Chapter – 130 (Idiot)

(*A/N: Here goes 1/4 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 30th September = 0.



After hitting metal for the last time, Hephaestus stopped. She used her arm to wipe the sweat that covered her forehead before putting her hammer at the side. Giving it one more look, Hephaestus nodded.

???: Here you will need this.

A hand appeared in front of Hephaestus which was holding a material of monster. Hephaestus startled before turning to look at the person. When he saw Primis she fell in trance while looking at his Heavenly Handsome face. Then Primis next words brought her back.

Primis: Continue, we will talk later.

Hephaestus: Oh... *nod*

She then took the material from Primis hand and continued where she left off too. Once she was done merging this material with the metal, Primis gave her the next material, and this just kept on going.



After one hour.

Hephaestus: Feuh...

The metal or the Blade of Great Axe was done. Now it only needed to be attached with its hilt. Hephaestus nodded with satisfaction when looking at it. She turned her gaze to Primis who was now leaning on the wall with closed eyes. She smiled before opening her mouth.

Hephaestus: I didn't expect the famous Black Swordsman knew about blacksmithing.

Primis: Maybe a bit.

Hephaestus: Haha. A bit. I am a Divine Smith. I don't let anyone interfere while I am making something because the way I used material and their timing is not something others can understand. But you. You perfectly matched my timing and provided me the materials I need at the perfect time. From what I know, in the entire Orario no one is capable of doing it.

Primis only showed a small smile which made Hephaestus fell into daze again. Primis currently blacksmithing knowledge far surpassed even Hephaestus. The difference between them is that of heaven and earth now. But too bad as said before. Since right now they were not his main skills, he can only implement them a max Basic level.

Primis didn't care about such thing though. Even if he can't implement such skills, he can still use his knowledge to guide others. And considering he had decided to have Hephaestus for himself, it means she will become his exclusive Blacksmith. So, with his guidance Hephaestus skills in Blacksmith will reach even higher heights.

Seeing the Hephaestus in daze, Primis stopped smiling. This brough Hephaestus back. She then looked away to hide a small blush which appeared on her face. She coughed a little before turning to Primis.

Hephaestus: So, what can I do for "The Black Swordsman".

Before Primis could open his mouth, a shout came.

Hestia: WHAT!!!!!!!!

Hestia who had been lazing around absurdly stood up and looked at Primis when she heard the word of "The Black Swordsman" from Hephaestus mouth. She also fell in daze when she saw his Heavenly Handsome but came to herself in the next moment. Her eyes were now looking at Primis with stars in them

'Hestia: He is "The Black Swordsman". Not only he is strong to be able to destroy Ishtar Familia on his own, but he is also a great singer. On top of that, he is very handsome. Though I heard rumors of being handsome, seeing with my own eyes is a whole different experience. No matter what happens I must make him join my Familia. Well, if he is not in any Familia right now that is.'

While Hestia was thinking of making Primis join her Familia. Primis was cursing her inside.

'Primis: What an idiot. Why did she have to shout like this? Well, now it can't be helped. Those guards outside are rushing in. I am sure they will directly attack before listening to anything. Since I am here, and they didn't even know that.'


The door of Hephaestus workshop opened with a loud bang. Both guards rushed in. They became alert when they heard Hestia scream just now. Once inside they looked at everyone present inside. They their gaze fell upon Primis. Since Primis back was towards them they didn't know it was "The Black Swordsman".

Why? Because according to rumors, "The Black Swordsman" might wear black coat and had black sword. But he was also extremely handsome and had blood-eyes eyes in which there appeared to be three commas of some sort. With his back they can't see that. And in Orario there are many Adventurers who wore black coat with black sword.

On top of that, they didn't even see Primis enter. Such sneaking was only done by Assassins. And with Hestia shout just now, they concluded that Primis was an Assassin.

Guard 1: Stay away from Lady Hephaestus.

Guard 1 shouted and lunged at Primis. Guard 2 also moved and appeared in front of Hestia in case 'Assassin' try to attack her in desperation. Guard 1 speed was so fast that he reached Primis in an instant. He then swinged his sword at his back with his full power, clearly intended to kill in one attack. Common knowledge, Assassins body were weak, but they had countless ways to kill and retreat if situation permitted. That's why he wanted to end this quick before 'Assassin' get any chance.

Hephaestus: Wait.

Too bad Hephaestus shout came too late. The attack was already approaching Primis. Primis didn't even move. His thoughts were occupied with something else.

'Primis: If it was someone else then I would have already killed him. A pity that I can't kill him. Granted that I kill Hephaestus Familia member in front of her very own eyes, though Hephaestus won't blame me since I was just trying to protect myself. A rift will still be formed between us. This pest got lucky this time.'

When the attack was about to hit Primis, it got deflected.





The force behind the attack was so great that the Guard took a few steps back. Not only that but his entire arm felt numb. However, Guard 1 didn't care about such thing. He was looking at the person who blocked him. At first, he got dazed when he saw the Divine beauty who suddenly appeared out of nowhere but when he realized who she was his hands started to shiver.

'Guard 1: Sword Princess.'

Yes. Just like Primis said before to Loki. He didn't have time to take care every pest that will come at him. That's the work of his Guards. Hence, he left this to Ais. Granted Ais can't stop him, Sheng Ming would have interfered. And in case Sheng Ming can't stop it then Ophis would have made her move.

Returning to the present situation. Let alone Guard 1 even Guard 2 along with Hephaestus and Hestia had shocked expression when they saw Ais coming out of nowhere to protect Primis. In morning they also received the news of Ais leaving the Loki Familia, now she was in front of them. Furthermore, she became extremely beautiful. Witnessing this Hephaestus and Hestia felt a slight feeling of jealously.

'Hephaestus: Loki Familia never disclosed where Ais left of too. Hence, many Familia sent their members to find her. Even I did the same. After all, even if my Familia is not a fighting a Familia, I could still make a best sword or armor for her. And whenever Loki Familia went deeper into dungeon Hephaestus Familia also joined them for the material. Hence, I didn't think she would face any loss joining my Familia. But now...…'

Hephaestus looked at Primis then at Ais before sighing.

'Hephaestus: I think I should forget about it. Anyone can tell that she is under "The Black Swordsman". So, it's impossible to recruit her now.'

While Hephaestus was deep in her thoughts, Ais was looking at Guard 1 with cold eyes. Guard 1 gulped his saliva unconsciously. He could tell that when Ais deflected his attack, it was also a sort of warning to him. If he made his move again, she won't hesitate to kill him.

Hephaestus: *sigh* Leave us alone.

Guard 1 & Guard 2: But Lady Hephaestus.

Hephaestus: Leave. Do you both really thing you can handle "Sword Princess"?

Guard 1: B-But we can at least delay her for some time.

Guard 2: Yes, more than enough time for both you and Lady Hestia to run.

Hephaestus: Then what about "The Black Swordsman"?

Guard 1: ...

Guard 2: ...

Hephaestus: Can you say the same thing while looking at him?

Guard 1 and Guard 2 hurriedly turned to Primis. Primis also moved his head to the side and glanced at him. When they saw that Heavenly Handsome along those blood-red eyes which had 3 commas in it. They both tremble violently.

'Guard 1 & Guard 2: FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Primis only glanced at them and said.

Primis: Scram.

His voice sounded like a Ruler's decree. The Guards hurriedly straighten themselves before rushing out of the door as if running away. When Primis looked at them before, a primal fear rose from their hearts. Hence when he told them to scram, they felt as is they were pardon and hurriedly left.

Hephaestus sighed looking at this scene. She knew if Primis want to kill her or Hestia then those guards won't even be a cannon fodder. She then turned to look at him and showed a smile.

Hephaestus: Thank You for sparing them.

Primis didn't respond. His gaze then fell on Hestia.

Primis: It happened because you exaggerate the situation.

Hestia: Ehehe. I am sorry about that.

Hestia laughed in embarrassment since she knew it was really her mistake for shouting. But it can't be helped. Ever since she heard his song, she wanted him to join her Familia. She also asked for Hephaestus help in finding him but to no vail. Then when he disappeared after destroying Ishtar Familia, everyone including her thought he died. Yet now he appeared in front of her completely fine. So, she was very excited about it.


Hestia: Ouch!!!

Primis flicked her forehead as she held her forehead with tears at the corner of her eyes.

Hestia: Hey, what was that for?

Primis: I just feel that your apology was not sincere.

Hestia: ...….

Primis: Stand down.

Ais nodded and put Lambent Light away. Then she stood behind him like a guard.

Hestia: By the way, why is "Sword Princess" with you.

Primis: Because she is my guard now.

Hestia: What, really?

Hestia turned to Ais who just nodded in response. Seeing her confirmation, Hestia became even more excited.

'Hestia: Doesn't that mean if "The Black Swordsman" join by Familia, I will also get "Sword Princess" as bonus? Hehehehe. I really to see the look of that "Loki No-Boobs" face when she will see her "Sword Princess" in my Familia. Hehehehehehhehheh.'

Looking at Hestia face as she was laughing creepily, Hephaestus facepalmed. As for Primis.

'Primis: Truly an idiot. I really wonder whether her brain is in her chest now. Does she really think I can't see through her thoughts?'

Then he looked at Hestia some more.

'Primis: I wonder whether it's really a good decision to let Lili and Haruhime join her Familia now? Suddenly future look bleak to me.'