Chapter – 151 (Bait)

(*A/N: Here goes 3/4 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 31st October = 4.


'Evilus High-Level Adventurer: No. I need to warn others. Zeus and Hera Familia might be gone but now someone else has came to Orario. Against whom we…chan…c..e.'

That was the last thought of that Adventurer before his body spilt into pieces and fell.




After confirming his death, Primis turned towards the Mages who were shivering in fear. He didn't waste time in useless gibber and just swung his Elucidator.








Once their bodies fell, Primis walked away. Dust started to settle down slowly, slowly. Because of smoke and dust even Freya didn't see how he grabbed that Adventurer's attack with a finger.

[Bete, Tiona, and Tione failed to catch that person. He committed suicide.]

'Primis: I know. I was keeping my eye on them during the whole time.'

[You already knew they will fail, right?]

'Primis: Yes. It was a pre-defined conclusion. After the Dark Period, Orario would have used all his forces to find the remnants of Evilus. But they failed. However, they might still have succeeded in capturing some members. Yet, there was no news of Evilus. So, it's obvious either they died by resisting or...'

[They committed Suicide. Either way the information of Evilus remain hidden.]

'Primis: Yes. Anyway, even with death that Mage still successfully passed the message to them.'


Primis nodded then disappeared in the dust and smoke.




Finn: *cough* *cough* Riveria, Gareth, Lefiya. Is everyone alright?

Riveria: *cough* Yes. Somehow.

Gareth: Yeah.

Lefiya: M-Me too.

Finn nodded and looked around. By now, a lot of dust have settled down. To the extent that they can now see other Adventurers around. Finn took a sigh of relief noticing that there's no casualty.

Finn: Riveria, Lefiya. Check if some are injured and heal them.

Riveria and Lefiya nodded before they started approaching the Adventurers to check their injuries. Meanwhile, Finn and Gareth looked at the destruction caused by collision of two magic attacks.

'Finn: To think he was able to counter that High-level spell of those Mages alone.'

Then Finn looked at sky where the black clouds have started to gather.

'Finn: He even sent most of the force at the sky.'

Because of Finn's lifetime of fighting experience, he accurately saw through Primis conduct. He then glanced at Gareth who was also looking at him. They both nodded completely aware of what other is thinking.

Gareth: He really saved everyone this time.

Finn: Yeah. Otherwise, many would have died.

As they started talking about other things that just happened, Riveria and Lefiya were done checking on everyone and returned to them. Hedin and Hogni were following them behind.

Riveria: Everyone is fine. Those who got injured, just have some minor injuries.

Finn: Good.

Then Finn turned to Hedin and Hogni.

Finn: I wonder what Hildrsleif and Dáinsleif were doing here in the first place.

Hedin corrected his spectacles before responding calmly.

Hedin: This is Freya Familia matter, Braver. You don't need to worry about it.

Finn: You're right. But I was just curious what you both did to angry "The Black Swordsman". After all, from what I have seen, he was giving you both a 'special' attention.

Hedin: ...…

Hogni: ...…

Hedin lips twitched but decided to remain silent. Hogni looked down, he also had no intention of answering. They knew that the reason they got 'special' attention from Primis was because of the killing intent Hedin showed at Eina.

'Hogni: S-Since I didn't s-show such killing i-intent at that H-Half-Elf, "The Black Swordsman" w-went a lot easier o-on me. Compared t-to Hedin.'

Hogni hurriedly shook his head as remembered how Primis merciless kicked Hedin at his chest two times. Even though Hedin was currently showing calm expressions but in truth he really needed a good treatment since most of ribs got broken.

Hedin: We need to report to Lady Freya about what happened. So, we will take our leave Braver.

Finn: Sure.

Hedin and Hogni nodded at Finn before they hurriedly left. Finn and others looked at their retreating figure until they could no longer see them.

Finn: I feel bad for him.

Gareth: Yeah. But still, I must praise him for showing such calm look even with those injuries.

Lefiya: I-Injuries?

Riveria: Lefiya, Hildrsleif may look calm, but his injuries are very severe.

Lefiya: R-Really?

Finn: If I am not wrong, most of his ribs are broken.

Gareth: "The Black Swordsman" really didn't show mercy. When he kicked Hedin, he just made sure that Hedin won't die. That's all.

Lefiya: W-What? Then Riveria, why didn't you heal him.

Riveria shook her head.

Riveria: He has too much pride. He refused to take any treatment from me.

Finn: Forget it. Everyone in Freya Familia is like this.

Once Finn done talking, other Adventurers approached them. Finn smiled while looking at them.

Finn: Looks like everyone's fine.

Adventurer 1: Yes. Thanks to you Loki Familia.

Finn: No. Thanks to "The Black Swordsman".

All Adventurer: ......

All Adventurers showed weird expression. It's true that Primis healed them before the explosion. But in the end, isn't he the one who injured them in the first place.

Adventurer 1: Aa...….B-Braver.

Finn: I know it's difficult for you all to accept this. However, if he didn't make the move to stop that spell then all of you would be dead.

Adventurer 2: B-But he had no choice but to stop that. Otherwise, h-he would be dead too.

Gareth: You're wrong about that. I can tell even if he took that spell head-on, he would still be fine. At most, he would have minor injuries. However, you all would be dead.

Adventurer 3: T-Then why did he saved us? Wasn't he 'fighting' us?

Instead of calling it fighting, it was more accurate to say that it was one-sided beatdown. Though, they were too embarrassed to say that. Finn also didn't correct them. Granting that news spread how a single person beat all Adventurers of Orario, Orario will become a laughingstock in the eyes all the other countries. It's true that Primis is strong enough to do this. Still, other countries won't believe that such person exists.

Finn: It's true that he was 'fighting' you all and with his strength he can even kill you all too. Yet, he killed no one. Why?

Adventurer 3: M-Maybe he was afraid to make enemy of everyone.

Finn: He killed a God in front of Guild. And in front of you all. Can any of you do that?

All Adventurers: ...…

Adventurer 4: T-Then why?

Finn: Don't know. Only "The Black Swordsman" himself can answer that.

All Adventurers: ...…

All Adventurers became silent. They were also wondering about Primis action.

???: Maybe we know why?

Everyone turned towards the owner the voice. They saw Bete, Tiona, and Tione walking towards. The one who spoke was Tiona. Finn, Gareth, and Riveria narrowed their eyes them. Because they can see that they had a gloomy expression on their face. Bete was carrying a body of Mage behind him. When they appeared in front of everyone, he threw the body on the ground.


Finn: Who is it, Bete?

Bete: Don't know. When we were retreating after failing to stop those mages chanting, "The Black Swordsman" sent us a message to capture this person who was hiding in an alley behind two city blocks.

Gareth: Why is he dead?

Tiona: He committed suicide.

Riveria: Suicide?

Tione: Yes. He was hiding behind a magic barrier. When Bete broke it, he hurriedly committed suicide before we caught him.

Finn frowned listening this. Since Primis told them to capture him means this person must be very important. And since he even committed suicide so that he won't get caught, it increased its value even more.

Finn: Anything else?

Bete: ...…

Tiona: ...…

Tione: ...…

Bete, Tiona, and Tione face turned even more gloomy. Everyone witnessed this and realized that there's more to it.

Gareth: Bete.

Bete clenched his fist in frustration before opening his mouth.

Bete: At his last breath he said...



Mage: You...all...will...…also...… the...…entire...Orario...will…be...…….u..s...….





Everyone's countenance change hearing this. Their face also turned pale in Horror. Loki Familia was also the same. Finn expression had also turned bad.

Finn: Are you sure he said "Evilus"?

Bete: Yes.

Tiona: Sure.

Tione: Definitely.

Finn took a deep sigh and started to rub his head.

Finn: If what you said is truth, then it answers many questions. First, those Mages who used that big spell and the Adventurers guarding must belong Evilus. Second, "The Black Swordsman" also realized it. That's why he told everyone to retreat while he confronted that spell himself.



Tione: REALLY?

Finn: Yes.

Bete: Then this means that magic attack in the shape of crescent moon was released by him.

Riveria: Yes.

Tiona: Seriously.

Tione: T-Too strong.

As everyone were thinking about Primis strength, Finn, Gareth, and Riveria exchange glances with each other. They can see fear in each other eyes. This fear is not of Evilus but of Primis.

'Finn, Gareth, & Riveria: Using the very Orario as a bait to flush out the Evilus. This guy is insane.'

Not only them even the Freya who was looking at the scene with her artifact, Ouranos who was watching everything from the Room of prayer under guild along with Fels and some other Familia were looking from their hiding all sucked a cold breath realizing this.

'All: What a lunatic. If even a single mistake occurred, then entire Orario would have to pay the heavy price for the losses.'

All of them shivered thinking about that. At first, they got shocked how Primis manipulate Adventurers to start infighting among themselves then how he made Nobles lost a lot of their power then how it increased Guild prestige. However, they thought it was the end. But now they realized there was more to it. Their previous shock had now turned to horror. They were thinking whether it was the end or there's still more to it.

Lefiya: B-By the way. Shouldn't we catch those Mages and Adventurers?

All Adventurers: Huh? OH. WE FORGOT.

Finn: There's no point.

Lefiya: W-What do you mean?

Gareth: Those Mages and Adventurers would have already left the moment they released the spell.

Riveria: Yes. They never had even turned to check the aftermath of their spell.

Lefiya: R-Really?

Finn: Yes. That's how Evilus do things. They attack and hurriedly left so that others won't be able to catch them or find their tracks.

Bete: Tch. Those Bastards.

Gareth: But still let's take a look. If luck will be on our side, then maybe we will at least find their tracks.

Everyone nodded. Even though chances are less, at least it's not zero. Though...

???: No need. They are all dead. Hence, you won't find anything.

Everyone stopped on their tracks as Primis walked out of dust and appeared in front of them. They all tensed up seeing him. Primis ignored them and looked at the corpse of mage.

Primis: So, he died to.

Bete clenched his fist in frustration and lowered his head.

Bete: I-I failed.

Primis: Yes. You do.

Bete: ...…

Bete body trembled when he heard Primis cold words. It frustrated him even more. Other members of Loki Familia wanted to move forward to comfort Bete but Primis cold eyes swept over them. This made them shiver and they became silent.

Primis: If you are so frustrated of the loss then instead of keeping it bottled up inside, you should release them on monsters or your enemies. That way, it will make you stronger. Stronger so that you won't make such mistake again.