Chapter – 61 (Lili’s Change)

It's already been night by now. After Primis left this world to look for Ophis, till now it's already been more than 12 hours. Dinner Time you can say. Pubs were filled with Adventurers; Streets were bursting and so on. At this time space wrapped on top of Babel Tower and Primis came out with Ophis sitting on his left-shoulder. Because this was the first time for Ophis to see Orario, she just like a curios child was looking around. After some time, she spoke.

{Ophis: Primis, this world is very dirty. Air is polluted. I can even tell that the chocolate here will be worst compared to the one you made. Even people are very weak, and they are creating so much noise. Should I erase this world?}

{Primis: No.}

Ophis didn't say anything after hearing Primis answer. As for Primis, his lips are twitching.

'Primis: Girl, this world is at the time of "Age of Gods". Hence, this world is one of purest world in the entire Group.'

[Well, not her fault. Just a second ago, she was with you in your Home world. That world was full of Origin Force. Compared to Origin Force, magic of this world is less than a garbage.]

'Primis: I know. Just saying.'

Then, Primis closed his eyes and tried to locate Lili. Soon he found his connection with Lili and teleport himself to her location.




Opening his eyes Primis found himself in a dark alley. Looking around he found Lili at the corner. She was leaning against the wall and was surrounded by eight Adventurers in semi-circle to prevent her escape.

Adventurer 1: So, it was this bitch who stole our money yesterday.

Adventurer 2: Because of you those bitches from "Hostess of Fertility" beat us and throw us out.

Lili: N-No. I d-didn't steal anything.

Adventurer 3: Then how did you have so much money, Huh?

Lili: It's mine.

Adventure 4: You bitch stop lying. You must have stolen ours.


That Adventurer then hit Lili on the face and made her fell with brush on her cheek. Primis looked at everything without moving. He didn't try to save her yet because he was waiting for the right moment. Soon, others also started to beat Lili. When they stopped, Primis moved.

{Primis: Ophis.}

{Ophis: Mn.}

Ophis who was sitting on his Left-Shoulder got up and started to float in the air. Primis moved and appeared behind them. Lili, who was on the floor, raises her eyes and was met by Primis Sharingan. Seeing those eyes, she realized who that was and looked away.

Other also sensed that something and looked back. When they looked back, they became stunned. They didn't even sense when someone appeared behind them and got scared. They hurried drew their weapon but before they could do anything they saw a flash.


Adventurer 1: Arg!!

Adventurer 2: AHHHH!

Adventurer 3: M-My leg. Ahh!!!

Adventurer 4: Blood!!!

Adventurer 5: Save Me!!!!!

Adventurer 6: Why!!!!!!

Adventurer 7: Arg!!

Adventurer 8: AHHHHHH



Primis had already drawn his Elucidator and cut all their legs. Because of that now blood was flowing from their wound non-stop. Primis didn't even glance at them and looked at Lili who was slowly getting up. After getting up she looked at the carnage in front of her and got scared.

She had seen adventurers killing monsters and even saw Primis massacring monsters before. But this was first time she had seen other Humans with severed Limbs in front of her. Primis ignored their screams and put Elucidator back in its sheath.

{Primis: Ophis don't let anyone of them die yet.}

{Ophis: Mn.}

Adventurer 4: W-What is happening?

Adventurer 5: How could this be.

When Ophis heard Primis, she stopped the pain they are receiving and stopped the blood from flowing out. So, right now even though they are legless, they can't feel anything at all. Primis appeared in front of Lili and looked at her. Lili just looked down didn't dare to meet his eyes. She knew she had disappointed him. Primis had told her that so one was allowed to look down on her even if they were Gods, yet she still showed such appearance.

Primis didn't say anything. He knew that these Adventurers belonged to Soma Familia. The same Familia Lili belonged too. And the reason why Lili didn't fight back was not because she was weak but because she has been bullied by them since she was kid. As a result, her fear came back when they appeared in front of her.

Primis walked towards one of the Adventurer. That Adventurer already became scared shitless when he saw Primis approaching him. Though, Primis ignored him and picked up his dagger which he had dropped. After picking it up, Primis returned to Lili and give the dagger to her.

Primis: Take it.

Lili hands trembled sightly, but she still took the dagger. Primis then turned towards the Adventurer whose dagger it was and ordered.

Primis: Kill him.

Lili: W-what?

Primis: Kill him. And remember you must end his life in just one attack.

Lili: B-But.

Primis: Do it. Now.

Primis gave Lili a stern look. Seeing that she moved her trembling body towards that Adventurer. The Adventurer had already become pale and tried to crawl away. But Primis didn't let him. He drew his Elucidator again and severed both his arms.




Adventurer 7: AHHHHHHH!

Primis didn't stopped there. He severed the arms of other Adventurers too. And they started screaming. Since they had brought Lili to this alley so that no one can hear her plea for help, the same was now happening to them.

No one came hearing their voice because there was no one present. As for Lili, her body was trembling even more, and her eyes were full of dread. Nevertheless, she came out of her stupor when Primis ordered again.

Primis: Stop standing there. Move.

Lili trembled again and move. Soon she reached the Adventurer. Adventurer knows that he can't run anymore. So, he tried to change Lili mind.

Adventurer 7: L-Liliruca, don't forget we all belongs to same Familia. We have taken care of you when your parents left. Do you think you would have survived without our Soma Familia protection? It's true we bullied you, but we didn't even try to kill you because we are all a Family. It's common to have fight in a Family. You wouldn't kill your family member, right?

Listening to this, Lili stopped. It's true all this year Soma Familia had taken care of her. How could she bring herself to kill the members of her Familia? When Adventurer saw that Lili had stopped, he became happy. Just he decided to use more of these emotional attacks on Lili, but Primis interrupted.

Primis: What are you talking about?

Lili: ...

Lili turned at look at Primis. Primis also looked into her eyes and continued.

Primis: Don't forget it was never your decision to join Soma Familia. In the first place, you were never given a choice to choose. Parents love their child whether their child was strong, weak, or even handicapped. Parents don't want their child to become the richest man in the world or stronger person in the world. But if their child wants to become one then even though they will become worried they will support you fully. And even if you don't become one, they don't care because all they want for their child to live a happy life. So, tell me Lili, did you parents asked you what you want to be?

Lili: ...

Primis: When you were born, they didn't even look after you and ordered you to earn money for them instead. They never once thought of you as their child.

Lili: ...…...

Primis: When your parents die, The Soma Familia never took care of you and bullied you instead, making you lonely and isolated. Do you call this a family?

Lili: ...…

Primis: From the very beginning, you are own your own. You earn money by your own efforts. As a supporter, you were constantly looked down on by those you partied with. Where did this so called 'Family' went when you needed help the most? Instead of coming to help you, they joined with others to bully and stole the money you earned by your efforts.

Lili: .......

Adventurer 7: SHUT UP!!!!! Don't listen to him.

Adventurer 4: Yes, don't listen to him. We are the ones who take of you all this time.

Adventurer 8: YES! YES!

The adventurers on the floor realized thing were getting out of hand. They became happy when Lili stopped before but now, they were becoming scared again. Hence, they started to interrupt Primis. Too bad Primis just ignored them and kept on looking into Lili's eyes and continued.

Primis: Because of all that bullying, you decided to run away from the Soma Familia and become a normal citizen. But they found you and inflicted misery on the old couple who took care of you and gave you the warmth, by destroying their store and stealing their money.

Lili: ...

Lili trembled violently when she heard this. That old couple take care of her and gave her the warmth that she never received in her whole life. They were very kind. But because of the Soma Familia that very couple started to hate her. Putting all blame on her because their misery.

Primis: In your parent's eyes you were just a slave whose work was to earn money for them and same is the case of other Members. How can they let free money-earning machine to go and live as a normal civilian?

Lili: ...

Adventurer 7: SHUT UP!!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Primis continued.

Primis: And don't forget the most important thing. You decided to give your everything to me, so that you can become stronger and can have whatever you wanted.

Lili eyes opened wide. Now she had sorted everything in her mind and knew what to do. She turned and walked towards the Adventurer. Her hand was holding dagger very tightly. Even though her hand was still trembling, it was a lot less than before.

Adventurer 7: Wait, don't listen to him. He is just bullshitting.

But Lili didn't stop and reached him. Then she raised the dagger. At this time, she heard Primis again.

Primis: Don't be controlled by your Rage and Hatred. You should be the one to control it. Give it the direction.

Lili stopped and nodded before putting the dagger on the Adventurer's neck and cut it.


Blood started to flow out of his neck. His eyes opened wide. He can't believe he will die like this and at the hand of the one whom he had always looked down on. Lili was still looking at the body which fell. She killed him with just one attack like Primis told her.

Primis: Next.

She turned her gaze to other and started walking towards them. Seeing that Lili was approaching them other Adventurers become scared too. Lili moved towards the second Adventurer and cut his neck too. Once she killed fourth Adventurer, her hands stopped trembling. Soon, she killed all of them. Primis was looking at this with his same calm expression. Same was the case of Ophis who returned to Primis and was now sitting on his Left-Shoulder again.


Lili: W-What did I did---- Grbph!!!!!!!!

After Lili killed the last Adventurer, dagger fell from her hand, and she started vomiting. This is the first time she killed someone. According to the plot, Lili would have used her hatred for adventurers as an excuse to trick and steal from them. Even at that time, she never killed them with her own hands but left them to die at monster's hand. However, Primis changed this.

Lili: W-Why---- Grbph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lili was vomiting nonstop and Primis can see tears and snot which was coming out of her eyes and nose like a stream. Because Primis could sense Lili's heart he knew that the currently Lili was very unstable. Still, he didn't try to comfort her at all.

[Why are you not going to her?]

'Primis: There's no point.'


'Primis: Lili has tendency of depending on someone who comfort her. Right now, she is at her weakest. If anyone tries to comfort her now, then she will become dependent of that person. Once such dependence is made its very difficult to remove it. In case I will comfort her now then the same thing will happen. Because of that in future if she does something like this again or falls into a difficult situation then she will come to me to comfort her. And in case someday I was not there to comfort her then it will be a very heavy blow to her heart that will break her. So, it will be good she rises on her own feet and don't depend on others.'

[I see.]

'Primis: Yes. Today is going to be a very difficult night for her. Since this is her first kill, she will have nightmares too.'

[Yes. Even though it's very cruel, but if she passes this night then she will mature drastically.]

'Primis: Yes.'

{Primis: Ophis, make sure no one hear us and come here.}

{Ophis: Ok}

Ophis nodded.

Time went by. After few minutes, Lili stood up. She looked at the corpses one last time and then turned to Primis. Primis looked into Lili eyes and became happy inward. Lili eyes no longer had that childish look. Her eyes were cold because now she was not letting her hatred for Adventurers control her, instead she was in control now. Still, Primis could see a hidden warmth in those eyes. But that warmth was only directed on him and no one else.