Chapter – 157 (Fate, Karma, Destiny, Luck….………)

(*A/N: Here goes 1/4 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 31st October = 7.


Before Eina, Misha, and Rose followed Royman to his office.

Primis after leaving Eina and others, instead of returning to "Raven Sight" appeared out of the room and in front of a shadow. Seeing Primis standing in front of it, the Shadow took a shape of a person. The person was a Level 6 Assassin who had been guarding Eina from shadows till the last month. Looking at Primis emotionless face, The Assassin gulped nervously before opening his mouth.

Assassin: S-Sir, I have really been guarding Miss Eina Tulle for the last month even when you disappeared after destroying I-Ishtar Familia without fall.

Primis: I know.

It's impossible to lie in front of Primis since his Elemental Sight helped him see things at micro level. When someone lie, their nerves showed a slight moment. Even if you have full control on your nerves just like Loki while she was lying about something, she can't control them at the atomic level. Just a slight moment is all he needs to see through someone's lie. That's how broken Elemental Sight is.

The information at the atomic level is not something your brain can handle unless it's like Primis who kept his Sharingan and Elemental Sight activated all the time. As a result, his brain just kept on receiving more and more information and kept on become stronger with time. And as his brain will become more stronger the range of Elemental Sight will also increase.

Assassin took a sigh of relief after hearing this. Primis then continued.

Primis: What's your next plan?

Assassin: Next plan?

Primis: Because of the re-emergence of Evilus many Civilians, Merchants, and Adventurers are leaving Orario.

Elemental Sight core range has the radius 500 meters, inner range is 5 Km, and outer range is 50 Km. After 5 Km, its range work like a radar which can not only tell the location of people but also distinguish them with color. Like how when that Adventurer party sent by Noble to capture Haruhime and Lili entered his 50 Km range, they appeared in red color which indicate that they were his enemy. While Ryuu and Mikoto appeared in green color which means they were allies.

(*A/N: You can check Chapter - 105(Future Plans) if any of you want to refresh his or her memories.)



Because of that, Primis could see many 'dots' of different color in his outer range leaving Orario hurriedly. Even inside his core and inner range, he could see many people packing their stuff.

Primis: So, what's your plan.

Assassin: ...…

Assassin remained silent for some time before answering.

Assassin: Orario and Guild have giving me too much, so I don't want to abandon it and fight for it. But...…

Primis: Continue.

Seeing that Primis didn't feel offended when he said 'but', he continued nervously this time.

Assassin: S-Since the situation in Orario will become more c-chaotic, I still want my family to leave.

Primis nodded his head hearing this.

Primis: How many members are there in your family?

Assassin: Huh? It's just me, my wife, and my little son.

Primis: Is your wife an Adventurer?

Assassin: No.

Primis: Does your son want to become Adventurer? Or do you want your son to be an Adventurer?

Assassin: No. Neither I want nor he wished to be an Adventurer.

Primis: I see.

Then Primis took something out of the space. They were two simple bracelets. He gave them to the Adventurer.

Primis: Give one to your son and one to your wife to wear. As long as they don't want to be Adventurer then no matter what danger Orario face, their life won't be in any danger.

Assassin: !!!!!!!!!!

Assassin's hands which were took those bracelets trembled. He never thought such a thing to even exist. He still can't process what he just heard.

Assassin: Sir, this...

Primis: As long as they won't embark on the journey of becoming Adventurer, they will be fine.

Assassin: T-Thank you for such a generous gift, sir.

Assassin hurriedly bow his head towards Primis. If what Primis said was true, that he won't have to worry about them all the time.

Primis: I just hope you won't slack off during the time you will be protecting Eina.

Assassin: Don't worry about it, sir. I promise to keep Miss Eina Tulle safe even if I die.

Confirming that the Assassin's words came from his heart, Primis nodded and disappeared from his sight. Assassin was stunned at first before he again merged with the shadow. Now that it's guarantee that his wife and son will be safe, a huge load was lifted off his chest. He then swears to protect Eina completely and wholeheartedly from any danger.



Primis appeared outside the guild. Ais who had been curious about those bracelets decided to ask.

Ais: My Lord, what were those bracelets? And how will they keep that Assassin Family safe?

Sheng Ming: Yes, Husband. I also can't saw through those bracelets.

Primis: Sheng Ming, you must have known about the things like Fate, Karma, Destiny and so on, right.

Sheng Ming; Yes. They play a very important role in the working of the world.

Primis: True. And Ais have you heard of Luck.

Ais: No.

Primis: Just like Fate, Karma, Destiny, there is also luck. It also plays a great role in the working of the world. And if the luck you possessed reach a certain threshold, then it turned into a Development Skill.

Sheng Ming: Luck as a skill. How is this possible?

Primis: It's possible.

'Primis: Well, every hero and heroine of different worlds possess this.'

Primis: Anyway. Luck is close to divine protection. Overall, it improves the luck a person possesses. It got triggered and helps you when your life was in danger. Or helps you in finding resources in the dungeon and getting drops more frequently. And so on. It has many uses.

Ais: Amazing. Do I possess it too.

Primis smiled at this.

Primis: No. Once you came under me you, you all are way away from things like Fate, Karma, Destiny, Luck and so on.

Ais: Away? What does that mean?

Primis: You don't need to go to deeper into such stuff for now. With time, you will understand.

Ais: *nod*

Sheng Ming: So, Husband. Those bracelets possessed this Luck.

Primis: Yes. Even though we are away from such things, others are not. Hence that bracelet will improve their luck.

Ais: Then why did Lord said that Assassin's family will be safe as long as they won't become Adventurer.

Primis: Ais, even though those bracelets provided and improve their Luck, it's not their own personal skill or something. It's like a borrowed skill. Hence, there's limit to how much it can improve their luck. It can protect them if they are normal civilians but if they ventured into dungeon where there is danger at every corner. Luck won't help them.

Ais nodded her head. However, Sheng Ming was still shocked about Primis previous statement about they are away from Fate, Destiny, and stuff. It's impossible. Every being in the world must follow the rules and laws made by the universe. If they are away from it, this means they are beyond the control of Universe. And she can tell that Primis was not lying to her.

Sheng Ming: H-Husband...…

Primis: Later.

Sheng Mind nodded her head. It's the most shocking thing she heard. In case you were away from such things, this means that the cause and effect won't apply on you. One of the Example is, the more you will interfere with the business of others, the more karma you will accumulate. And once the karma reached a certain threshold, you must pay the price for it.

That's why higher beings like Dimensional Gods won't interfere with the life of mortals. The more they will interfere the more karma will accumulate. Once too much karma was accumulated, there's high chance about the very Laws of Universe making its move to erase you. However, if they are away from It, this means no matter they do, they don't have to pay any price for their actions.

Primis: We are done here. Let's pick Lili and Haruhime from "Raven Sight" and went into dungeon.

They all nodded before walking towards "Raven Sight". Since they were going to rush again after picking Lili and Haruhime, Primis decided to take a stroll till their location. He told Lili and Haruhime to wait for at least 2 hours and there's still some time. During the way, he saw many Adventurers and Civilians packing their stuff to leave.

'Primis: How pathetic.'


Eina: PRIMIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The angry voice of Eina sounded from distance. Primis just chuckled, completely aware that Eina' pissed.

'Primis: Good thing I leave fast.'

[You ran.]

'Primis: Whatever.'

[I more and less have guessed what's your plan. With Freya Familia, Loki Familia, and Hephaestus Familia on your side, you have almost half the Orario in your hand. The remaining half is under Guild. Once Eina will become Guild Head, even that will be under your control. Means the entire Orario will be under you. In case other Familia's disagree, the three strongest Guild will take care of them and If Civilians disagree, Guild will be there to stop them.]

'Primis: Well done.'

[Hahaha. I was wondering what's more are you planning.]

Primis only showed a small smile and didn't answer. Soon they reached, "Raven Sight" and entered. The sound of gate opening was heard as Primis walked inside. Hearing this voice, others inside came out one-by-one.

Primis: Hmmm? You four didn't leave for "Hostess of Fertility".

Ryuu: We would have if you hadn't killed the God right after leaving.

Chloe: Seeing how, many Adventurers were rushing towards the direction of Guild Headquarters, someone need to stay behind to keep Lili and Haruhime safe. So, we all decided to stay, meow~.

Anya: Yes, meow~. On top of that, even though this place is good, it's still at area where Assassins and Thieves hide, meow~.

Lunoire: We don't want them to get hurt if some high-leveled Adventurers entered.

Lili and Haruhime remained silent with their cold face. Though, a small smile still appeared on their face and the coldness in their eyes decreased too somewhat.

Primis: I see. And why did you said it's me you killed a God?

It's true that the news of him killing a God 'again' will soon spread throughout the Orario. But since the distance between Guild Headquarters and "Raven Sight" too far, it will take time. On top of that, since none of them left the walls of "Raven Sight", they didn't have heard of it. Primis just hope that they won't say the same thing as Eina. Women Intuition. Though, looks like his prayer was heard.


Primis: ...…


{Sheng Ming: I agree, Husband.}

{Ais: I also agree, My Lord.}

Primis lips again twitched hearing this.

Chloe: Not only that, whenever you disappeared alone, something will bound to happen, meow~.

Anya: And all those who died somehow in one way, or another related to you, meow~.

Primis: It's as if you are saying that everything that happened in Orario was done by me.

Ryuu, Chloe, Anya, Lunoire and this time even Lili and Haruhime joined them and showed Primis a weird expression. As if saying.

'All Six: Is it not?'

Primis: ...…

Primis decided to ignore that look for now.

Primis: Anyway, you four should leave for "Hostess of Fertility". Mia might forgive your lateness before since the situation in Orario became delicate. But now that it had returned to 'normal', you better not make her wait.

All four waitress nodded their head. Primis then turned his attention at Lili and Haruhime,

Primis: Are you both fully prepared for your dungeon expenditure?

Lili & Haruhime: Yes!!

Primis: Good. Then Let's go.