Chapter – 76 (Battle of Eyes, Sharingan VS Sharingan)

(*A/N: Here goes 2/3 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)




The battle between Primis and Dark Primis just keeps on becoming more and more ferocious. They even started to use their Lighting in their body to make themselves even faster. They have already reached several kilometers away from where their battle started.





They both are looking at each other with their Elucidators colliding with each other to overpower other. No one know how much time has passed but they didn't care either. Even when they are fighting for such a long time, no one was able to injury other party yet.

Suddenly, Primis kicked at Dark Primis chest. Dark Primis dodged it Swing his sword at Primis neck. Primis duck and took a turn of 180 degree and attack with other kick. Dark Primis also kicked. But instead of overpowering Primis kick, he makes the use of its force and jumped back.

Primis didn't follow and just stay at his place. After Dark Primis get his footing back, he looks back at Primis. There is still the same evil smile on his face. Primis and Dark Primis just keeps on looking at each other. Soon, the intensity of their Sharingan increased even more.

If there was someone else then that person would have pissed his pants by now. Because in this darkness you can't see anything at all. Except two pairs of Blood-red eyes that are looking at each other like they want to devour other.

The reason why the intensity of their Sharingan increases, is because of the darkness. They are fighting in this darkness which is a very good tonic for Sharingan to increase its might even more. They moved again and clashed.






The first one to get injured was Primis. Even though he dodged at the last moment, the attack still injured his shoulder and blood started to flow. But Primis didn't show any change in his expression and spoke.

Primis: Weiß Amnis


A pure white lighting released from all the pores of Primis body in every direction. Dark Primis was hit by it and took some steps back. Because of their body "The Primordial One", they won't get any status effect like poison, paralysis and so on. And because they both use Pure Lighting; Lighting has no effect on either of them.

But Primis didn't use it to damage him or paralyze him, but use its force to throw Dark Primis away. After Dark Primis was pushed away, Primis also stopped using "Weiß Amnis" and look at his wound. Even though it has already started to heal, since their body provides them with high Regeneration ability, he is still rewinding the image in his mind about how Dark Primis injured him.

Primis turn his gaze back at Dark Primis and attacked. He has to see it one or two more times with his Sharingan to understand it. Dark Primis already knows what Primis is thinking but he didn't stop. Both of them clashed again and soon.


Primis got injured again. This time it's his chest. Primis ignored it because now he knows what is going on. Since both of them are Grandmaster, they both use feints in their attacks to confuse their opponent. But feints are completely useless against them since their Sharingan can see through it easily.

But it became a completely different story if you will even add Illusions in them. That's what happened. Dark Primis used feints at Primis. Primis ignored the feints and try to deflect the real attack. Only to realize that the attack he tries to deflect was an Illusion and the real one came from another direction. That's how he got injured.

At first, he didn't understand and continue fighting. But this time Dark Primis turns real attack into an Illusion and his feint was real attack. So, Primis got injured again. Primis look back at Dark Primis and keeps on clashing.

Primis: Weiß Blade


Pure White Lighting condensed together and a blade was made which moved towards Dark Primis at an extreme speed. Dark Primis dodged it at the last moment because he saw through it with his Sharingan, "Eye of Insight". Dark Primis has a smirk on his face but in the next instant it turns into astonishment.




Blood is flowing out of his shoulder and left- thigh. He looks down and say that many Pure white needles have penetrated his skin. Soon the Illusion came off and he saw that Primis in actuality didn't use "Weiß Blade" but instead used "Weiß Acus".

Primis puts an Illusion of " Weiß Blade" to hide his real attack that was "Weiß Acus". He even used the wrong word, so that Dark Primis didn't find it. Dark Primis used his own Lighting and destroyed these needles. Even though lighting has no effect on either of them, it still contains penetrating effect.

Primis and Dark Primis didn't move forward but Magic started to condense on their Elucidator. When it reaches the limit. Both of them attacked at the same time.

Primis: Hex Rend

Dark Primis: Hex Rend

A magic slash in the shape of Crescent Moon was released by both of them. Just when both of them collides. Dark Primis "Hex Rend" easily cut through Primis "Hex Rend" and reached him.

"Hex Rend" can be used in two ways. First is to use your magic to increase its sharpness. By doing this, it can cut throw anything. Another is to use your magic to increase its power. By doing this, the moment it hits, a big explosion will happen.

Primis increase the power of his "Hex Rend" whereas Dark Primis increases its sharpness. So, Dark Primis "Hex Rend" directly cuts the Primis one into two. Dark Primis "Hex Rend" soon reach Primis and cut him into. The two body parts of Primis instantly disperse into six Ravens.








The moment Primis was slashed into two, his "Hex Rend" which has divided into two explodes. Debris is flying everywhere. Suddenly, Primis appears on top of Dark Primis and condensed "Weiß Blade" in his left-hand and attacked. Dark Primis didn't try to defend himself and when attack hit him, he also disperses into Ravens.







Primis didn't stopped and attacked at his right side. That's where Dark Primis was. Dark Primis jumped back and dodged it. OR so, he thought. He senses something and dodged to the left. This move saved his life. As a Pure White Lighting Blade penetrates through his chest and came out of his back.


He looked back at Primis and realizes what he did. When Primis suddenly appeared on top of him and attacked with his "Weiß Blade", in actuality it wasn't the "Weiß Blade" but his Elucidator. And when he attacked with his Elucidator, in actuality it was "Weiß Blade". Primis has already changed his hands. He is holding Elucidator with his left-hand right now and "Weiß Blade" with his right. He used his Illusion to hide it.

So, when Dark Primis dodged, the "Weiß Blade" extends and penetrates his chest. His instinct saved him in the last moment, otherwise the "Weiß Blade" would have penetrated his heart just then. Dark Primis never thought that Primis will be able to hide his attacks in his Illusions this well.

Blood has started to flow from Dark Primis chest. Suddenly, Dark Primis released "Hex Rend" towards Primis all of a sudden. Primis hurriedly disperse his "Weiß Blade" and bring his Elucidator in front of him to block it.


The explosion was so strong that Primis was thrown few hundred Kilometers away. Even though he stopped the direct confrontation against it, the damage he received is too much. Primis is not the only one who is hiding his real attack in his illusions. Dark Primis is the same. So, Primis also failed to react to it. After some time,


Primis came out of the debris. His body is full of injuries so he fell on one of his knees. "Hex Rend" is similar "Getsuga Tenshō" of Kurosaki Ichigo in Bleach World. But "Hex Rend" has more power since it is the compression of Magic to the limit and not a single bit of magic is leaked out or disperse in atmosphere when it is released.

So, it's no wonder it did some numbers on Primis who took a full blunt of it. If he hadn't brought his Elucidator in front of him at the last second then the damage will be even more.

Dark Primis also falls on one of his knees. Even though his attacked hit Primis and throw him away. He also receives a lot of damage when Primis "Weiß Blade" penetrates his chest and came out of his back.

Primis: Haaa.... Haaa.... Haaa....

Dark Primis: Haaa.... Haaa.... Haaa....

Both of their breathing has become haggard. They both are looking at each other with serious expression. None of them is ready to give up yet. Both of them put some strength in their legs and stand up. Even though both of them are breathing heavy, they started to move.




Primis was the first one to move. He started to walk towards Dark Primis step-by-step.




Dark Primis also started to move to move towards Primis step-by-step.




Soon, there steps become faster and they run towards each other. Lighting to release from both of them and they suddenly accelerated. The distance between them was few hundred Kilometers but they clashed with each other in the next instant.



Explosion happen and giant Mushroom of explosion rises. Area around has already been destroyed but they didn't care. They just keep on clashing. One moment they were in one place and in the next moment, they are at another place.





As they keep on clashing, more and more injuries started to appears on both of them. They are playing with illusion. At first, they only hide their real attack in illusions. Later even their once real attack turns into illusion. Dark Primis used "Weiß Acus" and Primis countered it with "Weiß Amnis". Because "Weiß Amnis" defends its users from all direction, so Dark Primis real attack which he hides in his countless illusions also failed.

The battle is more and more devastating. No one should fight a Battle of eyes with Uchiha. Because the moment they did, the battle is over. That's the same case for Danzo. Even though he has implanted my Sharingans in his Right-Hand and even know the Uchiha Clan Forbidden Technique "Izanagi". He still died by Sasuke's hand since he looks directly into his Eyes.

The same is the case here. Primis and Dark Primis are fighting while looking into each other eyes. Even though they both know that they can prevent themselves from falling into illusion if they don't look into each other eyes but they still did.

It's not because of arrogance but because as they fight their battle of eyes, their Sharingan become more and more stronger. Their illusions become more and more perfect. To the point, they even ignored each other attack that was going to hit them and continued on.


Another explosion and both of them were pushed away. After stabling themselves they look into each other eyes. Now their Sharingan has already become so strong that they can see through any illusion with ease. Primis has his still stoic look and Dark Primis has his same evil smile. Both of them are full of injuries but they ignored it.

Dark Primis: Time to end this.

Primis: Yes.

Both of put their Elucidator back into its sheath. Then they put their right-hand, on their left-arm. Soon, Pure white Lighting started to condense in their left-hand.



The intensity of lighting keeps on increasing and increasing. When it reached its limit both of them moved. Both of them shorten their distance in an instant. Primis has his same stoic look and Dark Primis has big sneer on his face.

Primis: Weiß Chidori

Dark Primis: Weiß Chidori

Both of them spoke at the same time. Theirs this confrontation will end everything. They both know that. But they didn't stop. Just when both of their "Weiß Chidori" clashed. There was nothing. There was no explosion, no destruction. Totally nothing. But another voice was heard.



The voice of glass breaking was heard. And the entire space collapsed like a glass. Primis is still standing on the same place. To be more accurate, he is standing at the middle of room which is as big 3-basketball court. The same place where he appears when he initiated "Abyss Trail I". Everything around him clean. Without any destruction, explosion, gorges and so on. Like their world-shattering battle never happens in the first place. But there is something different this time.

???: H-How d-did you k-know?

Primis looks back at Dark Primis without any change of his expression. But that's not the same case for Dark Primis. Instead of his signature Evil smile, his face is as pale as white. Because Primis left-hand which has "Weiß Chidori" in it, have penetrated the Dark Primis chest and destroyed his heart.