Chapter – 48 (Liliruca Arde (Part 1))

Primis continued his journey while killing all the monsters that came his way. Soon, he reached the stairs leading to 11th Floor. He stopped and frowned.

'Primis: I have reached the end of 10th Floor but still didn't see any shadow Ged and Lili. Do they go deeper floors?'

[I don't think so Primis.]

'Primis: Oh?'

[Did you forget who Liliruca Arde really is?]

Primis eyes widened slightly as realization struck him.

'Primis: A supporter. And as a supported she knows many short-cuts in the dungeon. Since she is with Ged, this means they must be returning for the day through the short-cut Lili must have provided.'


'Primis: Hmm. Let's see, if I hurry, I might be able to catch up to her at stairs leading back to 9th Floor.'

Primis then turned around and started walking the way where he came from. He increased his pace to reach Lili soon. When he returned to forest, he jumped on one of the tree branches and to another to increase his pace further.




Soon Primis reached the end of the Forest, jumped down, and continued walking. When he was almost reaching the entrance of 10th Floor, he heard a shout.

???: Hey you, why are you so slow. Damn.

He saw two persons. And as expected it was Ged, who was shouting at the small person height almost 110cm i.e., 3'7''. The person was wearing pale white robe which covers its entire body from head to down. Its head was covered in hood, and it was carrying a big bag behind. It's difficult to understand how such a small person could carry this big bag. But looking at it Primis smiled.

'Primis: Found you.'


???: .....

Seeing this a glint passed in Primis eyes.

Ged: Tch. Such a slow supporter but well I will just use you as a bait in case there are too many monsters. Hehe.

Lili: ...

Lili suddenly sensed something and looked up. Next, her body started trembling when she saw blood-red eyes staring at her from behind Ged. Ged thought she was staring at him and became enraged.

Ged: How dare a mere Supporter like you is staring at me.... Huh?

Though when he raised his fist to punch, he stopped when he realized that Lili was not looking at him but behind him. He turned around and stopped. As he was about to draw his sword, he stopped again realizing instead of monster it's person. He took sigh of relief and barked.

Ged: You Bastard. Can't you speak instead of standing behind me. If I was not in hurr….y....

However, his voice trailed off as he saw the full appearance of the person. Black Shirt, Black Pant, Black Shoes, Black Gloves with Black trench Coat on top of it and Black Sword behind. Then he thought about the person he saw last night at the entrance of the Guild Building.

Ged: A-Aren't y-you the one who I-I met last night? And t-the one everyone is l-looking for "The Black Swordsman". W-What a-are y-you doing h-her...e…..



Primis didn't answer and just stabbed his Elucidator into his chest. And the sword came out of his back. Ged looked at Primis with shocked expression. He moved his gaze down and looked at the Sword that had entered his chest. Blood started to flow out of his mouth.

Ged: Hrrgh!!!!! W-Wh…y...?

Primis: Because you are an eyesore.



Before Ged could say anything, Primis raised Elucidator straight. Severing him into two.



Once the two halves of Ged fell, Primis swung Elucidator at the side to remove any blood stains on it before putting it back into its sheath.


Next, he turned his attention at Lili. Lili was still shocked about what just happened. From knowing the person with such eyes was a human instead of monster to he was the one everyone in Orario was looking for "The Black Swordsman" to how he killed Ged just because he was an eyesore. Lili was taking time to comprehend what's going on.

Primis didn't interrupt her and just let her take her time. Soon Lili snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Primis. Her body was still trembling because of his Sharingan.

Primis: What's your name?

Lili: Y-Yes?

Primis: Name.

Lili: L-Liliruca Arde.

Primis: Occupation.

Lili: S-Supporter.

Primis: Familia

Lili: S-Soma Familia

Primis became silent after that and kept on staring at her. Lili looked down trying her best to avoid looking into Primis Sharingan. After some time Primis spoke.

Primis: Supporters can't survive in the dungeon without the help of an Adventurer. And since I already killed that Adventurer, this means your chance of return to surface unscratched has decreased drastically.

Lili: ......

Lili didn't reply though she also agreed with Primis. Supporters can't enter dungeon alone. They might have some lifesaving items like magic sword. Nevertheless, not all have such thing since Magic swords were extremely expensive. And Lili, didn't have such thing. She only had a dagger in case of emergency.

Primis: Liliruca Arde. Since I am the one who put you in such situation, I will give you an Opportunity.

Lili: O-Opportunity?

Primis: Yes. To become stronger.

Lili: S-Stronger.

Primis: If you accept my offer than I will make you a lot stronger. You will reach a height you never dreamt off. Still, it won't be easy. You will experience a lot of pain to the point you will even think death is better than living.

Lili: ...

Primis: Hence, I will give you an option. You can just go back to being a supporter like now or come with me. I will make you go through hell. But if you remain sane to the end then you will become so strong that no will be able to look down on you ever again. You might even get something else too. Like Warmth of a Family.