Chapter – 34 (VS Ais (Part 2))

'Ais: Unforgivable.'

Ais became very angry. Her eyes were now filled with rage. A glint passed in Primis eyes when he saw that hatred. Then she attacked. She was now clearly attacking with the intent to kill. She forgot that it was a spar.

Primis narrowed his eyes and decreased his strength even more. As a result, he got overwhelmed by Ais's attacks.

'Ais: He gets weaker again. Why?'

That's because in angry Ais had given up defense and put everything in offensive. This made it even easier for Primis to find the opening and weakness in her attacks. So, now he can use those openings while using less strength. Hence, it may be true that Primis was being overwhelmed, however, none of Ais attack still made a contact with him.




Ais also realized that at this point and got even more angrier which made her to attack even more ferociously.

After countless more exchanged, Ais's rage started to turn into shock. She didn't understand what's going on anymore. No matter what she did, it was pointless.

[Fool. To let the angry, take over was something a swordsman or swordswoman should avoid at all costs.]

'Primis: She is not the real swordswoman 'yet'.'


Primis chuckled inwardly but didn't explain.

Primis: *sigh* Are you done? If you are then stop wasting my time already.

Ais's rage reached new heights hearing this. She took some distance and started to use her skill. Suddenly black winds appeared around her, and it drastically increased her power. Primis looked at the black wind and got surprised.

'Primis: Hoh. Isn't that the skill she used when she was fighting Revis in plot. This skill is the combination both Ariel and Avenger. If I remember this skill is called...…'

Ais: Tempest-Avenger!!!!!

'Primis: Yup. That one.'

[She would have created this skill later in future. But because of you she created it now.]

Primis looked at Ais and answered Twilight.

'Primis: Looks like she wasn't genius for nothing.'

Then she pounced at Primis.




Sound of clashing can be heard. Right now, Ais had completely overpowered Primis. No matter how much Primis parry, dodge or deflect. Ais will always counter it with even more power than before. Now the battle had completely became one-sided. If anyone saw this, they will feel sorry for Primis.

However, Primis was thinking about something else.

'Primis: I guess she was not as disappointed as I thought.'


'Primis: But I must end this now.'

Primis looked at the black wind surrounding Ais. Even though, these winds made her a lot stronger, if she kept on using them, she will be the one who will get hurt severely. Because her body still can't handle such boost in strength yet.

After deflecting one more attack, Primis brought Elucidator at his waist length. After gathering magic in it, he did a horizontal swing from left to right.



Ais: Kuh!!!!!!

The force behind the slash not only pushed her back, but also stunned her body slightly. Then he flipped his wrist and swing again horizontally from right to left.


'Primis: Horizontal Arc.'

Ais: Ack!!!!!!


Second attack hit her right on the chest as she was blown away. She rolled on the ground for a few distance and stopped. She then tried to get up, but Primis stepped on her right arm which was holding the sword and brought his blade near her neck.

Primis: You lose.

Ais: N-No. I-I can s-still k-keep on f-fighting.

Ais gritted her teeth and said in trembling voice.

Primis: No, you can't. Look even your sword has left your side now.

Hearing this, Ais moved her gaze to her sword only to realize that it had broken completely. Even though Primis stopped Ais before "Tempest-Avenger" could hurt her, it still destroyed her sword.

???: That's enough.

At this time, a voice was heard behind. Ais was stunned by the voice, but Primis had no reaction to it. As he knew all along who was watching them. Ais moved her gaze towards the voice.

Ais: R-Riveria.

Yes. The person was Riveria Ljos Alf. The High-Elf. And the vice-captain of the Loki Familia. She had gone to Guild to gather information about "The Black Swordsman" in the morning with Ais. But once she returned, she failed to find Ais on her spot.

Whenever Ais and Riveria were together if Ais had to go somewhere she will always inform Riveria before. But this time she didn't. Riveria realized that something was wrong. She investigated and found out that Ais left the Guild Building some time ago. Riveria then followed her trails and found her walking towards the North-West direction.

After reaching the wall she heard Ais's voice and hid her presence to look from afar. She got shocked seeing Primis. The person they had been looking for since morning "The Black Swordsman". She never thought she will be able to meet him this soon. Of course, she also got dazed by his handsomeness, but hastily snapped out of it.

After that she saw both Ais and Primis confrontation which shocked her to the core. It was completely on-sided battle with Ais hardly getting any upper hand. She also heard their conversation and knew that the Ais sudden outburst was because Primis said she was a disappointment. She wanted to interrupt at that moment but got startled when Ais created a new move which was a lot stronger than even Ariel itself. Finally, when battle came to an end with Primis pointed his sword at Ais neck, she decided to show herself.




Riveria: Let her go.

Riveria spoke sternly as magic was gathering around her. She didn't like how Primis was pointed his sword at Ais neck. Primis looked at her and raised one of his brows. Then a mocking look appeared on his face.

Primis: Do you really think I am interested in killing some weakling like her?

Ais: ...…

Ais trembled violently hearing Primis words. Even after all the fighting they did, even after she created a new skill, but in Primis eyes she was still a weakling. Those words pierced her heart like knife.


Primis: Good fight? It's more of a waste of my time. It's true that as fight kept on going, she was becoming strong. However, on the contrary, I was decreasing my power. In other words, even after decreasing my power to almost Level 3, she still lost with her powerup.

Riveria: ...

Ais: ...

He then looked down at her Ais face and said coldly.

Primis: Pathetic. Since you are called "Sword Princess", I thought you would at least be good with sword. But you turned out to be a trash. As a swordswoman you should always keep your mind calm. Yet, you let your rage take over and charged without a second thought. You are a disgrace to swordsmanship.


Ais felt like her heart break into million pieces when she heard those cruel words. However, she can't deny that because she knew that let her rage took over her mind and control her actions. Unknowingly, tears started to appear in her eyes.

Riveria: YOU!!!!!!!!!!!