Chapter – 117 (Sisters)

(*A/N: Thank you for your patience, everyone. My Mother is fine now. Since she only needs bed rest for 1-2 months, she has been discharged. Only now I finally feel relief. Thank You. This week I will release 6 chapters as an apologize for my absence. That's all.)


(*A/N: Here goes 1/6 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


While everyone was still in shock, Another Adventurer rushed into "Hostess of Fertility" and said the same words as the first Adventurer.


All Adventurers: ...…

Adventurer 5: W-what's with this reaction?

Adventurer 4: *sigh* We already knew. Even we never expected another Noble Lineage to be erased.

Adventurer 5: Huh? What do you mean by another Noble Lineage has been erased?

Adventurer 4: ...

Adventurer 1: Step out and you will see trees reaching as high as 200 feet.

Adventurer 5: W-what? R-really?

Then that Adventurer stepped out of "Hostess of Fertility". He looked around for a while before looking at a particular direction.

Adventurer 5: W-What the hell is that?

Ryuu and others also looked at that direction and became shocked. They then turned their gaze at the door of the first room altogether.

'Ryuu and Others: It's his doing for sure. But when did he do that? Wasn't he here all night?'

Haruhime and Lili who were resting in their room also saw this from their window and a smile appeared their face. They wanted talk to Primis about how to handle this, but they never expected him to already make his move and end this in one go.

Mia, who was in the kitchen also listened this conversation. She then took a sigh.

'Mia: *sigh* Here comes more trouble. Now I am wondering whether it was a right decision to entrust little girls to him?'

Adventurer 5: Whoa. Amazing. Just how did such tall trees appear out of nowher--- WAIT. THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT. I HAVE ANOTHER MAJOR NEWS.

Adventurer 6: What can be more major than the annihilation of another Noble Lineage?

Adventurer 7: True. What can be?

Adventurer 5: Then listen. "Sword Princess" has left the Loki Familia.


This information struck everyone like a thunderbolt. They were having hard time processing that. Who was "Sword Princess"? Among the first-class adventurers, she was considered one of the strongest. Now such an Adventurer left her Familia.

Adventurer 7: HEY, ARE YOU SURE?


Adventurer 5: I-I am sure. Both "Braver" and "Nine Hell" personally came in the morning to notify this to Guild.

Now everyone became silent. If it was rumor or something, then they would have ignored it. But since "Braver"(Finn alias) and "Nine Hell"(Riveria alias) personally confirmed this, then it's certain.

Adventurer 8: Did they reveal when and where she left of to?

Adventurer 5: No. They remained silent. They just informed this to Guild before returning.

All Adventurers: ...…

This is not a small matter but a big one. Bigger than the annihilation of Noble Lineage. "Sword Princess", every Familia will now try to recruit her. Many fights will happen between Familia to see who can get their hands on her first. If she refused to join any of them then these Familia won't hesitate to send Assassins to kill her. After all, if they can't get her, it will be better to kill her. And now since she is not a part of Loki Familia, Loki Familia can't interfere much either.

Loki Familia must had known that that's why they didn't reveal her location. That's the only thing they could do to help her. But others Familia won't let it go like this. They will send their people to find her. Everyone sighs. To them it was the worst decision "Sword Princess" ever made. Without the protection of strongest Familia, she is just a little girl. Too bad they didn't know that the so-called little girl is now under someone whose very name will send a dread in their heart, "The Black Swordsman".

Space wrapped and Primis appeared in his Home with Ophis and Sheng Ming by his side. All of them were looking at cocoon in the sky which started to shine brighter after it sensed Primis. Cracks started to appear one-by-one.





As more cracks started to appear, wind magic started to leak out of them. Then it shattered. They can see Ais now.


[Congratulations on getting another Heavenly Beauty.]

Primis answered with his own question instead.

'Primis: So, the attire she once used as a "Sword Princess" became her main. Huh'

[Yes. Since she was comfortable in that clothing, I turn it into her main equipment.]

Primis nodded and looked at Ais who became another Heavenly Beauty. Her clothes are same as before. She was wearing a white and black battle cloth, black arm covers, and long blue boots. She was also wearing her armor over this consisting of a head guard, breastplate, arm guards, hip guards, and knee guards.


(*A/N: Ais Wallenstein)


Primis then looked at the azure sword on her waist. It will be better to call it Rapier now.

'Primis: That's Lambent Light. It's the same which Asuna used. But Asuna one's was cyan in color while this one is Azure in color.'


(*A/N: Origin, Lambent Light)


Ais finally landed on the ground. Her eyes were closed while wind magic was circling around her.

Sheng Ming: What pure Wind Magic.

Primis also agreeed. The purity of the wind around Ais was just like his Lighting and Sheng Ming's Life magic.





Primis and Ais heartbeat become one as she opened her eyes slowly. The first thing, she was Primis.

Ais: Maste---

Sheng Ming: You should call him "My Lord".

Before Primis could open his mouth, Sheng Ming spoke. Ais became stunned and looked at Sheng Ming. Seeing a Heavenly beauty made her fall into daze. Soon, she came out of it and looked at Ophis which also made her fall into daze. When she returned, Primis opened his mouth. He first pointed at Ophis then Sheng Ming.

Primis: She is my Empress, Ophis. She is my wife, Sheng Ming.

Shocked expression appears on Ais's face since she never expected Primis to be married. He has two wives, and both are Divine Beauties. She had seen Goddess of Beauty, Freya before but even she paled in comparison to these two. Then something struck in her mind. She turns her gaze at little girl who Primis introduced as her Empress. This clearly states that the position of the little girl is every higher than the other one. But still, isn't she a...

Sheng Ming: Hehe. Looks like Little Sister Ais is confused.

Ais: Huh? No...It's nothing, Mistres---

Sheng Ming: No need to call me Mistress. We are going to be sisters from now on. You can me Sister Sheng Ming.

Ais: But that's...

Ais then glanced at Primis who remained silent. She took a sigh of relief.

Ais: T-Then Sister S-Sheng Ming.

Sheng Ming: Yes, little sister Ais.

Sheng Ming then approached Ais and hugged her. Welcoming her in the family. Then she pointed at Ophis before continuing

Sheng Ming: And one more thing, you don't need to call her as Empress either. You can call her Eldest Sister Ophis.

Ais: E-Eldest Sister

Ais becomes confused again. She didn't understand why a little girl be called as Empress and Eldest Sister. As if seeing through her thoughts, Sheng Ming spoke.

Sheng Ming: Eldest Sister loves to still on Husband shoulder. That's why she prefers her little girl form more than her Adult one. In future you will saw her that form.

Ais nodded again. But now an envious expression appeared on her face. Every girl and woman want to look beautiful. So, it's obvious that Ais became jealous of Sheng Ming and Ophis beauty. At this time, Primis took a mirror out of his inventory and gave it to Ais. Ais didn't understand Primis meaning. But she become shocked again when she saw herself in it.

Ais: T-This is---

Sheng Ming: Little Sister Ais is beautiful.

Ais touched her face in disbelief. She was still having hard time believing this. Since the new body is made by Origin Force itself, it's not that surprising.

Primis: How are you feeling now?

Ais: Huh?

Primis: Have you gotten used to your new body?

Ais: New body?

Primis: Your old body can't handle the high stats and skills provided by me. So, the construction of new body is a must. Ophis and Sheng Ming went through the same.

Understanding Primis meaning, Ais gave the mirror back to him and started to stretch herself to see if there is any problem. While she was doing this Twilight spoke.

[Did you know why Sheng Ming told Ais to call you "My Lord"? Instead of Master, Young Master, Your Majesty or so on.]

'Primis: I do. In some world or eras, Emperors or Rulers were being addressed as "My Lord" by his/her subjects. But it is also one of the ways by a wife address her husband. In plot, Sheng Ming often called Hui Mie as "Husband" or "My Lord".'

[Oh. That's how it is.]

At this time, Ais was done checking her body and nodded at Primis.

Ais: M-My L-Lord, everything is fine. But I feel like I have gone weaker.

Primis: Not that surprising since you have fallen from Level 5 to Level 1.

Ais: W-Wha---

Primis: Don't get shocked. Turn around and show me your back.

Ais hurriedly turns around. Twilight has already told him the process which can let his Permanent-Members see their Status. It's the same as how Gods gave blessing to their members. But instead of updating their status again and again, Primis only needed to do that when they were about to level up. Because as they fight and practice, their stats will automatically increase.

Primis then touched Ais bare back. Ais shivers slightly then calm down. A glow appeared then an emblem or crest appeared.

Sheng Ming: Beautiful.

Ophis: Mn.

This time even Ophis nodded. That's not an emblem at all. It's a painting. A painting of Raven soaring in the sky.


(*A/N: Crest: Raven soaring in the sky)


'Primis: So, this is the crest/emblem of my blessing. I really like it.'


Ais become confused when she heard Sheng Ming and Ophis voice. Primis then took out a paper before putting it on her back. The glow was soon absorbed by the paper. Seeing that it will take few seconds before status appeared on paper, Primis looked at Sheng Ming.

Primis: Your turn.

Sheng Ming: Me?

Primis: Yes. It will be better if you will also know your Status in detail.

Sheng Ming: Ok.

Sheng Ming then directly turned around and lower her Life Garb. Primis touched her smooth and beautiful bare back. Unlike Ais, Sheng Ming didn't shiver and just accept it with a smile on her face. Her everything belongs to her husband, so why would she feel embarrassed about it. By now, Ais has dressed herself. A glow appears on Sheng Ming's back and the same painting of Raven soaring in the sky appeared. Now Ais understood Sheng Ming and Ophis reactions.

Ais: It's Beautiful.

'Primis: *sigh* I really want to eat Sheng Ming right now. Too bad, I have lot to do in these upcoming days.'

He then took out another paper before putting it on Sheng Ming's back. Once the glow was absorbed in it, Primis leaned and brought his mouth near Sheng Ming ears.

Primis: Once my important work is done, I will eat you.

Sheng Ming didn't shy away and showed a smile full of love.

Sheng Ming: You can eat me whenever you want.

Since they are not hiding their voice, Ais of course heard it. She tilted her head in confusion.

Ais: My Lord, what do you mean by you are going to eat Sister Sheng Ming.

Primis just gave her a smile before saying.

Primis: Don't worry Ais. After eating Sheng Ming, you will be next.

Ais still didn't understand. Primis also didn't bother explaining. He leaned forward again and this time he took Sheng Ming lips.

Sheng Ming: Mmph~.

After a light kiss, they separated and get up. Ais was looking at them with dumbfounded expression. Her mind can't process what she just saw. Primis put the paper which contained her status in her hand before walking past her. Ais unconsciously looked down and became even more dumbfounded when she saw her new status.