Chapter – 22 (Orario)

Orario is the strongest city in this world with many first-class adventurers. However, a selected few cities and countries across the world also have few adventurers that are Level 3 and above. The reason why many first-class adventurers are found in Orario is because it is the only city which has dungeon. That's why it is also known as Labyrinth City Orario.

Orario is also known as the center of the world and is located at the western corner of the continent. It is one of the three great unexplored regions.

It's already been night. The gates of Orario will close soon. Guards who were stationed at the gate to check the people who entered Orario were getting bored and started talking among each other.

Guard 1: Say, when our shift is over let's go to Pub and have some fun.

Guard 2: Yeah, yeah. You said the same thing last time and, in the end, you passed out of drinking, and I need to pay for that. So, no thanks. You can go by yourself.

Guard 1: Come on man, I already said sorry many times.

Guard 2: Why don't you take someone else instead of me.

Guard 1: I do that before, but they just left me in the Pub when I pass out. You are the only one who take me back.

Guard 2: You think I am your babysitter.

Guard 1: Just chill, man. I am joking.

Guard 2: Why don't you ask the Chief. I am sure he will be more than happy to accompany you.

Guard 1: *gulp* Ha-ha. Just forget what I said.


Both Guards: YES CHIEF!!!!

When both were on their way back, first guard spoke again.

Guard 1: It's already time to close the gate. No one will come at this time. Why is chief always so serious?

Guard 2: Shh. Keep your voice down or Chief will listen.

Guard 1: Yes. Yes. *sigh*

After confirming that both Guards had returned to their post, Chief nodded his head and decided to check other guards. The guard who was following behind the Chief spoke.

Guard 3: Chief, don't you think it's a bit harsh. It's already night and I don't think anyone will come. After all, it's dangerous to travel at night.

Chief: I know. But we should always maintain discipline. Once some guards started to slack off, others will soon follow along.

Nodding his head Guard became silent and just followed Chief during rest of the inspection. After the round was completed. Chief decided it's time to close the gate. So, he ordered.

Chief: Alright boys that's it for today. Close the gates.

All Guards: YES SIR!

Though just before they were about to close the gate, one of the guards who was standing on the wall noticed something and spoke.

Guard 4: Chief looks like someone is coming.

Chief: Now?

Chief then turned and looked at the direction guard was pointing. At first, because of night he didn't see anything. But just when he was about to scold the guard for false information, from the corner of his eyes he saw someone approaching.

The one who was approaching was 182cm tall. He was wearing Black coat and you could see the black sword's handle from the right-side of his shoulder. Because the person was still very far no one could see his face.


When chief was in the middle of his yelling, he suddenly stopped. That's because before he could complete his sentence, the person raised his head. The person was extremely handsome. His skin is as white as an elf. His dark black hair along with perfect face make him almost a perfect human.

But the Chief didn't stop because of his handsomeness. He stopped when he looked at his blood-red eyes in which 3-tomoes were rotating. When Chief saw those eyes, he felt his eyes blurring, as if he was sinking into boundless illusion, making him unable to extricate himself.

He hastily used his willpower to free himself from the illusion. After that he immediately looked away thinking.

'Chief: Dangerous.'

That person was Primis. He started his journey 2-days ago. He decided to reach Orario by taking a stroll to enjoy some scenery in the way. After that, just as he predicted he reached Orario on the 2nd night before Orario could close its gate.

Primis saw how chief looked away after seeing his eyes but didn't say anything and just kept on walking. Luckily for chief, Primis hadn't used the illusion of Sharingan. That was merely a power being emitted automatically by the Sharingan after it had evolved to the grandmaster rank. Even though after reaching Grandmaster rank, Primis has infinitesimal control over his power but looking directly into his Sharingan is still somewhat suicidal.

After Primis reached the gate, the guard standing behind the Chief yelled at him.


Chief: SHUT UP!

Chief looked back at the guard and shouted at him to make him shut. Guard became stunned when he was being yelled at instead of the latecomer. As he was wondering what is going on, Chief turned his gaze back at Primis. Then he put a smile on his face before speaking.

Chief: Sir, is this your first time visiting Orario?

Primis: Yes.

Chief: I see. Then sir you should hurriedly enter the city since it's closing time.

All guards became dumbfounded witnessing Chief behavior. Their Chief not only yelled at them but also at those who entered the city late. But right now, he was smiling.

'All Guards: What is going on?'

Chief ignored the looks given by his guards and was still looking at Primis with smile. Primis looked at the Chief for some time before nodding. Then he entered the Orario. After walking ten steps Primis stopped again and looked back at the Chief.

Realizing that Primis wanted to ask something, Chief straightened himself up and spoke.

Chief: Sir, can I help you with something?

Primis: Where is the guild?

Chief: Sir, this is the east-entrance of the Orario. Guild is located at the North-west area of Orario. So, it's still some distance away. If you want, I can send one of my guards to show you the way.

Primis: No need. This information is enough.

Chief: Sure, Sir. But sir you should hurry. Guild will close in 30-minutes. It always closes 30-minutes after we close the gates.

Nodding his head, Primis walked away again. Seeing Primis walking away Chief shouted again.

Chief: Sir if you need any help in future you can ask me. I will personally complete it for you.

Primis didn't stopped and just kept on walking. He just raised his hand showing he understood. The he disappeared. After Primis disappeared from the sight, Chief smile also disappeared and serious look appeared of his face. Guard that was standing behind the Chief asked.

Guard 3: Chief, why all of a sudden you became so polite. Isn't he just a normal civilian who want to become an Adventurer.

Chief: No. That person is dangerous.

Guard 3: How chief. He doesn't even have the vibe of an Adventurer. He is just a normal person.

(*Note: As mentioned in previous Volume. At Grandmaster Rank you have infinitesimal control over your power because of that you no longer release any energy, or aura or something making you appear like normal person.)



Chief: I also thought the same. And that's what makes him even more dangerous.

Guard 3: How?

That was the time guard finally noticed that his Chief was covered in cold sweat. He got even more shocked seeing this. This was the first time he had seen Chief behaving like this. After calming himself down, Chief continued.

Chief: Do you know my level?

Guard 3: Level 5.

Chief: Yes. But strength is not the only thing you achieved when you reach Level 5. The other thing you achieve is your sharpened instinct.

Guard 3: Chief don't tell me that man.

Chief: At first just like you said I also thought of him as a normal person. But my instinct started screaming. Warning me of the imminent doom.

Guard 3: Chief, you are exaggerating.

Chief: I am not. My instincts have saved my life many times. I trust them fully. By the way, did we ask his name?

Guard 3: No.

Chief: *sigh* Too bad. But since he has Black hair, and he wears Black coat and carry Black sword. Let's call me "The Black Swordsman".

Guard 3: The Black Swordsman.

Guard muttered under his breath. Chief ignored him and looked at the direction where Primis disappeared to before also muttering under his breath.

Chief: "The Black Swordsman". I wonder what changes you will bring to Orario. And whether it would be good one or bad one, I don't even dare to guess.