Chapter – 64 (Ophis Tears)

Primis reached Soma grabbed his hair and raised him. From the look of Soma face, anyone can tell it's very painful for him. Once his face reached in front of Primis face, Primis punched him down on the ground again.



Soma fell on the ground. Next, Primis just kept on looking down on him. Soma body started trembling in rage. He raised his head and looked at Primis.


Primis: Enough.



Soma: Grbh!

Primis just said one word before slamming his foot on Soma head with some force, making his head falls on the floor again. Soma never felt this humiliation in his entire life. Neither in heaven nor in this lower world.

Mortals and Gods, both respected him because of his divine wine. His master wine, which bore his name, can instantly intoxicate a person with just a single sip. Even his failures were highly sought for, reaching an astonishing value of tens of thousands of valis easily.

Yet today not only a mortal said his wine was disgusting but also humiliating him. This made Soma anger to no end. And so, power started to come out of him. Soma had released his Divinity. Once a God or Goddess released their Divinity then it can be sensed across entire Orario. But since Ophis had already sealed this place, his Divinity can't be sensed by others.

Divinity worked like a domain, suppressing everyone around them. Making them kneel before the God. Soma also thought that Primis would kneel because had already raises his foot which was on his head. Soma slowly raised his head to look at Primis, but to his surprise Primis was still looking down on him without being affected.

Primis: Are you done with your child's play?



Soma: Aargh!!!

When Primis was done speaking, he kicked Soma right on the face again and he was thrown back crashing at another shelf. Soma can't believe what just happen. Primis was not affected by his divinity at all. This had never occurred before. No mortal could stand in God's presence when they release their Divinity. So, this shocked him to the core.

Soma didn't know that Primis was someone who could see Ophis true form without being affected at all. That form was not something anyone in this Group can gaze upon. In front of that form, God's Divinity wouldn't even hold a candle.




Step by Step Primis walked towards Soma who was still stunned after witness all of this. When he reached him, he drew out his Elucidator.


Before Soma could come out of his thought, Primis swung this Elucidator and severed his arm.

Soma: AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Soma severed arm was thrown aside as he screamed on top of his lungs. Primis didn't show any change in expression witnessing this. Soma was holding his severed shoulder as blood was flowing out like stream.

Primis: Liliruca Arde. She was a member of your Familia. Her parents belonged to your Familia and didn't look after her. On top of that, they ordered their newborn child to earn money for them instead. As the head of the Familia where were you at that time?


Elucidator moved and severed his leg this time.

Soma: AAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soma screamed again but Primis ignored it like before and continued.

Primis: When her parents died, your Familia members didn't even take care of such little girl instead bullied her. Where did you die of to that time?


Soma: AAAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Primis severed his remaining leg this time.

Primis: Still she kept on persisting and try to earn money for living. And what reward did she get of all the pain and persisting, her very own Familia Members beat her and took away her hard-earned money which has barely sufficient for a single day meal for her. Where were you that time?


Soma: AAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Primis severed his remaining arm too making Soma armless and legless. Primis voice was becoming more and more colder as time went by. Primis put Elucidator back in its sheath and looked down coldly at Soma.

Primis: She cried every night and prayed and plead to the only God she was affiliated with "The God of Wine, Soma". And you were here creating your disgusting wine without any care.

Primis then turned and walk towards one of the shelves which was still not destroyed. He picked up a jar full of Wine and threw it at Soma with some force.



Soma: Argh!!

The jar broke when it hit Soma and all of it content fell on him. Still, Primis didn't stop there kept on throwing one jar after another until there was none left.



Soma: Ah!!!



Soma: Grh!!



Soma armless and legless body was now covered from head to toe in wine. And because of the force at which Primis threw at him, he was also seriously injured. So, blood and wine were completely mixed. After throwing all the jars, Primis stopped and continued.

Primis: Everyone said that if you have faith in Gods and plead to them wholeheartedly, Gods will always listen to their prayer. Too bad, they don't know how wrong they are. Because Gods don't care one bit about what happens to them. They are busy doing their own work.


Saying till here Weiß lightning started to gather in Primis left-hand and touched the mixture of wine and blood on the ground. Soon lightning reached Soma and engulfed him. Soma screamed echoed throughout the room.

Soma: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a result, not only, Soma was burned alive but even all part of body like Organs, Tissues, Flesh, Bones all experience this pain. Primis looked coldly at Soma before walking away.

Primis: If you Gods can't even take care of your Familia then you shouldn't create one in the first place.


Suddenly a burst of power came from behind Primis. Primis hurriedly used his magic to protect himself before looking back. Soma power kept on increasing and another burst of power release from his body.


This time Primis took five-steps back even with his shield. Primis was feeling a huge pressure on his body. Even though he was still standing straight, the sound of his bones cracking could be heard.




Primis: So, this is the power of Gods when they use their Arcanum.

Said Primis as he kept on looking at Soma whose body which was recovering rapidly. All his detached Arms and Legs returned to his body and attached themselves. Soon, Soma recovered completely.

Divine Power was flowing out of him, and his hairs were waving in the air. Granted that he was outside, all the mortals would have kneeled before him by now. Nevertheless, since Ophis had sealed this place no one can see him. Because of this even laws of world can't see Soma otherwise he would have been forcibly sent him back to Heaven by now. Soma was now looking down on Primis. His gaze was of someone seeing those standing at the lowest while standing on the highest.

Soma: Mortal. You will pay the for your sins.

Primis: Did you even heard what I said just now?

Soma: I don't have time to talk and listen to those of like you.

Primis: I see.

Soma: Any last words, Mortal.

Primis didn't say anything and kept on looking into Soma eyes. Coldness had already filled his heart. Primis hatred for Gods were to the point that he wanted to slaughter every single one of them. There must be some exceptions like Hestia and some others. But even then, he won't trust them fully.

He still remembered the face of each of his brothers dying in front of him and smiling sadly at him. He still remembered even when they felt betrayed, broken, and dying they didn't even think about their family back at Home. He still remembered how all of them looked with sadness filled eyes and only said one line which he still heard in his dreams even now.



All Soldiers: Sorry for leaving you all alone brother.




Soma: Argh!!!!

Primis: HOW DARE YOU!!!!!

A burst a power released from Primis this time. The power was so much that even Soma Arcanum failed to protect him, and he was thrown back. Soma hit the wall behind him and fell. All his bones, ribs, limbs, internal Organs were broken and this time they were not healing. In front of Origin Force, which Primis released unconsciously because of his rage, Soma Arcanum was useless. The pressure on Soma was too much that his body was being destroyed and he can't even move.

This time dread grabbed Soma's heart. He somehow turned his head and looked at Primis. Primis was right in front of him, but he was looking down on him. Soma can't see Primis face but only see his blood-red eyes and that scared the hell out of him.

There was nothing in those eyes. No anger, No joy, No Sadness, No pain. Seeing this Soma just wanted Primis to go away. He felt sick. He felt hurt. His stomach felt heavy. Then he saw a next scene which broke him.



God: G-Gaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!

There was a scream.

He saw the back of a person. The person was wearing Dark Blue color clothes. His arms were covered with brown and dark-brown sleeves but his right-arm there was a deep golden color armguard which completely covered the arm from wrist to his shoulder. This person had two shinning blades in his hand. One representing Day and Other representing Night. One of blade was buried deeply in the person in front of him.


A howl erupted from the lips of the person. As he swung the sword in his right-hand at one's neck, the sword in his left-hand came down to split another one's head. Everyone that Soma saw die pathetic death.

Another God: You'd kill...… You'd kill a God?

Another God came out from the side and said in solemn voice. But the person didn't even turn to him. After some time, he said flatly.

???: Kill you? I have no choice but to destroy you.

Another God: Why? Why do you relentlessly seek our destruction?

???: It asked you who create and destroy worlds just for entertainment.

Another God: You have lost your mind. We are carrying out justice. We are the one to decide. Do you not realize your folly?

???: Words are no longer needed. Now is the time you to compensate their lives with yours. If you're worthy!

The person then pointed his blade at the God.

???: Now, resist. That is the duty of those who still cling to life!

The God also readied his weapon. The person and the God charged at each other.



The battle was over in an instant. The God won't say anything ever again.

???: Even this will not bring it all back.

His voice kept gnawing in heart. The person finally turned, and Soma saw his face. When Soma saw his face, he felt like of his world was shattering. His body started to tremble violently because of sheer fear. The person spoke again.

???: I am the Harbinger of Catastrophe. The God of Destruction. My name is...



??? & Primis Rigla: Primis Rigla

The person and Primis became one. Right now, Soma was afraid, and the fear of death had already gripped his heart. Primis power kept on increasing. The sealed space started to crack.



Primis: Come Auro----

Ophis: Primis.

Primis stopped when he heard Ophis soft voice near his ear. He turned his gaze to Ophis.

Primis: !!!!!!!!!!

Ophis had already reached him, and her face was now covered in tears. Primis hurriedly stretched his hands and caught her. Next, he hugged her tightly in his embrace. Ophis body was trembling.

Ophis: Primis, don't be sad. It hurts.

Primis: ......…

Primis took a deep breath few times to calm himself down.

'Primis: *sigh* To think I let my rage get the best of me and made Ophis sad. I really am the worst.'

Primis started to caress Ophis head tenderly to calm her. Since both his and Ophis heart were connected, Ophis also felt his rage. But before she could get angry, boundless sadness which was hidden in that rage assaulted Ophis. That's why Ophis started to feel more pain and sadness than rage.

Primis: Thank you, Ophis. You calm me down.

Ophis: Mn.

Ophis nodded but didn't raise her head from his chest. Primis gaze had already turned gentle by now. He looked at Soma who was looking at Primis and murmuring.

Soma: I am s-sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry...…

But Primis ignored it and drew his Elucidator before stabbing it into his heart. Then he sent his lightning from his Elucidator and engulf Soma completely.

Soma: I am s-sorr- AAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Primis: Ophis remove the seal.

Ophis: Mn.

Ophis just snapped her finger and seal on the room was removed. Still, she didn't raise her head from his chest. The moment seal was removed, Soma also died.

The pillar of light rose in the sky. This light was seen by everyone in Orario. And everyone can tell that a God was sent back to heavens. But what happened next shocked everyone including Gods and Goddesses.

Soma: AAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soma soul shaking screamed echoed throughout the Orario. No matter who it was except for Lili whose room was sealed heard this scream and shivered.

Primis ignored it and left Soma residence. He looked at Ophis in his embrace.

'Primis: This girl saved me again.'

[Yes, she did.]

Primis look a deep sigh and kept on caressing Ophis.

'Primis: Twilight, there is something I want to ask.'

[What is it?]

'Primis: You told me that my "Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan" had already been unlocked but you sealed it because I am not strong enough to use it, right?'


'Primis: Is there a way to temporary unseal it?'


'Primis: ......…'

[......…There is a way. But you can only use it for one attack. And that attack will either be Tsukuyomi or Amaterasu or Kamui. On top of that, once you done using it, it will be sealed again. In case you want to temporarily unseal it again then you must wait for a year.]

'Primis: Don't worry one time use is enough for me.'

[Ok then I am unlocking it.]

Primis turned and looked at the pillar of light which was disappearing and muttered.

Primis: Don't worry, Soma. You won't be only one. Another Goddess is going to join you soon.

Once Primis done muttering, 3-tomoes in his eyes started to spin and merged. Primis closed his eyes and opened them again. This time there was a new pattern in them. Primis "Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan" had finally seen the light in this world.