Limb Regenerating Potion.

Back to the room;

*Sister Meilei, where did you go? Did no one tell you to stay in the room? I was worried that you might meet the god level evolved being and become a plaything. With your beauty, even those gods couldn't resist.

Went to hold the hands of this good sister as she said the words.

With somewhat an embarrassed expression;

*Sister Qy, in fact, I met him on my way back after buying something outside. If brother Zy didn't save me, my first was taken away and even was forced many times.

*What,,, really!? But how? Those arrogant gods won't just give up unless there's a more advantageous alternative. Did Zy sacrifice a lot of his treasures? It's good that god accepted it.

With a wry smile;

*I think you've been underestimating your husband. The god who came here and was restricted by Heavens to level four hundred was killed by him in just a few seconds.

*What!? How is that possible?

Went to look at her husband as she said the words.

Not an arrogant and boastful male being;

*Well, anyone can kill someone who underestimates their enemy; using a sneak unknown attack.

*Nonsense! Even the strongest one in this city doesn't have the guts and ability. Husband, that's a level four hundred evolved being that you killed so don't talk like it's just a random loser.

*Well, your right. Anyway, I should be going and reach level two hundred as soon as possible. Now that gods are going around visiting planets to bully the weak, i'm worried that one might target the planet where I was raised; the home where my family lives. If the ability to teleport can be use, I can go there anytime when something suddenly happens that gives me a peace of mind.

Already accepted the fact that she can't keep her man and can only hug him for the last time saying;

*Be careful always and hoping for your success. I'm not going anywhere and here will wait for your return.

*Then I will make sure to be successful as soon as possible and return to you; to everyone.

Went to kiss her on the forehead, did not forget to say goodbye to the diviner named Meilei before leaving.

When the man left;

*Sister Qy, are you okay?

You can see the sadness in her eyes but still;

*I'm fine. It's just that I finally found the one for me but Heavens won't let us be together. I hope that fate is not cruel enough and let us meet once again. I promise to myself that if that happens, I will give my first to him and bear his child.

Having the same though but couldn't express instead;

*Sister Qy, Zy is one in a quantillion. being and won't be killed easily. Let's not worry too much and just live our lives as usual.

These is what sisters for as the two went to comfort each other; hoping that nothing bad will really happen.

At this moment, Zykan was already traveling on the air wearing full body armor with a jetpack at his back and thrusters equipped to his feet; become the fastest in the planet.

With the information he gained from the Yang family, he's in a planet called "Qyzeka"; a few universe away from Earth.

In order to regenerate his arms, the man is heading to a city called "Poson" where legendary potions were made.

If only the system shop has the potion Zykan needs, but surprisingly, there's no such a thing so he has no choice but to find the best place to buy this limb regenerating potion.

Poson city is located at the other side of the planet yet it took only a few hours for Zykan to travel.

Similar to King city, the city walls is the only security the place has for the man to enter directly.

Even if it's already night, Zykan still head straight to his destination.

There are many famous potion makers in the planet but with the recommendation of his wife, the man chose the Tang family.

This family has it's owm market with many shops that sell different good things.

As what he needed, went straight to the shop where potions were sold.

There are two female beings in the shop: old and young; and Zykan choose to ask the old one even the young one is nearer.

*Hello Elder, I want to buy a limb regenerating potion.

Seeing that the age is very young, this elder was patient to;

*Junior, I must remind you that the prize is too expensive. Even if I give you a discount, it's still heavy for a kid like you.

Feeling the pure intention, Zykan become more respectful as he;

*Elder, please tell me the prize for me to know if I have enough on me.

*Well junior, if you can at least come up with four hundred fifty thousand system currency, I can give you my own work.

When the young lady heard the prize reduced by fifty system currency, did not complain instead, happy for the young man to have a discount.

She doesn't know why but the man is like a magnet, attracted to him.

Worried that his current system currency is not enough, Zykan was relieved when he heard the prize.

Still polite to;

*Elder, I have four hundred fifty thousand system currency in me so please take out the potion and I will buy it.

These grandmother and daughter can't believe it but still trusted this young customer and went to take out the limb regenerating potion.

In Zykan's system screen, directly clicked the buy button.

The man thought that he got what he needed so;

*Elder, thank you for the potion. Goodbye.

Made a kung fu salute and was about to leave when;

*Hold on junior. Do you know how to use it and maximize the effects? Don't think you can just drink it and that's all. Tell me the condition of the patient and I will give you some advice.

This elder was awaken from being surprised and said the words.

Realizing that he took the situation lightly, thankful to this responsible elder and respecfully was about to explain when...