Chapter – 110 (Takemikazuchi Familia Stand)

(*A/N: Here goes 2/3 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


Mikoto reached her Familia residence by now. The Home of Takemikazuchi Familia is known as the Temporary Residence Townhouse. It is an old housing complex in north-eastern of Orario. Mikoto opened the door and enter inside. After walking inside for some time, she entered the room. Inside she saw a man with masculine refinement. The man has black hair and black eyes. His hair is in a style that was common in old Japan. The clothes he is wearing is also based off the same time period. Mikoto came in front of him and kneeled.

Mikoto: I am back, Lord Takemikazuchi.

Takemikazuchi: Mn. Welcome back. Since you are this means Haruhime is fine, right?

Mikoto: Yes.

Takemikazuchi: Good. So, where is she?

Mikoto: Actually, Lord Takemikazuchi we got a situation.

Takemikazuchi frowned. He started to have bad feeling. But before he could ask, someone else voice sounded.

???: What problem, Mikoto?


The door behind Mikoto opened and five people entered. They all first kneel before Takemikazuchi. When Takemikazuchi nodded, they raised their head and look at Mikoto. A man and a woman are in front and the remaining three members are behind. You can say, the entire Takemikazuchi Familia is present in the room right now.

The man is tall and has tanned skin with a tough build. He has black hair and eyes like Takemikazuchi but he is wearing lavender, red, gold and black Kamishimo top along with brown pants. He is the captain of Takemikazuchi Familia and the one who interrupt before, Kashima Ouka.

Beside him is a girl who has medium length hair that are covering her face. She parted them and now you can see her dark green eyes. She is wearing bandages around her neck and left upper leg as well as a lavender kimono with red cloth wrapped around her waist. She is another one of the members of Takemikazuchi Familia, Hitachi Chigusa. As for the remaining three sitting behind, since they are just some mob characters let's ignore them. Mikoto continued.

Mikoto: It appears that when Haruhime was sold as slave here, she was rescued by a person. So now Haruhime is under him. He said he didn't mind our interaction with Haruhime but if we stand against him then he will erase our entire Familia.


Ouka punched the floor in rage.


Takemikazuchi: Calm down, Ouka.

Ouka: But Lord Takemikazuchi.

Takemikazuchi: Calm down.

Ouka wanted to say something but in the end, he decided to shut up. Takemikazuchi then look at Mikoto again. He now has a serious expression on his face.

Takemikazuchi: Who is he?

Mikoto gulped nervously as she remembered Primis cold blood-red eyes when he warned her. She took a deep breath for some time before speaking.

Mikoto: The Black Swordsman.

The room becomes silent. Everyone opened their eyes wide. All their face became pale. Fear is visible in their eyes. Even Ouka who was angry just a moment ago is also afraid now. A cold sweat has appeared in all their back. Even Takemikazuchi face turned slightly pale.

Ouka: T-That's not possible. He d-died last m-month.

Ouka is having hard time believing it. Who is "The Black Swordsman"? He is someone who single-handed massacred the Ishtar Familia in one night. Ishtar Familia had many Level 3 and Level 4 Adventurers. They even had a Level 5 Adventurer "Phryne Jamil" but what was the result. They didn't even able to resist.

Compared to them, what about Takemikazuchi Familia. It only has six members, and all are merely Level 2. They are nothing but ants in his eyes. Takemikazuchi now showing very serious expression. He knew they can't afford to make enemy out of "The Black Swordsman". If they did, then no one can save them. While he was thinking how to tackle this matter Mikoto spoke again.

Mikoto: Lord Takemikazuchi, I-I think we can become his allies.

Takemikazuchi: Huh?

Ouka: Do you know what you are saying, Mikoto? We are talking about "The Black Swordsman". He is a ruthless and cold-hearted man. We should never become his ally. I think we should stay as far away from him as possible. I feel bad for Haruhime but I think we should break any relation with her now that she is under him.

Mikoto: B-But that's---

Takemikazuchi: Stop it, both of you.

Ouka & Mikoto: Yes.

Takemikazuchi: *nod* Ouka, you all knew each other since you were kids. Do you really think Mikoto will ask for something that will bring harm to the Familia?

Ouka: I-I.... don't think so.

Takemikazuchi: Right. Ok, Mikoto. Tell me reason why you say we should ally with him.

Mikoto: Yes.

Mikoto then recalled everything that take place. About how they were following the party of Adventurers; How they all mysterious died without even leaving ashes behind; How they met "The Black Swordsman"; How she also appeared afraid at first but then realize how he is not like how rumors state him; How he teaches Mikoto to not let the emotions get the best of her; How he warned her about the consequences of becoming his enemies and so on.

Everyone listen to Mikoto explanation is silence. Takemikazuchi smiled when he heard that "The Black Swordsman" pointed out Mikoto. Takemikazuchi has also told same thing to Mikoto before but that's because he has been with her from the beginning. So, it's obvious he knew all her strength and weakness. It is really astonishing how "The Black Swordsman" saw through it at the first meeting. As a result, the position of "The Black Swordsman" reaches a new height in Takemikazuchi mind.

Takemikazuchi: If that's the case then I also agree that we should become his allies.

This time Ouka didn't say anything. He also thinks that such a powerful ally will bring them more good than harm.

Takemikazuchi: Does anyone want to say something regarding this?

No one speak. They all agree with it.

Takemikazuchi: Good. Then I will find some time to visit him and will tell him that Takemikazuchi Familia will stand at his side if any need arises.

All members: Yes.

Takemikazuchi: By the way, do you know where he lives?

Mikoto: No. But I think we will be able to meet him if we know where Lili or Haruhime is. Currently, they are resting in "Hostess of Fertility".

Takemikazuchi: Ok. Then I think I will visit him tomorrow. Mikoto and Ouka will accompany me.

Mikoto & Ouka: Yes.

By now even, "Hostess of Fertility" has become silent. Primis is still sitting on his chairs while the two mischief cats are sleeping by using his lap as a pillow. Primis remain silent as he keeps on patting their head and ears gently. Ryuu, Syr and Lunoire have also fallen sleep on their chairs. Primis is looking at moon from the window that is opened by Sheng Ming. Even though he is looking outside his mind is preoccupied by many things. But even he is keeping an eye on everyone in his 50 Km radius.

'Primis: The reason why Shiba Tatsuya only activate his Elemental Sight when the need arises is because if he keeps his Elemental Sight activated all the time then too much information will destroy his brain.'

[Exactly. No matter how strong he is, in the end he is just a human. There is a limit to how much information a brain can handle. Even when his mother and Yotsuba Maya implanted another magic processor in his brain, he still can't do it.]

'Primis: The reason I can do it or increase its power even further is because I unlocked my Mangekyō Sharingan, right.'

[Yes. Once Sharingan evolves into Mangekyō Sharingan your brain started to release a special power. That power further makes your brain, and it cells stronger. That's also one of the reasons why you get Elemental Sight this soon. Otherwise, if you only have Sharingan when your Elemental Sight activated then your brain cells have not been able to handle so much information and you would have died there.]

'Primis: I see. But now since I got it, I just need to keep on using it and my brain cells will become stronger overtime. As a result, my Elemental Sight will become stronger.'


Primis nodded inwardly. He then looks at Haruhime and Lili who are sleeping at the first floor. Seeing that they are sleeping peacefully, Primis showed a small smile. Then he heard the purring sound emitted by Chloe and Anya. He caresses their heads and ears a little more gently so that they feel a little more comfortable. He then looks at the sleeping face of Ryuu, Syr and Lunoire. He shakes his head before speaking.

Primis: How can they show such defenseless appearance in front of a man? Are they not afraid that I will attack them while they are sleeping?

Sheng Ming: Heh. This shows how much they have trust on you, Husband.

Sheng Ming is sitting on Primis right while preparing tea for him. Materials for the tea were present in the kitchen so she borrowed it. She is also using her power to make sure that the smell of tea and sound of preparing won't disturb anyone else sleep.

Primis: How ridiculous. They are trusting someone who they just meet for the second time.

Sheng Ming: Husband, I understand how they feel.

Primis: Is that so.

Sheng Ming: Yes. They already knew that if you will attack them, they won't be able to resist in the slightest. Even their caretaker Mia won't be able to help them. The result will be same whether they will resist or not. So, they stopped resisting and decided to accept it. They have left everything to the fate.

Primis didn't say anything and just keeps on looking outside. But Sheng Ming noticed that Primis is now caressing Chloe and Anya with even more care. Seeing this a sweat smile appeared on her face before she concentrated on making tea again.

[When people are faced with the reality, they can't do anything against, they stopped resisting.]

'Primis: No matter in which place or world you go, the reality is the same. Weak are always the prey of strong. The only way for weak to survive is by living under the protection of strong.'

[That's the true Reality.]

After some time, Sheng Ming was done preparing the tea. She pours it into the cup and passed it to Primis.

Sheng Ming: Husband.

Primis: Mn.

Primis nodded and took the cup from Sheng Ming hands. He took a sip then nodded. Even though Sheng Ming cooking skills haven't reached Master rank, but it is still at its border.

[It is possible for her cooking skill to reach Master Rank but that will be her limit. She won't be able to reach Grandmaster Rank if she doesn't turn it into her Side Skill.]

'Primis: It's good enough if it will reach Master Rank. There is no need to force her to turn it into Side Skill if she doesn't want it herself.'

[That's true. But I am sure she will happily turn it into her Side Skill if you will ask her too.]

'Primis: I guess.'

That's all he said. Then he took out some cookies which he made with Sheng Ming when they are making pasta in Home and put them on the table. That's how their teatime went. Sheng Ming also loved the things made by her Husband so she savour them while drinking tea. As for Primis, he only took one or two. The rest he feeds to Ophis who is still sitting on his left-shoulder. Ophis only likes the food made by Primis so she also enjoyed it.

Time went by. Soon the sun will rise. Sheng Ming has already put the cups in the kitchen after washing them and Ophis is also satisfied with cookies.


'Primis: I know.'

Primis then gently raises the head of Chloe and Anya then get up from his seat. They he puts their heads on the chair again. Both frown because of sudden hardness of the chair. Primis caress their head and ears gently which calms them down. He then turns his gaze towards the North direction of the Orario. The place where Twilight Manor is located.

'Primis: Enough rest. Time to get Ais.'