Chapter – 148 (The Black Swordsman(Final))

(*A/N: Here goes 4/4 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 31st October = 2.


Primis looked around at everyone around before turning his attention to Hogni. By now, he had returned to his peak. Let alone him, even Hedin who was thrown at the House came out of the debris and returned to his peak state too.

{Primis: Ophis. Make sure that Eina, Misha, and Rose will remain safe inside.}

{Ophis: Mn.}

Primis nodded inwardly before disappearing from the spot. Finn countenance changed when he noticed Primis speed.



Hedin: Grgh!!!!!


Hedin was the first one to receive Primis kick again on his chest, and he returned to the debris he came from. Putting his leg down, Primis attacked Hogni.



Hogni: Guh!!!

Hogni was able to stop to handle some of the attack foce because of the buff he was receiving. But it was not enough. Primis then took a whole 360 degrees turn and attacked with momentum.



Hogni: Gah!!!!!!!!!

This time Hogni was unable to stop it and was thrown back.







Many arrows penetrated through the air and reached Primis. Primis moved casually while dodging them with the breadth of hair. Then rushed towards Hogni again. Hogni hands were still numb, and he was still trying to decrease the force of the impact. Hence, he was at his vulnerable state. However, when Primis appeared in front of him, a shield appeared to protect Hogni. Primis still swinged Elucidator at the shield regardless.


Adventurer 4: Au!!!!!

Shield failed to stop Primis attack, and that Adventurer stumbled back. Even though Shield was pushed away, Hogni no longer present behind it now. At this time, many Adventurers rushed and appeared at his side.








With their speed, weapon and appearance, anyone can tell that they are Assassins. All those Assassins attacked Primis weak spots at the same time. Just when their attacks were about to hit Primis, he suddenly disappeared again. All Assassins opened their eyes wide. But before they can find his location again, Primis appeared in the next instant and punched at the face of one of the Assassins.


Assassin 1: Orh!!!!!

Primis didn't stop there. He then swinged his leg and kicked the face of another Assassin. Twisted his body and kicked another Assassin at his throat. Using the momentum of the second kick, he flipped in the air and appeared behind another Assassin.

His elbow fell on that Assassin back and then he used his right hand to attack behind the head of the next Assassin with Elucidator handle.






Their bodies hit the ground. Since Primis had no intention of killing them, they all are still alive. Though, they will remain unconscious for a week. As for why Primis didn't want to kill them, it's because many of the presented Adventurers will work as a meat shield in the battle with Behemoth. Useless Adventurers will die, and strong ones will remain.

When Primis feet landed on the ground, he dashed at the Adventurers. Because this time he didn't disappear, everyone could see him. Adventurers seeing him rushing towards them gave a battle cry before they also rushed at him. If someone will look from bird-eye view, they can a single dot and a cluster of dots rushing towards each other. When Adventurers were still away from contacting Primis, all their bodies started to shine.






Their strength increased a lot. With more strength all Adventurers became more enthusiastic. Primis looked at them getting buffed with stoic expression. Then just before they will contact each other, Primis stomped hard on the ground and accelerated suddenly. Before the Adventurer in the lead could realize what's going on, Primis gave him a shoulder tackle right at the center on the chest.


Adventurer mouth open wide and the armor he was wearing on his chest carved in. But that's not all. Tackle didn't stop there. Primis dragged that Adventurer and collided with other Adventurers behind him.


Adventurer 7: Arg!!!!!

Adventurer 8: Ouh!!!!!!!!

Adventurer 9: Ah!!!!!!!



Adventurers behind were thrown away in different direction after being hit. The power behind the tackle stopped when it reached the very middle of the Adventurers encirclement. The Adventurer who was dragged all the way in, had his eyes rolled back behind his head.

When tackle stopped, his body fell backward. However, just when it was about to touch ground. Primis grabbed his leg, pulled him, and threw him at where the Magicians and Mages were standing and using magic.


The unconscious body was thrown at them with great speed. Mages and Magicians can only see the body reaching their location without being able to do anything.


Magician 1: Ah!!!

Mage 1: Guh!!!!!

Magician 2: Orgh!!!!!

Mage 2: Ao!!!!!!!!



It was all done in an instant. No one had time to react. It happened just too fast. Whenever someone execute a powerful attack, your body freezes even for a moment. It's because powerful attack or skill is like outburst of power. After outburst your body need some time to return to normal. The time it will need can be decreased with practice or experience, but it can't be removed.

And the more powerful your attack the more time your body need to return to formal. Everyone faces this issue. Even 9th Level Existences let alone Gods who are 3rd Level Existences or those lower than them. Even when 9th Level Existences tried their best, at most they were able to decrease the delay time to 0.0000000000000000000001% or so. But they still failed to completely remove it.

However, Primis was able to bypass this anomaly. Why? Because "AINCRAD Supreme" provided one of the most broken things. Skill Connect. It allowed Primis to bypass this delay time and continue with follow-up attack. After reaching Grandmaster Level, Primis can now use Skill Connect even when he was not using Sword Skills.

The Magicians and Mages who received the impact from the thrown body were now lying on the grounding while groaning in pain. Considering the bodies of Mages and Magicians are weaker than normal Adventurers, that throw really did numbers on them.

As all others stopped on their spot and were looking at what happened to Mages and Magicians, Primis didn't waste time on such things because he can witness everything at the radius of 5 Km with his "Elemental Sight". He appeared in front of the Adventurer who was close before grabbing his collar and smashing him hard on the ground.


Adventurer 21: Grh!!!!!

As the Adventurer was still screaming in pain, not only him but everyone presented heard Primis voice.

Primis: One should never get distracted during fighting. Or the consequences will be dire.



Adventurer 22: !!!!!!!!!

At the end of his words, Primis kicked at that Adventurer abdomen and threw him on other Adventurers like a football.



Adventurer 23: Ga!!!!!!!

Adventurer 24: Oo!!!!!!!!!!!

Adventurer 25: Kuh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



After kicking, just like before Primis didn't wait to see where that Adventurer will go and moved towards his next target. Primis swinged his Elucidator at the next Adventurer. That Adventurer was a Tank of some party. He was covered head-to-toe in heavy armor. On top of that, he was also carrying a big shield. Elucidator collided with that Shield.



Primis easily overpowered him and plastered him on the ground. He then continued beating others. Kick, Punch, Elbow, Knee, Headbutt and so on. More and More Adventurers kept on receiving beating and fell on the ground one by one.

Some Mages and Magicians who survived the throw wanted to use magic but since Primis was between the encirclement they can't do it because it will hurt other Adventurers. However, there's exception to everyone. Some Mages didn't care even if other Adventurers also came in between.

Mages & Magicians: Arise, flames. Rage, rage, rage. Vortex of fire. The crimson wall. Hellfire's roar. May the ardor of the gale plunge the world into grief and misery.

These Mages & Magicians were standing at the very behind Adventurers. Almost 30 of them were chanting together as many, many magic circles were appearing one-by-one.

Mages & Magicians: The sky shall burn. The earth shall ignite. The seas shall boil. The fonts shall churn. The mountains shall erupt. All life shall turn to ash.

This super long chant kept on resounding more and more. By now, Riveria and Lefiya who were watching Primis fight along with other Familia members in astonishment suddenly had a change of expression. As an Elf, they can already sense and see many fire elements were concentrating and condensing.


Finn countenance also changed.

Finn: Tiona, Tione and Bete. Stop them.

Tiona: Ok.

Tione: Yes.

Bete: Roger.

They then used their full power to reach the location of Mages and Magicians to stop them. However, before they could reach them, some Adventurers appeared in front to stop them from proceeding forward.

Tiona: Hey.

Tiona: What are you doing?

Bete: Move aside.

But those Adventurers didn't respond and kept on blocking their way.

Bete: You bastard.

In the end, all three of them had no choice but to use force. Even though Tiona, Tione and Bete are stronger than those Adventurers, those Adventurers still succeed in delaying them until chant reached its end.

Mages & Magicians: May the lives of the great ones serve as atonement for the coming choler and grief. Your envoy beseeches you, Salamander. Incarnate of fire. Queen of flame.

By now countless magic circles are on the sky. Other Adventurers also realized something's wrong. Tiona, Tione and Bete face turned ugly. They can tell that it's already too late for them to stop. At this time, they received a voice transmission.

Primis: Retreat. It's too late for you three to stop them.

Tiona: ...

Tione: ...

Bete: ...

All three turned to Primis. Primis right now was standing on his spot with Elucidator in his right-hand as his Midnight Coat was flustering in air. He was looking at the countless magic circles in the air with indifferent expression.

Primis: Retreat. One more thing. Bete at an alley two blocks behind you, someone's hiding there. Catch him and bring him with you when you will return to Finn side.

Bete: What do you mean?

Primis: Go.

Tiona: ...

Tione: ...

Bete: ...

Seeing that Primis had no intention of answering, they could only sigh in defeat and retreat. Adventurers around Primis saw the magic circles in horror.

[You did it. Just like you predicted. After killing the God it's obvious that every Adventurer will rush at the scene. How could they let this chance of killing so many Adventurers go like this?]

'Primis: Remnants of Evilus. Since I bring them out in open, Ouranos owe me now.'

[Even though they are not all of them, you still succeeding in bring them out when everyone in Orario failed to do so. So, of course now he will have no choice but to owe you.]

Primis: Get up and retreat.

Primis words were heard by all the Adventurers around him. Then a ripple of magic released by him which healed all of them. Adventurers looked at how their injuries were healing at speed of naked eyes in astonishment.

Primis: Carry those who have fallen unconscious.

Adventurers 65: Y-Yes. Thank you.

One by one all Adventurers picked the unconscious ones and retreat far away. After running to some distance, they stopped and looked at Primis tall back. Because of the Aura of Ruler, they felt like they were in the presence of the Ruler.

'All Adventurers: The Black Swordsman.'

That's the only thought they had in their mind. Primis didn't turn. He just kept on looking at many magic circles in the sky. His eyes are radiating red-light as 3-tomoes were revolving in them.

'Primis: Too bad, I thought they will at least send Level 5 and Level 6 of their members. Well, forget it. I will find you all one-by-one.'

Magic then started to condense in Elucidator.

Mages & Magicians: FIRESTORM.

'Primis: Hex Rend'

A huge firestorm was released from those magic circles while magic attack in the shape of crescent moon was released from Elucidator. Soon they collided with each other.


(*A/N: Hello readers. I tried my best to create this. I hope you won't mind any mistake since I am complete amateur in this.

Pic: Primis Rigla(The Black Swordsman)
