Chapter – 103 (New Power and Weapon)

(*A/N: Here goes 1/3 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


Primis then reaches and hold Sheng Ming hand. Since equipment's are Soul Bounded to its user, he can't see them in Twilight function. The only way is to hold their hand so that Twilight can form a connection and show the information.

[Before that let you tell you which Rank defines which Existence Level.]

'Primis: Ok.'


Existence 1 ------- (No Rank)

Existence 2 ------- Rank I

Existence 3 ------- Rank II

Existence 4 ------- Rank III

Existence 5 ------- Rank IV

Existence 6 ------- Rank V

Existence 7 ------- Rank VI

Existence 8 ------- Rank VII

Existence 9 ------- Rank VIII

Existence 10 ------ Rank IX

Existence 11 ------ Rank X


Primis nodded his head when he saw that. The he puts it at the back of his mind and moved his attention towards Sheng Ming equipment's.


Origin, Life Garb


Type: Armor (Dress)

Rank: I

Defense: 10,000


Soul bound: Sheng Ming



Indestructible: EX

Life Immunity: EX

Damage Reduction: EX



Details: -

Life Immunity: EX

Nullifies 90% of the damage taken by attack that contains or use Life Magic.


Damage Reduction: EX

Reduce the damage taken by 90%.


Primis look at the beautiful green dress which Sheng Ming is wearing then again look at the information of the dress. No one would believe that this beautiful green dress is this powerful.

'Primis: This means if someone use Life Magic against Sheng Ming then it will be as equal to as going to their death.'

[Yes. If someone will use Life Magic against her then First, its power will be nullified by 10%. Second, the remaining 25% of its power will be further decreased by another 90%. Third, came the defense of the dress itself. Last, the defense of Sheng Ming herself.]

'Primis: *nod* Four Layers of defense against the opponent who will use Life Magic. Three layers against others.'

[Correct. Think of it like if a Life User use the attack that has the power of "100" then first it will be nullified by 90% means it will turn to "10". Then it will be even further reduced by 90% means it will turn to "1". Then came the defense of the Dress.]

'Primis: She won't receive any damage. In the first place, it is a suicide to use Life Magic against the Goddess of Life. They won't even get to use the Life Magic because Sheng Ming can directly take its control from them. Making them utterly helpless.'

[I agree.]

Then Primis turn his gaze at the Sheng Ming weapon. Since her weapon his in her soul, he can't see what it looks like. But Twilight won't have any problem in giving him itss detail.


Origin, Tree of Life


Type: Weapon (Tree)

Rank: I

Attack: 10,000


Soul bound: Sheng Ming



Indestructible: EX

Life Mastery: EX

Life Domain: EX



Details: -

Life Mastery: EX

The cost of using Life Magic will be reduced by 90% and its power will be further increased by x9.


Life Domain: EX

Creates a domain of Life of maximum of 10,000 km and everyone in the domain will be at user's mercy.


'Primis: Great, with this not only the consumption of her magic will be decreased but also its power will be increased greatly.'

[Now you understand, why I said that she will reach 7th-Dimensional God with her weapon.]

'Primis: Yes, if in Enhanced mode her strength reaches 40,000 i.e., Level 40(Pseudo-God) or 6th-Dimensional God then with her weapon on top make it reaches 50,000 i.e., Level 50(Pseudo-God) or 7th-Dimensional God.'

[Right. But the main thing is...….]

'Primis: Her Life Domain.'

[10,000 Km will all be under her control.]

'Primis: Truly terrifying.'

Primis then sigh and closed the window. He now has full gasp of Sheng Ming powers and capabilities. So, now he is thinking of implementing them in his plans and schemes. After remaining in his thoughts for some time, Primis nodded his head inwardly.

'Primis: Now Twilight, tell me about my new power and how did I acquire it.'

[Did you remember the skills you chose at the very beginning when we first met?]

'Primis: "AINCRAD Supreme", "The Primordial One", "The Eye that reflects the heart, Sharingan" and "Truth Essence Steps".'

[Correct. "AINCRAD Supreme" gave you Elucidator; "The Primordial One" gave you Midnight Coat; The same is the case here.]

'Primis: So, this new power and weapon is related to my "The Eye that reflects the heart, Sharingan".'

[Correct. The same thing will happen with your "Truth Essence Steps" in future. But I can't tell you how to get them. Because even I don't know myself. When time comes or certain conditions are met, they will automatically unlock.]

'Primis: That's how my new power was unlocked.'

[Yes. You have gained a new Visual Power when you were fighting Ishtar. In the future, you will get even more Visual Powers as your eyes will become stronger. That's the same case for your other skills too.]

'Primis: Hmm. Then didn't this mean that in the future I will get my second Sword or even more Swords as my "AINCRAD Supreme" will become stronger.'


'Primis: Then why you told me collect "Blood Essence" for my Second Blade.'

[I will tell you about that in future.]

Primis didn't insist Twilight and closed his eyes to merge the new Visual Power. Even though absorption is complete, he still needs a few minutes to completely merge it with his Sharingan. When that happens, he will be able to see the description of his power. While Primis is doing it, Twilight was thinking something else.

'[How deeply I wished that you would have delayed your progress but you. *sigh* Forget it. I don't want to be selfish and stop you while you are moving forward. *sigh* You are already Level 3 this means two more levels to go. I really wanted to spend more time with you but too bad my time is running low. *sigh* I only hoped that this final Farewell Sword can help you in your future journeys, Primis.]'

Completely unaware of Twilight's thoughts, Primis just keeps on merging his new power with his Sharingan. He can tell at the time when he was fighting Ishtar both his Sharingan and his new power were working simultaneous. It might look fine but in truth it puts a heavy load on his brain. So, once his Sharingan absorb this power into itself then this power will become another sub-power of Sharigan like its "Eye of Insight" and "Eye of Hypnotism".

Few minutes later, Primis opened his eyes again. There is not much notable much change except they show slightly more radiance. Primis then opened his status window again and click of his skill.


The Eye that reflects the heart, Sharingan

Abilities: -

i. Eye of Insight

ii. Eye of Hypnotism

iii. Eye of the Spirit(new)


Eye of the Spirit(new)

Eye of the Spirit also known as Elemental Sight is a Perception Type Ability which allows you to connect to the Information Dimension at the highest possible level. You can specify the "Individual information body" otherwise known as Eidos of the surrounding individually, regardless of distance, physical obstacles with greater details about Eidos Information. You can easily identify the Eidos of targets, allowing for precision aiming at long distances. The "Eyes of the Spirit" — "Elemental Sight" refers the ability to identify the "landscape (color)" of the information dimension. The current range of your Elemental Sight is divided into 3 layers.

· Core Area: The radius of Core Area is 500 m. You can see the information of everyone in the area to micro details. You can see even the cells activity in the person body.

· Inner Area: The radius of Inner Area is 5 km. You can also see the information of everyone in the area but not to the micro details. It is also the current range limit of your attack.

· Outer Area: The radius of Outer Area is 50 km. The outer area works like a radar that will let you to see the position of everyone present in the area. It also works as passive perception which will let you detect if any clash is occurring in the area.

**Note: As your Elemental Sight become stronger so did its range.


Primis only slightly narrowed his eyes and then closed them again. He is trying to look into his Soul. Soon he found what he wants. A new weapon. Primis concentrated on it and then it appears in his hand. It's a Gun which is Sliver-Black in color compares to the one in anime which was Silver Blue in color.


(*A/N: Origin Force, Silver Horn Trident)



Origin Force, Silver-Horn Trident


Type: Weapon (Gun)

Rank: I

Attack: 3000


Soul bound: Primis Rigla



Indestructible: EX

Decomposition: D

Counter Magic: D




Decomposition: D

· Mist Dispersion

· Astral Dispersion

· Dissection(locked)

· Deep Mist Dispersion(locked)

· Beta Trident(locked)

· Material Burst(locked)

· Gram Dispersion(locked)


Counter Magic: D

· Psion Bullet

· Gram Demolition

· Cast Jamming(locked)

· Freeze Gram(locked)

· Zone Interference(locked)

· Data Fortification(locked)

· Gram Dispersion(locked)


'Primis: Gram Dispersion is common in both Magic.'

[Yes, it's because Gramp Dispersion is both Decomposition and Counter Magic.]

'Primis: Still, this is really the best long-range weapon. Currently, I can already kill someone from 5 Km away. But on the other hand, it useless if you don't have "Elemental Sight".'

[Yup. By the way, there is something different in this weapon case.]

'Primis: And that is?'

[Unlike your other equipment's whose Abilities will become stronger as you will level up, Silver-Horn Trident is not like that.]

'Primis: So, I don't need to level up to unlock other locked magics.'

[Yes. If you want, you can increase the Ranks of Decomposition and Counter Magic to "EX" while remaining in Level 3.]

'Primis: How?'

[I have already placed the book containing all the information of "Decomposition" and "Counter Magic" in the Inventory. As your understanding of them increases, the locked ones will be unlocked.]

'Primis: I see. But for now, there is no need for that. I want to get even deeper understanding on the current unlocked Magics before unlocking new ones.'

[Is that so.]

Primis nodded then click the skill.


Mist Dispersion

It can directly decompose the physical structure of the information targeted. It works on inanimate objects as well as living organisms. It can decompose muscles, tissue, bone, even organs into the basic molecules such as ions and the basic elements by interfering with the structural information. It can be considerably mundane and quiet. There is no sound or light emitted and when raised to the highest degree of Decomposition, even easily flammable materials will not ignite. The objects dissipate to dust, transform into steam, and then scatter. This spell does not travel through physical space so it can be aimed through physical objects and is not limited by distance by any means.


Astral Dispersion

It is exactly same as the Mist Dispersion. But unlike Mist Dispersion which works on Physical entities, Astral Dispersion works on Non-Physical entities like Souls, Spirits and so on who doesn't have Physical Form or body.


Psion Bullet

It is one of simplest form of magic, but it requires extremely precise control to destroy just the Activation Sequence/Magic Sequence and avoid any extraneous damage.


Gram Demolition

It uses compressed Psion particles to forcibly blow away all the accompanying Activation Sequence and Magic Sequences — anything that has traces of Psions recorded on it. The compressed Psions themselves travel through the physical realm as opposed to the Information Dimension. It is simply a cannonball of Psions that has neither structure nor a Magic Ritual to modify an event.


'Primis: *nod* Even though currently I can only use two Decomposition and two Counter-Magic, they are really strong.'

[Really? Did you understand "Psion Bullet" and "Gram Demolition"?]

'Primis: .... Yes.'

[Then explain. I didn't fully understand them.]

'Primis: Then, what did you understand.'


'Primis: ...…'


'Primis: Are you really the strongest System?'

[How rude. I am.]

'Primis: I started to doubt that though.'


'Primis: *cough* Let me start then.'

[You are changing the topic. But whatever, explain in easier word.]

'Primis: To use magic you need to follow Four-Steps. First, which magic you want to use. Second, gather the magic. Third, condense it. Fourth, release it. That's the same case for everyone, including me. But its just that I need a mere thought to complete all four steps. In the world, of "The Irregular at Magic High-Scholl" they use Activation Sequence. But in this world or other worlds they use....'


'Primis: Yes. Without following these steps, you can't use magic. So, while you are still at Second and Third Step, I can use Psion Bullet to disturb the process. Take Riveria as an example.'

[Riveria Ljos Alf, you mean.]

'Primis: Yes. She has decided which Magic she wants to use, so she started the chant of that Magic. Now, I can use my Psion Bullet to disturb the process hence it will also destroy her chant. Well, it's up to me now whether I will disturb her just at the beginning of her chant or in between or when the chant is nearly complete.'

[I see. So, that's what Psion Bullet does. But it only attacks the process and didn't do any damage, right?]

'Primis: Right.'

[Ok. Gram Demolition, now.]

'Primis: As it said, Gram Demolition blow away all the Activation Sequence and Magic Sequence. Think of it as a Higher-Form of Psion Bullet since it requires a lot more Magic.'


'Primis: In this, take Ais as example.'

[Ais Wallenstein]

'Primis: Yes. Imagine Ais is standing in front of me, and she is using her strongest Magic i.e., Ariel. Wind Magic is covering her all around. Now, If I use "Gram Demolition" on her then I will blow away all her Magic. Means I blow away her...…...'


'Primis: Exactly.'

[That's Awesome.]

'Primis: I know.'

Then Primis decided to see what progress Lili and Haruhime made in the last month. Even though they can't increase their stats, they can still increase their skills. So, he opened their Status Window. But when he saw their Status, Primis heart become numb and the intensity in his eyes increases. And since just like Ophis now even Sheng Ming heart is connected with Primis, they both senses it and wake up.

Sheng Ming: Mmph...…. Husband, what happens?

Sheng Ming looks at Primis with worried expression. Ophis didn't say anything, but she is also looking at Primis. Both can tell that Primis is angry.

Primis: Let's go.

Ophis: *nod*

Sheng Ming: Huh? Oh…. Ok.

Primis then gets up with both Ophis and Sheng Ming in his embrace and left his Home. But there was a single thought in his mind.

'Primis: Only one month went by since my last Massacre. Looks like I need to create another.'