Chapter – 144 (N/A)

(*A/N: Here goes extra 3 chapters of this month 3/3. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 31st October = 1.


Before Primis met with Hedin and Hogni.

Eina was getting ready to start her today's work. There's still sometime before the Guild opened its doors for the Adventurers. Eina took a deep sigh.

Misha: Eina the Guild is about to open. You can't show such worried face in front of them.

Eina: I know, Misha. Just thinking about something.

Rose: The Black Swordsman.

Eina: ...*sigh* Yes.

Misha: There was no information about him for the last month. There are many chances that he either ran away from Orario or-----

Rose: Shh.

Rose sternly stopped Misha from saying the last word. Misha hurriedly put her hands on her mouth. They both still remembered Primis cold gaze. And especially his warning that he won't let them go if their words made Eina sad.

Eina: It's all right, Misha. I know what you are trying to say. But don't worry, I know he is fine.

Misha: How are you so sure?

Eina stopped and put a finger on her chin. Then she tilted her head before replying.

Eina: Don't know. Maybe Women Intuition.

Misha: ...

Rose: ...…

???: Eina.

Eina: !!!!!!!!

Eina suddenly snapped out of her thoughts. She looked around but found no one.

Rose: What's happen?

Eina: I think I heard his voice.

Misha: His voice. You mean "The Black Swordsman".

Eina: Yes.

Misha: Are you sure you are not hallucinating?

Eina: Hmmm.

'Eina: Was that my Imagination?'

Misha: You really have fallen to deep Eina.

Eina: W-what are you saying?

Rose: Misha is right. You started to change.

Eina: What change are you talking about?

Misha: You appeared even happy when talking about him.

Rose: And one more thing your hair.

Eina: My Hair?

Rose: Yes. Ever since you experienced the death of the first Adventurer "Maris Hackard" who was assigned to you, you started to keep your hairs at shoulder-length.

Misha: But now you have started to grow them again.

Rose: I am sure it's because he must have said that to you.

Eina: ...…

Eina entire face turned red. She can't deny their words because that's the true. Primis said he like long hairs. Hence, not only did she stopped cutting them, but she also even started to take a good care of them.

???: Eina.

Eina: ...

Rose: ...

Misha: ...

All three looked at each other. Now even Rose and Misha believed Eina words when she said she heard "The Black Swordsman".

Eina: P-Primis.

Primis: Yes, it's me.

Eina: Where are you?

Primis: I will come to meet you in an hour. But for now, listen my words carefully.

Eina: Huh?

Primis: No matter which voice or sound you will hear. Don't leave the room you are currently in. No matter what.

Eina: W-What do you mean?

Primis: Rose and Misha, you both too. Don't leave this room until I will personally come to meet you. And also, don't let Eina leave the room either.

Eina: Primis, what are you talking about? What do you mean?

Primis: Later.

Then his voice stopped sounding in the room. As they were getting confused what Primis meant. They heard a huge explosion sound from outside.





The kick threw Hedin out of the house and planted him on the ground. He started to cough blood from his mouth. The damage he took from the kick was just too much.


This time it was Hogni who was thrown out of the house. He collided with the house which was in front of the one where they were staying. Since it's already morning and dungeon will be opened soon, so the place was already crowded by many Adventurers.

Let alone them, even the Nobles along with the soldiers who were staying in front of Guild Headquarters were also present. They all witnessed this. As they were looking at Hedin and Hogni sorry figure, one of the Adventurer realized who they are.

Adventurer 1: H-Hey, that's Hedin Selland who has the alias of "Hildrsleif". Other one is Hogni Ragnar who has the alias of "Dáinsleif". They both are main members of Freya Familia.

Adventurer 2: WHAT. Are you sure?

Adventurer 1: Yes.

Adventurer 3: Who have the guts to ambush the main members of Freya Familia?

Everyone started to talk among themselves. That's what people are. They just started to believe what they want. They never once consider that it could be done by a single person. They directly concluded that they must had been ambushed otherwise no one could defeat members of Freya Familia. But this time, they will receive the biggest shock of the lifetime.


The house from where Hedin and Hogni was thrown from suddenly exploded and turned to debris. Then...






Someone came from where the house once stood. His every step sent a chill down everyone spine. At this time, Hedin forced himself out of the ground and Hogni forced himself out of the wall. They both turned towards the person just like everyone present.

When they saw the person, everyone present turned pale. They realized who he is an instant by looking at his appearance along with his Heavenly Handsome face. Last but not the least his blood-red eyes which have 3-tomoes in them. Those eyes as if can see through their soul.

'Everyone: The Black Swordsman.'

Yes. Finally, "The Black Swordsman", Primis Rigla decided to come out in open and let the entire Orario know of his presence.



???: So, that's How the world came to know of your Existence.

???: Yes.

???: You are really amazing.

???: I know.

Two people or beings were sitting in front of each other. One of them was sitting on a Whitish Golden throne, Another one was on Blackish Red throne. The one sitting of Golden White throne has !@#$%^&*() appearance. And the one sitting of Reddish Black thrown was Primis.

He was in his "God of Destruction" form. However, the power he possessed currently is unfathomable. Behind his throne stood countless Otherworldly Divine Beauties. All their eyes are full of coldness which can freeze anyone's soul. Not only that they were also giving the same unfathomable feeling. A mere thought is all they need to erase the entire Omniverse.

???: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Still, I am sure none of them would have thought you will come out in open, in front of everyone present there. Not only Adventurers, Nobles, Nobles Soldiers but also Gods were present there at that time. No sane person will do, what you do.

Primis: Why should I be ashamed of coming out in open? Guild never released any arrest warrant or wanted poster. It was Nobles and Gods who did that.

???: True. But still I never expected, "Raven Sight" the main Headquarters of !@#$%^&*() was created like this. The very !@#$%^&*() who turned the entire Group 1, Group 2 and even Group 3 upside down.

Primis: Everything starts with a single step. Even I never realized that time that headquarter of !@#$%^&*() ,"Raven Sight" will become this famous.

???: It must have come surprising to you.

Primis: It sure did.

???: But still...

The being that then looked around. He and Primis were presently sitting in the very center of the world. There were countless galaxies, Universes, Multiverses, Metaverses, and many more revolving around them. Then the gaze of the being fell on the area between them. On it there was a Chess board. Since its his turn now, the being pick up a piece and take his turn.


???: Sill I am very happy that Your Excellency took his time to not only play this game with me but is also telling me the story of his journey.

Primis: For a being like us, Eons passed in a blink of an eye. So, I was sure that you will be pretty bored out here.

???: Then Thank you for your company, Your Excellency.

Primis: Don't mind.

???: So, when Your Excellency fought Ishtar for the first time, you never would have expected her to me this strong did you.

Primis: That time, I didn't become Omniscient of the Group. And thought since the 9th-Dimensional God power is equal to Level 81 Pseudo-God, the power higher than it will be that of God. But reality slapped me on the face when I became Omniscient. It's true that its higher that Level 81 but the scale was too high. Then I realize that it was the power of "Chaos" who did the main thing.

???: Even if power of Chaos is weaker version of !@#$%^&*(). It's still something that can kill a God.

Primis: Ouranos knew that too since he was the Primordial God compared to other Gods. And even if he is Primordial God, Chaos can still kill him. That's why he decided to stand on my side.

???: And later he was also rewarded for his decision.

Primis: He sure did.

At this time, Primis glanced at one of the Multiverse revolving around. Then without giving it much thought, he waved his hand. In the next instant, the entire Multiverse was erased from the very existence. No one showed any change in expression. Neither the being in front nor the Beauties behind him. To them what Primis did was just a trivial thing.

???: *sigh* They just won't stop.

Primis: They are really relentless.

???: Too bad they don't know what kind of person Your Excellency is. Unlike others who wasted their time, to find their location in the galaxy, Universe, Multiverse or so on, Your Excellency directly erased the entire thing.

Primis: It did the same thing so why bother.

???: Agreed. But I also understand others feeling. They are also bored like me. So, at least wasting time like this, they have something to do.

Primis: I know.

???: So, can Your Excellency continued from your you left off too?

Primis: Sure.

