Five In One...

Zykan was given the chance to speak but once again interrupted by;

*Am I missing something here? How come I don't understand what you're talking about.

This young kid went to interrupt again for the elder to;

*Healy, throw this kid out of the shop and lock the door so that no one will disturb us again.

Awaken by the words, Healy went to drag the kid named Dann out of the shop.

*No sister Healy, let me stay.

But was mercilessly ignored by this sister and shut the door.

Now that there's no disturbance;

*Go on kid, say what you need to say.


*Is like this elder, I lost my right arm ten years ago while the left arm was cut more than one month ago.

Said the words as he took off his upper clothing before removing the artificial arms to show the missing part.

A knowledgeable aged evolved being like this elder;

*Is that a Proteanian beast? How come you were able to bond with it? It should only be paired with fellow beast.

Zykan thought that it's because of the modification made by Rianne for him to;

*It's because someone made it to pair with me.

*Well, I won't ask further more questions about personal matters. Then let's talk about your condition. There's no problem with your left arm that was cut not long ago but your right arm, I still need to formulate something to assist the limb regenerating potion.

Having an arm is enough for Zykan to directly;

*Please elder, I only need an arm so please help me regenerate it as soon as possible.

Seeing the urgency in those eyes, decide to take her new formulated potion saying;

*Drink this together with the limb regenerating potion and your left arm will regrow on the spot to it's highest form. It will also enhance your body to become tougher and stronger. This may be my most treasured work but it's worth for a specimen like you to inherits it's wonferful effects. Take it as a gift and I hope that you will remember the Tang family.

With those words, Zykan understood how good the potion is.

Went to accept the gift as he made a Kung fu salute saying;

*If the Tang family needs help in the future, I will try my very best to give support.

Said the words and directly went to drink the two potions.

Really what the elder had said, the left arm regenerates on the spot.

At first, it was a beast-like arm but slowly turned into a human arm.

The body, you can see on the skin that it became stronger and tougher. Seeing an unexpected reaction;

*Kid, are you aware of that scene just now? Do you know what it means?

With the knowledge given by his mother, of course he knows what it is.

In a firm tone, he said;

*If my elder is worried to my other bloodlines, among the five, I will always be on the side of the "Man" race. It doesn't mean that I will ignore the others and let the righteous ones be favored if war between the main races arises.

This elder who has knowledge in Science, she knew a little about crossbreading between races.

It's a fact that only two main races were successfully breed at the current time but now, she's looking at a result of five main races.

This explains everything why a kid was able to kill a restricted god; because he's already a god level as soon as he was born just with his mixed bloodline.

Without speaking for almost a minute;

*Grandma, are you okay?

Awaken by the words, immediately made a kungfu salute saying;

*Senior, strength is always be the basis of superiority and you sbould be my senior. This junior may be asking too much but can the senior impregnate my grandaughter with his seed.

Upon hearing the words, this granddaughter is blushing as she;

*Grandma, what are you talking about all of a sudden?

*Girl, you're too old to be shy. I know that you like him so better express your feelings. This is a one in a lifetime time opportunity and your greatest blessing that's why i'm giving you a head start.

To settle things faster, Zykan sent a party invitation saying;

*I still didn't reach the blessed level so join my party first and I will find you when I reach level one hundred.

This maiden is stupid if she rejects the invitation and directly went to accept it.

As soon as he saw the party information, the beauty can't help to;

*The Kan race?

When Zykan heard it;

*My mother is from the Kan race but I have no connection with them. I even consider the race as my enemy so never communicate with them. Well, it's time for me to go. I promise to find you when everything is settled on my side.

The big girl is shy but still;

*Then take care. I will be waiting here for you to come.

Now that there's a goodbye, didn't forget to say goodbye to the elder before leaving.

When the man left;

*Girl, from now on, stay at home and prepare yourself to be impregnated anytime. I will formulate a potion for you to take that can give your child the highest potential. Having such an existence in our family, a few will dare to bully us.

This granddaughter understands and immediately went to say yes without any nonsense.

On Zykan's side, he's already many miles away from the city and heading to where the only Trial Tower on the planet is located.

A few hours later...

Zykan arrived at a city near the Trial Tower and immediately noticed that something is wrong.

The west part of the city facing the Trial Tower is being reinforced; seems to be preparing from an attack.

Soon, he heard from someone that a big beast tide is heading towards the city.

He can't help to look at the direction and like a cat, went to check it out to feed his curiosity.

Came to the place located at the center of the city where heavily guarded by strong evolved being.

The man can tell that they are all above level one hundred fifty.

Seeing that he couldn't see anything, decided to leave when suddenly...