Chapter – 68 (Promise)

Aisha: B-But why do you want to destroy our Familia. I-I don't think anyone of us have offended you. Then why?

Even though Aisha said so she herself was not confidence in what she was saying. Her voice was breaking as she was trying hard to hide it.

Primis: You don't need to know.

Aisha: ...

Primis: Where is she?

Aisha: S-She... S-She...

Aisha started to wonder whether to tell hm or not. Because she thought that the reason Primis wanted Haruhime was because of her skill "Uchide no Kozuchi". Too bad, Primis had no interest in that skill because once Twilight will implement new skills to Haruhime, all her previous skills will be overwritten.

Primis: Are you going to open your mouth, or will I make you?

When Primis said that his Sharingan suddenly changed and Mangekyō Sharingan was activated. Aisha looked at Mangekyō Sharingan and a sense of dread filled her heart.

Primis: Where?

Aisha: S-She... S-She...

Primis: Look into my eyes.

Aisha: ...…...

Primis: Now.

Primis ordered. Aisha body trembled again but did what she was ordered. She reluctantly looked into Primis eyes. When their eyes met, Aisha suddenly stopped and soon light faded from her eyes. Now, Aisha was looking at Primis with blank look. It just like when you hypnotize someone. Current Aisha was in Primis full control. Primis asked again.

Primis: Where is Sanjouno Haruhime?

Aisha: She is at----

Aisha became silent again during the half-way and that's what Primis was waiting for. Soon Aisha face distorted in pain. Her head started hurting. She held her head with both her hands and started screaming.

Aisha: AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even when Aisha was screaming, Primis had no change on his expression. He just kept on looking at Aisha with indifferent look. After sometimes he narrowed his eyes.

'Primis: It's here.'

Since Primis was controlling Aisha, he sensed another power that attacked him. The power was trying to get rid of Primis control from Aisha to take over. This power was none other than Ishtar's. The power she used to control her servants and sex-slaves. That's also why Aisha can't tell Primis Haruhime's location because in a way it was basically going against Ishtar.

Sensing how desperately the power was attacking Primis mind, he smiled. Even Freya failed to charm him. Let alone Ishtar charm which was a lot weaker than that of Freya's?

'Primis: Scram.'

When Primis said that the power that was attacking him suddenly stopped and burst.


Primis hurriedly increased his power to protect Aisha mind otherwise she will become vegetable. The reason why Freya was able to take control over Ishtar's servant in the plot was because instead of destroying Ishtar charm it overrides it. That's why they didn't become vegetable. Still since Primis didn't have charm power he can only destroy it. Once getting rid of Ishtar power, Primis asked again.

Primis: Where is Sanjouno Haruhime?

Aisha: She is at the next floor. Last room.

This time Aisha said without any problem. Primis nodded his head.

[Hey, Primis. If you can do it in the first place, then why didn't you used it in the beginning?]

'Primis: Nothing good will come out it then.'

[What do you mean?]

'Primis: In case I have done that before then I have to forceful control her mind. That time both her Mind and Ishtar power would have fought against me. I would have won but the damage to Aisha brain will be irreparable.'


'Primis: Hence, when I showed her my strength, she understood that she was not by match. Because of that both her mind and body started to feel weak. As a result, it became easier to control her mind. Instead of Three-way it became Two-way War.'

[I see.]

Next, Primis turned his attention back to Aisha. Aisha was still looking at him with blank expression. Waiting for his order. Primis snapped his finger instead.





Light returned in Aisha's eyes. She held her head and looked around. Only to find herself back in Ishtar Familia tower near window. Her previous location. She became confused about what happened just now. Then suddenly a voice sounded behind her again.

Primis: Welcome back.

A chill went down her spine. Though instead of attacking, this time Aisha hurriedly jumped away to maintain some distance. Primis followed Aisha movement with his eyes but didn't try to stop her. After making some distance Aisha looked back at Primis. Next, she opened her eyes widen as she remembered everything. Pointing her finger at Primis and she asked in shaky voice.

Aisha: W-What d-did you do t-to m-me?

Primis: Nothing.

That's all Primis said. Aisha became afraid after remembering everything. From how she killed Primis; he turned into Ravens then a different world then how she saw those demonic eyes; their conversations and how she fell under his control and told him everything. That's what scared her the most. She realized how under his control she lost control over both her mind and body. That time her only purpose in life was to obey his orders.

Even Ishtar charm didn't make her feel this helpless. She hurriedly took even more distance away. Right now, she didn't even want to stay in his presence.

Primis ignored her and started walking towards the way leading to next floor. Now that he knew Haruhime location, he had no intention to staying here anymore. Aisha saw this but didn't try to stop him. At this point, she heard Primis again.

Primis: You are free from Ishtar control. Leave now. This place is going to become slaughterhouse soon.

When Aisha heard this, her body trembled.

Aisha: Y-You were serious that time. You think you can do t-this. Do you really think Ishtar will let this go if you will kill every one of her Familia?

Primis stopped and looked back at Aisha.

Primis: When I say I slaughter everyone of this Familia this means everyone including Ishtar herself.


Primis: Do you really think I care about such stuff?

Aisha: ...…...

Primis then turned continued walking again. He had already wasted too much of his time here. Aisha saw this and thought of something.

Aisha: W-Wait.

But Primis didn't stop and kept on walking.

Aisha: Wait. Please.





Primis stopped when Aisha went on her knees and slammed her head on the ground hard. She slammed her head so hard that blooded started to tick down her head.

Aisha: I know that I am in no position to ask but still I have a request. I don't know what you need Haruhime for but please don't hurt her. She is a very gentle, timid, well-mannered, and extremely kind girl. She is respectful of everyone she meets and is eager to help when given the chance. But the only thing she experienced is pain and more pain. So please I beg of you please don't make her experience more pain. Please.

Primis remained silent before he started walking again. Aisha was still on her knees and her head on the ground. Since she can't stop Primis, begging was all she can do. Still Primis didn't say anything. Soon he reached the end, opened the door, and left for the next floor. Just as Aisha was going to give up, she heard something before the door closed.

Primis: I promise.