Chapter – 96 (Aftermath (Part-4))

(*A/N: Here goes 1/3 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


Once Eina was done having her breakfast, she left for the Guild. There are still some times before her work start but she doesn't feel like staying at home. She looks at the sun that has risen and then put a smile on her face before continuing walking. Her neighbors have also woken up and are taking stroll. Eina greets them like always.

Eina: Good Morning, Uncle.

Uncle: Good Morning, Eina.

Eina: Good Morning, Aunty.

Aunty: Good Morning, Dear. You are going early for your work today?

Eina: Yes. There is still some work left in the Guild yesterday so I decided to go early to finish it.

Aunty: I see. But take care of your health.

Eina: I will. Thank You.

After a small talk, Eina left. Eina keeps on walking greeting everyone showing her energetic smile. People also became energetic seeing that smile. After some time, Eina takes one more turn to continue on her way. But instead of moving forward, she stopped all of a sudden when looking at front. Not only her even the Assassin guarding her from the shadows also started to show serious expression.

Eina frown when she saw that the atmosphere here is so good tense. Other time, this place also as lively as the previous one. But currently, this place is completely silent. Eina saw the people you are showing scared expression and are talking in low voice at the corner. As if afraid that others would listen to them. Parents are not even letting their children out of the houses even when children started to cry. The atmosphere is very bad.

Eina looks at all of this can then continue walking. Whenever she tries to approach someone to know the situation, those people quickly walk away having no intention of talking. Eina feels like something very serious is going on. But since she failed to get any information, she hurried her steps to reach Guild as fast as possible. Because she knew that Guild must know something about it. But at this time, Eina saw a shopkeeper who she is very close too. Eina approached him to see if she can learn what is going on from him.

Eina: Good Morning, Grandpa.

Shopkeeper: E-Eina. G-Good Morning.

Eina: Grandpa, can you tell me what is going on? Why is everyone so "Afraid"?

Shopkeeper: ......…

Shopkeeper becomes silent. Seeing Eina face which is full of hope, he took a deep sigh. The Shopkeeper then hurriedly look right and left to check if there is someone else. Once confirming, he hurriedly pulls Eina inside the shop. After pulling her inside the he checks his surrounding one last time before putting his attention back to Eina. When Eina saw the serious expression on his face, she realizes that situation is more serious than she thought.

Eina: Grandpa, just what is going on?

Shopkeeper: Eina, something very big happen last night.

Eina: W-What happen?

Shopkeeper: Don't open your mouth in public, Ok? Otherwise, you will have many enemies.

Eina gulped nervously and nodded. The Assassin who is hiding also perked his ears. When he saw the situation before, he really wanted to grab someone to get information out of him. But since his priority is keeping Eina safe, he didn't do it. So, he took a sigh of relief when he saw that this shopkeeper is willing to answer Eina question.

Shopkeeper: Last night, more than 17 Nobles Lineage disappeared all of a sudden.

Eina: WHAT!!!

Shopkeeper: SHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Eina: I-I am sorry.

Shopkeeper: It's alright. Even I was the same when I heard this.

Eina: *nod* By disappear, what do you mean exactly?

Shopkeeper: It means they disappeared in a thin air. There was no blood, no bone, no organ, no ash or anything. It's like they were never there in the first place.

Eina: ..........

Assassin: ......

Eina: H-How is this possible?

Shopkeeper: I don't know myself. But the most terrifying thing is that the entire Lineage of Nobles were erased. By entire, I mean everyone including Children, Grandchildren, Parents, Grandparents, Elders, Relatives and so on. Means in this world, there is no one exist who has a single drop of that Lineage running in their veins now.

Eina: ......….

Assassin: ......…

Eina: T-That's I-Impossible.

Shopkeeper: I also think so at first but everything is true.

Eina: ......…

Shopkeeper: When this happens, the remaining Nobles in Orario hurriedly sent their troops all over the Orario to find the perpetrator of this incidence. If someone even talk about it, they will capture them and that person was never seen again. So, be sure to keep quiet, Ok?

Eina: *nod*.

Eina nodded and then took a deep breath. This information is just too much for her. After she calms down, she shows gratitude to the Shopkeeper for the information and then left for the Guild again. Even when she was moving her mind is preoccupied with many things. She is having a very bad feeling about it.

'Eina: Just what is going on. You didn't come to meet me yesterday. So, don't tell me you are responsible for this, Primis.'

Eina has no idea how right she is. It's true that the IQ of woman in love reach zero. But if something very serious related to her love happens, then their woman Intuition always kicks off. Well, she is not the only one. Even Ais realized that the one responsible for the three Giant Nuke Explosion was Primis when she saw them. It's just that Ais didn't why she knew that it was Primis doing, even now. Anyway, right now Eina just hopes to reach Guild as soon as possible to get more information.

Soon, Eina reach guild and enter directly inside without knock because right she doesn't care about such stuff. Since there is still time before the opening, Guild is mostly empty with only some staff inside. They become astonished when they saw Eina arriving such early. But before they can give her a call Eina just nodded at them and hurriedly went inside. They all become stunned and then confused because this is the first time, they have seen Eina in such a hurry.

Eina hurried went to her locker to change her clothes to Guild uniform because it is compulsory for all the staff to remain in their uniform when they are in Guild. Once done she left her locker room to find her best friend Misha. But when she failed to find her, she decided to meet with Rose. Eina came outside Rose room and give the room a knock.



Rose: Yes, who is it?

Rose voice sounded from inside. Hearing this Eina took a sigh of relief.

Eina: Rose, it's me Eina. Can I have a talk?

Misha: E-Eina?

Eina: This voice. Misha, are you also inside?

Misha: .......

Rose: ......….

Rose looks at Misha and took a deep sigh because of her action. Hearing Eina voice Rose has already guessed that Eina found out about the situation. If it was before then she could have said something to calm her down. But now that Eina knows that Misha is also with her, she must have realized that situation is urgent. After all, Rose doesn't meet with her other colleagues in her room if situation is not urgent. She only meets with them in locker room or cafeteria.

Eina: Rose, I want to ask something very important.

Rose took a deep sigh again when she senses the panic in Eina voice. She knows now that there is no point in hiding anything. She gave Misha one last blame look. Misha could only smile awkwardly because she knows that it was her mistake.

Rose: Come in, Eina.


The door open and Eina enters. Even though Eina fabricated her look in front of others outside but now Misha and Rose can see panic all over her face.

Eina: Misha. Rose. Just what happen last night.

Rose took a look Eina face before she said.

Rose: Three Major things happen.

Eina: THREE!!!!!!!!

Eina become even more shocked because she only knows about one.

Eina: But isn't it just how more than 17 Nobles Lineage disappeared overnight?

Rose: Yes. But since this matter is so big that other two matter got suppressed.

Eina: *nod* That what is the other two?

Rose stopped and look at Misha. Misha also saw a troubled expression. Seeing that both Rose and Misha are showing troubled expression, distress in Eina heart increased. In the end, Misha decided to open her mouth.

Misha: The other two are related with your boyfriend.

Eina: Prim-...You mean "The Black Swordsman".

Eina was going to say Primis real name but stopped herself when she realizes that. Since she has promised him not to reveal his name. If it was other time then Eina face would have turned red when Misha called Primis her boyfriend. But since she is very worried right now, she didn't disagree of him being her boyfriend. Misha ignored how Eina corrected herself and continued.

Misha: Yes, Him. The Second thing is, last night "The Black Swordsman" or your boyfriend covers the entire Entertainment District in a barrier so that no one can enter and those who were inside can't exit either.

Eina: .........

Misha: And then he Massacred the entire Ishtar Familia, "On his own". So, overnight one of the strongest Familia was annihilated.

Misha specially put the pressure on the words "on his own". When both her and Rose finds out the truth even, they were shocked. At first, they thought he would have received help from someone but it came out that they were wrong. "The Black Swordsman" massacred the entire Ishtar Familia "on his own" without anyone's help.

Eina: B-But why did he do that?

Rose: From the information Guild received. It appears Ishtar Familia hurt someone dear to him. That's why he did it.

Eina: .........….

When they heard the reason behind it, then both become Rose and Misha become scared. Primis have told them before that if Eina become sad because of them then he won't forgive them. That time when they felt his killing intent, they were sure that he won't hesitate to kill them. But when they heard what he did tonight, they both become pale. It was understandable if Primis has just killed the one who hurt her dear person. But he wiped out an entire Familia because of that. So, they are having a feeling that if they do something like this then it may be possible that even their family have to pay for this.

As for Eina, she is having a difficult time digesting this information. Well in truth, her mind is occupied by something entirely different though.

'Eina: Who is that dear person to Primis? Is it another woman? Or is it a Man? No. No. No. Primis doesn't swing that way, so it can't be a man. A Friend? No. No. No. That's also impossible because from what I have seen, Primis love quietness. Even when he invited me in dinner, he remained quiet most of the time while hearing my gibberish. Then it could only be another woman. Just, who is that? who is that bitch that seduce my Primis.'

If Misha and Rose would have known Eina's thoughts that they would have become speechless. They are talking about something serious here and Eina is getting jealous inside. After some time, Eina came out of her thought and shows her smile to Rose and Misha that she is alright. But for some reason to Misha and Rose that smile look scary.

Eina: So, what was the third thing?

Misha: T-That?

Eina: That?

Misha remains silent and glanced at Rose. Seeing that Rose could only braced herself and continued.

Rose: It appears that "The Black Swordsman" not only massacred the entire Ishtar Familia, in the end he also…...

Eina: He also?

Rose: ......

Eina: .......

Rose: He also killed Ishtar and sent her back to heaven.

Eina: ......…...

Rose: ......…...

Misha: .......



After some time, Eina voice sounded the entire Guild Building.

Eina: HE WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!