Chapter – 57 (Ophis)

Primis turned to see the owner of the voice. When he saw the person, a small smile appeared on his face.

'Primis: You are here at last. Progenitor of Snakes or The Infinite Dragon God, Ophis.'

Just like Primis said. The person in front of him was the one whom he came here looking for in the first place, Ophis.

Ophis current appearance was that of a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and black eyes. Her ears differ from a normal human as they had pointed tips, although her long black hair made this feature difficult to notice. Her dark eyes had reptilian slitted pupils. Her height is 137 cm i.e., 4'6''. She was currently wearing a provocative black Gothic Lolita dress which exposed her breasts, albeit with black cross-shaped tape covering her nipples.

As Primis was looking at Ophis to get a good read of Dragon God, Ophis was doing the same. Soon, Primis got surprised.

'Primis: She is first one to ever look directly into my Sharingan without being affected.'

'Ophis: Who is he? I can't see through him. Hmmmm. Maybe he can help me defeat the Idiot red.'

As Primis was deep in thought, Ophis spoke.

Ophis: Kill Idiot Red for me.

Primis: ...…...

'Primis: Seriously. She didn't even ask my name or introduced herself. She didn't even wait for me to answer her previous questions and directly asked for help. Isn't this too much?'

[Did you forget? Even though Ophis is a Dragon God, she is still a little girl who lived all alone in The Dimensional Space until she had to left because of Great Red.]

Primis took a deep sigh looking at Ophis again. Now, there was a rare gentleness in his eyes.

'Primis: Yeah, I forget that. She is an honest, pure, and naïve Dragon.'

[Yes. Because of that when she became leader of the Khaos Brigade, the three leaders of the Old Satan Faction and Diodora Astaroth, took advantage of her naiveness to gain more power without helping her in return.]

'Primis: Yeah. Since she is just a little girl, when some took over her home whom she can't defeat, she feels like she is being bullied. That's why she left to find someone who can help her. So, suddenly meeting the one who can help her, of course she will ask their help without realizing whether the said person will help her or use her for his/her goals.'


Primis sighed inwardly once again. Then he moved towards Ophis with a gentle smile on his face. Ophis just tilted her head but didn't take any action. When Primis reached her, he put his hand on her waist raised her like a child before putting her on his left Shoulder. Ophis became confused again but since she can tell Primis had no bad intentions, she didn't do anything.

Once making her sit on his shoulder, Primis looked at her again and spoke.

Primis: Ophis, right?

Ophis: Mn.

Primis: Why do you want to kill "The Great Red"?

Ophis: A world of silence. I would like to return to the Dimensional Gap that is my home... and reclaim that silence. That is all.

Primis smile now had a tinge of sadness.

'Primis: Sorry, Ophis. But I can't help you in that. Both you and Great Red are the Wächters of this Group. Assuming that I kill "The Great Red" then you will have return to being the Wächter again. When that happen, I can't take you away anymore. *sigh* I really don't want to lie to this pure little girl.'

Primis: Ophis would you like to come with me?

Ophis didn't answer and had same blank look of her face.

Primis: Well, just like you I also like "Silence". But I also want to travel to different world see many different and interesting things.

Ophis didn't answer and had same blank look. Although she could tell that Primis was not lying. At this moment, Primis took out a chocolate bar which he just brought from Twilight. Thought he just bought a normal chocolate not some best chocolate in the world because he had some plans.

He unwrapped the chocolate bar and broke it into two. After that he put one bar in his mouth and brought the other one near Ophis mouth. Ophis didn't understand his action but still opened her like Primis and ate it. Primis looked at Ophis with smile and waited for her to finish. Once Ophis done eating he spoke.

Primis: Was it good?

Ophis thought for moment before nodding her head.

Primis: Do you want more?

Ophis: *nod*

Primis: If you will come with me, you can have this daily. I will even personally make some for you every day and the one I will make will be a lot tastier than this.

Ophis went deep into thought. As for Primis, his mind had something else going on right now.

'Primis: Why do I suddenly feel like an uncle who is thinking of kidnaping a little girl by giving her the greed of chocolate.'


'Primis: Quiet.'


'Primis: ...…'


Primis decided to Ignore Twilight turned his attention back to Ophis again. Ophis who was in deep thought spoke after some time.

Ophis: Can I really have that?

Primis: Yes. But you have stay by my side from then on till forever. Are you willing?

Ophis didn't quite understand what Primis meant. Though she understood that she could have that dark thing called "Chocolate" if she will go with Primis. So, she didn't put much thought into it and nodded. Once she nodded Primis heard the same familiar voice again.




["Ophis, The Infinite Dragon God" has decided to give her everything to you in order to be by your side. She can now become Half-Member or Permanent Member. Please choose which do you want her to become?]

'Primis: Permanent-Member'



A Burst of light suddenly came and swallowed Ophis who was sitting on his shoulder. Soon light faded and there was a small fist size sphere which was emitting pale white light. Primis touched the sphere with his right-hand and brought it closer. In sphere he could see naked Ophis sleeping in fetus position.

[It's her soul.]

'Primis: So, her body was erased just now.'

[Yes. Once her new body is created, she will not only recover all her power but will also become 4th Level Existence.]

'Primis: Um. Time to return.'





It's already been 3 hours since dungeon had opened. Many Adventurers had gathered around Babel Tower and were entering one-by-one. "Hostess of Fertility" was also open by now. You can see many people having their breakfast inside.

Adventurer 1: Hey, can I have another serving.

Chloe: Sure, meow~.

Adventurer 2: Please give me more Ale.

Lunoire: Coming.

"Hostess of Fertility" was still lively as always. Or it would have been if someone was not releasing dark and cold aura. Ryuu, Chloe, Anya, and Lunoire who were serving the customers would occasionally glance at the person who was the source of this aura. When the person realized someone was looking at her, she will glare at them. That's the same for Ryuu, Chloe, Anya, and Lunoire. They hurriedly turned their gaze away.

The person who was releasing such dark Aura was Syr or Freya you could say.



Just like Primis had predicted, Mia hurriedly sent the message to Freya to warn her about the danger of "The Black Swordsman". When Freya first received the message, she ignored it and put it aside. She just kept on using her artifact to find Primis but to no vail.

When she got tired, she decided to take break. During the break she opened the letter sent by Mia and red it. After reading the first-half of letter she became stunned. She never expected that the person she was looking for all this time was having his meal in "Hostess of Fertility" with another girl. She felt like a fool. If she knew that Primis will be eating in "Hostess of Fertility" again then she won't have taken a break today.

Before returning, she decided to read the second-half too. After reading that her stunned look turned to shocked one. In the second-half, Mia explained how Primis tricked them into doing his work without even raising his hand. And the most dangerous thing was no one realized it till the last moment. Not even her, if Primis hadn't deliberately hinted them. Not to mention his sped which even she can't catch up to with her eyes. In the last part, Mia was warning Freya about how dangerous "The Black Swordsman" is.

Nevertheless, this only excited Freya more. Even she never thought that the person she was looking for was this manipulative. Once completing the reading, she hurriedly left the Babel Tower. She turned into "Syr" again and soon reach "Hostess of Fertility". Though, to her bad luck Primis had already left. Now she regretted her decision of staying at Babel Tower instead of returning here (Hostess of Fertility).

She became disappointed and entered the "Hostess of Fertility" to talk with others. At first, Chloe and Anya started to complain to Syr about how rude Primis was for grabbing their tails again and again. But when Lunoire pointed out about how much happy they were when Primis patted their head and caresses their ears before leaving.

This caused them to blush, yet they still denied it. But when even Ryuu entered the fray saying she also saw both wagging their tails, it was checkmate for them. Their face became red like tomato and they both looked away to hide it from other even though it was useless. However, when Syr asked them a question, all became silent, and a weird expression appeared on their face.

Syr: So, what's his name?

Ryuu: ......

Chloe: .......

Anya: ......…

Lunoire: ...….

Seeing their weird expression, Syr started to have bad feeling.

Syr: Don't tell that you all forgot?

All four of them looked away. They became very embarrassed. They can't believe they forgot to ask the name of "The Black Swordsman" 'again'. As for Syr, a resentful expression appeared on her face.

Anyone can tell even though it was only few hours that they had spent time with Primis, they enjoyed his company a lot. Because ever since she returned, they kept on talking about him.



That's the reason Syr was like this since morning. Let alone Ryuu, Chloe, Anya, and Lunoire. Even the guests present right now didn't dare to call Syr because of Dark and Cold Aura she was emitting.

At this moment, space wrapped on the top Babel Tower and Primis returned. He looked down on Orario. Just as he was deep in his thoughts, Twilight spoke.

[Return Home, immediately.]

'Primis: What happened?'

[Even though you have chosen Ophis to become Permanent-Member, she still hasn't become one yet and is still 'In-Process'. To complete this process, the creation of her new body is needed. And since you have gone to future to pick Ophis when she left the Dimensional Space, there is still Ophis of this time. If you don't go to your Home now, then the time paradox will happen and both Ophis will cease to exist.]

Primis narrowed his eyes and nodded. Soon, space wrapped again and Primis disappeared from his spot.