Chapter – 32 (Commotion)

When morning came everyone started to talk about the song that they heard last night. Everyone wanted to know who could sing such beautiful song and never had been heard of before. So, some sharp people deducted that, the person must had recently come to Orario that's why no one knew him.

Ladies were declaring their love for such singer and even saying they wanted to marry him. Children were singing trying to imitate the song. Pubs were being filled with Adventurers taking about this divine-singer and so on.

You can say that everyone was taking about Primis right now. Yet no one knew him. Just as Loki had sent some members of her Familia to investigate him, many strong Familia were doing the same. And in the end, they got a lead.

The lead was Guard Chief who saw Primis for the first time when he entered Orario. At first, he did not want to reveal but under the pressure of so many Familia he gave up and told them everything. But since even he didn't know Primis name, he used the title he had given him. Hence, one name was then spread throughout the Orario.


Now, everyone was talking about this "The Black Swordsman."

In the meantime, in the Hephaestus Familia. Hestia was talking with Hephaestus.

Hestia: Hephaestus, we have been best friends for so many years, didn't we?

Hestia brought her face closer to Hephaestus and said. Hephaestus moved her face back a little because Hestia was just too close.

Hephaestus: Y-Yes. So.

Hestia: Won't you help your best friend in her problem?

Hephaestus: Oh, if it's about letting you stay here more than one month then sure. As your best friend you can stay here longer. I don't mind.

Hestia got stunned by Hephaestus words. Last night they had been quarreling like cat and dog with each other. At that time no matter what Hestia said Hephaestus won't budge and told her that she could only stay for one more month. But now seeing this sudden change in her behavior, Hestia felt like something was wrong. But she put it in the back of her head for now and continued.

Hestia: No, that's not it. I want your help in something else.

Hephaestus: S-Sure. I-I will help as y-your best friend. B-But h-how about we t-talk l-later. R-Right now I-I have some w-weapons to make and r-repair.

Even though Hephaestus said she will help. She was not looking at Hestia but turning her gaze around the room. She was trying to avoid Hestia gaze because she knew what help she wanted to ask. It's about "The Black Swordsman".

However, she didn't want to help Hestia in this matter. Because just like Hestia she also wanted that "The Black Swordsman" join her Familia. The reason was because this was the first time someone was able to touch her heart. She could still feel the soothing effect of song in her heart, trying to ease her hidden pain.

That's why she wanted to find "The Black Swordsman" fast and made him join her Familia. She had already told her Familia members to investigate and find him as soon as possible. So, she was avoiding Hestia right now.

Hestia: Hephaestus, is your smithing more important than helping me.

Hephaestus: I-It's not that. A-Actually I have been w-working on these particular weapons for a long t-time n-now. S-So, I want to finish them fast. Yup that's the reason. I-I hope y-you understand Hestia.

After that Hephaestus hastily left for her workshop. She knew if she stayed here more than Hestia will soon see through her lie.

Hestia: HEPHAESTUS!!!!!




Loki: So, did you find him?

Finn: Not yet. We have already sent the Team which are good at gathering information. But still no clue so far. As for Ais and Riveria they went to Guild with our Familia Seal.

Loki was inquiring her Familia members about whether they found Primis or not in her Twilight Manor. Or whether there was any information that he had joined any Familia. But the results were disappointing. She then leaned back on her chair and started to think.

'Loki: Just where did "The Black Swordsman" go. From the description of the Chief guard, his height 182cm (6 feet). He wears black coat, black shirt, black pant, black shoes, black gloves and even his sword is black. His skin looks just like an Elf and on top of that he has blood-red eyes which has three black comma like symbols. It's hardly to believe no one saw him once he left chief guard. Because such person will attract attention no matter where he goes. If he didn't even, go to guild. Then just where is he?'

The reason why no one saw Primis when he left Chief Guard was because he had been hiding his presence. Because of that even if Primis was standing in front of anyone they won't realize it until they looked at him carefully. And the reason why Lunoire sensed him at the entrance of "Hostess of Fertility" was because he deliberately let his presence known to her.

As for why no one in Guild knew was because when they all were looking at him and Eina last night, Primis gazed at them all and put them under his illusion except for those Adventurers who were showing killing intent and then were killed in the Alley. So, you can say in the entire Orario only Eina knew his name.

Even if Fels and Ouranos try to search information about him then even they won't be able to find it because according to the staff no such person came last night. On top of that, Primis had deliberately filled his Level as 2. And Fels and Ouranos could tell that there's no way he could be Level 2.

'Loki: *smile* Now this is getting interesting. I now want to find you even more "The Black Swordsman".



As everyone was trying to find Primis, he was currently walking towards guild. Before entering the dungeon, he wanted to have a talk with Eina. Primis entered the Guild building and looked around. Guild was filled with many Adventurers right now. Because of Primis stunt last night and the information those Adventurers gathered so far. They really wanted to know whether he registered himself as Adventurer or not.

Many of them were crowding the guild staff for information but even staff didn't see him, so they can't answer any of these questions. The staff was having headache right now and were cursing Primis in their hearts. They never thought that Adventurers will bombard them with so many questions just when they opened the Guild in the Morning.

But Adventurers were not the only one. Even many Familia were pressuring them for the information. And since they brought their Familia official seal with them, it meant that their Gods and Goddesses were asking directly. So, they can't just ignore it. However, things became even more chaotic when members of three strongest Familia i.e., Freya, Loki and Hephaestus also came in equation.

They felt that they hadn't work so much in their entire life that they were working today. And right now, it's just Morning. They still had to go through all of this till Afternoon as well as Evening. So, they all started to hate Primis right now.

Primis knew something like this would happen that's why he hurriedly came in Morning to meet with Eina. Because knowing her if someone asked her, then she will tell them because of her gently personality. After all, it's just a name and Level. So, she won't find problem in saying that much.

Primis looked around and found that she hadn't arrived yet. Hence, he leaned on wall in the corner of Guild and closed his eyes waiting. Since Primis was always hiding his presence no one sensed him. As he was waiting, he sensed that some Adventurers were looking at certain direction or a particular person. So, he opened his eyes to see who they were looking at.

His eyes widened slightly when he saw who they were looking at. There's no way he won't know main characters of the story. He smiled slightly.

'Primis: Never thought I will meet her just on the second day of arrival.'

The person Adventurers were looking at was sitting at the corner alone. Everyone knew her. The one with Alias "Sword Princess". Ais Wallenstein. The daughter of hero who fought battle against the One-Eyed Black Dragon and injured its eye with the cost of his life. "Sword Champion", Albert Waldstein.

His death was also the very reason why Ais wanted to get stronger faster and hated monsters to the core. And, why she got Avenger skill.

Right now, Ais was wearing white and black battle cloth, black arm covers, and long blue boots. She had her armor over this consisting of a head guard, breastplate, arm guards, hip guards, and knee guards. You could tell she was ready to go to dungeon at any moment.

But right now, she looked bored. She had been sitting here since morning. She was already used to people gazing at her, so she ignored them.

'Ais: *sigh* How long will Riveria takes? But I have to say I never thought so many wants to know about "The Black Swordsman". Well, I won't say that I am not interested but still. *sigh* It's still boring just sitting her and doing nothing. I really want to go to dungeon to kill some monsters to increase my level fast.'