A Divination...

This princess was about to express her thoughts in words but a knock on the door sounded followed by;

*Sister Qy, it Meilie. Can I come in?

Upon hearing the words, gently took back her hands saying;

*Don't misunderstand. I just don't want for this sister to see us like this because she talk too much. She will surely ask you many questions so please go with it.

Gave a heads-up before opening the door.

This sister named Meilei, pulled Qy out of the room and quickly close the door.

Outside the room...

*Sister Qy, do you really want him to be your husband?

A good sister is behaving strange for this princess to worry and went to;

*Why Meilei,,, is there something wrong?

I don't know if this sister is worried or somewhat scared as she;

*Sister, i'm not telling you that he's evil but earlier when I was enhancing my skill to see things, I saw a scene where he destroy a whole Trial tower; the trial tower here in our planet.

Even if the words came from a very trusted someone, it's hard for this princess to believe what she heard.

To make herself believe;

*Sister Meilei, are you sure you saw it right? Did the experts say that the tower is indestructible?

*Sister Qy, you know how high my potentials in divination; higher than my grandmother. I'm sure of what I saw with no doubt. To prove it, his name is Zykan Aliguyon but the real name Zy from the Kan race. He suddenly appeared in your room this morning because the two of you are destined to meet. Ther...

*Stop it sister because I believe you? You said yourself that he's not evil so there's no reason to worry. I already decided that he will be my mate so let's go inside and know him properly.

*No, i'm going home. If he finds out that I peak on him, he might kill me on the spot.

But despite of what she said, still was pulled inside the room, directly bowed her head to avoid eye contact.

This diviner is already nervous and got scared when;

*To give you a heads-up, I heard your conversation from here. And to make things clear, it's true that I kill beings on the spot but never will kill the innocents. I should thank sister Meilei for the divination that gave me an idea on how to quickly level up. Clearing all the floors in the Trial Tower, I will definitely reach level two hundred right away.

*Wait,,, what!? So you really have the ability to destroy the whole Trial Tower?

It was Qy who went to ask and was;

*Well, one of my skill can. I just need to find a way to regenerate my arms in order to use that skill.

*Another condition again. So your arms right now are artificials?

*Yes. And the skill called Heavenly fist needs a real arm to generate it's power.

*What,,, another heavenly skill!? Are you one among the Heavenly beings who are blessed by the Heavens?

*Blessed by the Heavens? My adopted parents and the whole clan were killed by a beast when I was twelve years old. And just this morning before I came here, I found the remains of my biological mother; hunted during the time she's pregnant of me and died after giving birth. I think i'm both blessed and cursed for having powerful skills and losing some loved ones.

Hearing the words, as a wife who's present at the moment, went to hug her husband saying;

*I'm sorry for your loss,,, and I hope that you can go through it. You may be away from home but this place is your home too. I'm one of your wife and will always be here to support you.

The truth is, Zykan doesn't need any comforting because revenge is what he need, but still, the hug is warm and the words have special effects for him to feel better.

Went to hug back before;

*Thank you. Thank you for treating me as a family even if we just met today. If justice was given and revenge was avenged for my mother's death; and all the enemies had been eliminated, I will take you home to be with the others and there I would become the husband that everyone deserves. I just realized that it's not safe to go home or be with someone because the enemies of my mother which is my enemies have many ways to find me and will endanger everyone around me. I'll then walk the path to greatness alone and when everything is done, together we return home to live a peaceful life with everyone.

A peaceful life? This princess thought it's impossible but still went to believe. She also didn't offer her help knowing that this husband is more effecient when he acts alone. The only thing she can do is to;

*I believe that you can achieve what you desire and when everything is done, i'm just here waiting for your return.

Both said their words of emotions setting the atmosphere for a kiss. Slowly, four lips touch each other giving both a wonderful feeling.

It lasted for just a few seconds but worth a year of happiness.

When the two separated, it was Zykan who went to;

*If someone comes in here asking about me, tell them that I left as soon as I got your purity. In this way, no one will bother your family because of me. Before I go, I want you to join my party.

A party invitation was sent and was immediately accepted.

This diviner named Meilei who's like watching a typical kaydrama scene, unexpectedly;

*Can I also join your party? I know that it will drag your progress but i'm sure it won't be a big deal when you can destroy a whole Trial tower.

Without thinking about it, send an invitation and was directly accepted.

Upon seeing the party information;

*What the...Sister Qy, he's just twenty two years old and already reached level eighty seven. Even if he's a descendant of the Kan race, it's impossible to achieve this level in a short period of time.

The talkativeness of this diviner had return and said the words.

Qy on the other hand, she's as surprise as this sister but still managed tomaintain her demeanor saying;

*How can you still say it's imposible if you saw it happened with your own eyes? Zy my husband, I think your mother was hunted because she was pregnant of a being with very high potentials which is a big threat to them. If they found out that you're alive and getting stronger day by day, they will really hunt you down.

The guess is close but Zykan knew that it's not the main reason; it's all about the knowledge only his mother knows...