kristy woke him up saying;

*You have a visitor named Wanwan. I invited her to come in but she said to call you.

*So soon,,, or did I napped for too long? Well, let me invite her in to meet everyone.

Stood up, pat Kristy on the head before heading to the door.

As soon as the man opened the door, he was suddenly pulled outside and so as the door to be close directly.

*Kid, who's that young lady? Is she one of your woman? What about the young girl that I saw last time? So how many beauties you got inside?

Asked by a series of questions but didn't answer any of it instead;

*Why don't we go inside and meet them? Or you're still to shy despite of your age?

*You little basturd! Don't dare mention my age ever again. Let's go! It's time to meet my fellow young sisters.

She even took the lead and went to open the door.

Upon entering the apartment, directly attracted the attention of everyone. The number of beauties looking at her, instantly lose the confidence and doesn't know what do.

Smilling, Zykan was quick to;

*Everyone, this is your sister Wanwan from China. She can speak and understand english so use that language to communicate with her. Come on, someone should take the lead to introduce herself. And by the way, no one should speak Filipino when she's around to avoid misunderstanding. Well, take your time to know each other. As for me, i'm going to take a nap again.

Said the words and went back to his seat, didn't know why he's still feel sleepy.

Kristy and the others were not sure but the words "your sister" gave them an idea.

Kristy was the one who took the lead and went to introduce herself; accepting directly the aunt in front of them as a sister.

The others did the same and eventually, they continue to talk about themselves.

On his seat, Zykan was already asleep and immediately start to dream.

No one knows how many dreams he had when the man was awaken by a sweet sensation on his lips.

The first thing he saw is the back of the girl named Lilli, running away from the living room.

Confused as he look around and saw no one but heard some noises from the kitchen.

Went to look at his watch and could not believe that it's already past six in the evening.

He stood up, reached into the air to stretch out before heading to the kitchen.

Seeing that everyone are still there, helping each other to cook; he's not surprised at all asking;

*Did Riri came up?

*No she didn't, but sent a message that she will be sleeping in her lab.

It's Lyka who got the message and went to relay.

*Well, I hope she's not overdoing herself.

*Don't worry Zykan, she's a genius who's not obsess in knowledge and work. What's more, she's already an evolved one and have a stronger body. Rianne has been doing it in the past and will come up when she's done.

*Then let's see until tomorrow. Anyway, I want to talk to Lilli. Please follow to the living room.

Said the words and went ahead to the living room.

It took more that a minute before the teenage girl followed with flushed cheeks.

Seeing this, Zykan can't help to;

*Are you not feeling well?

This girl heard the words and was in a hurry to shake her head.

This action, the man didn't only think that the girl is sick but also mute.

Ignored the weird behavior and went to say;

*I'm sure you already know that I gave some useful things to everyone as evolved humans. Those things are useless to you so let me ask the things you need.

Upon hearing the words, the girl want to confirm something asking;

*Is that want you want to talk about when you called me here?

*Well, is there any other things that we should talk about?

*Nothing! Maybe i'm tired from school to imagine things. Anyways, I want to have a date with you alone tonight.

The girl instantly returned to her usual self and became clingy as she said the words.

A simple man like Zykan, went to agree without any question and sheets.

He also want to buy a storage device for Lilli and other good stuffs useful to an ordinary human.

Let the girl prepare and head to the kitchen to tell the plan to everyone; and also gave the defensive necklaces where he spent almost all. his system currencies...