Chapter – 160 (New City Head)

(*A/N: Here goes 4/4 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 31st October = 8.


The head that rose in the sky didn't belong to Bors but one of his men who attacked before Bors could give order.



A head and headless body fell on the ground. Blood was gushing out nonstop like a stream from the headless body. Everyone appalled witnessing this. Though when they saw the person who killed the Adventurer, they started to rub their eyes as if they can't believe what they were seeing. A Blond Heavenly Beauty with sword in her hand and wind around. There's no one who didn't know her.

'Everyone: Sword Princess, Ais Wallenstein.'

Seeing how her beauty transcended compared to before shocked them. Then they realized how "Sword Princess" appeared out of nowhere and killed the Adventurer on "The Black Swordsman" order. In other words, "Sword Princess" is now under "The Black Swordsman". Almost every Familia had been looking for "Sword Princess" ever since her news of leaving Loki Familia was spread. They were ready to go extreme length just to get their hands on her. But now they had to give up.

They all sigh inwardly. Who didn't want "Sword Princess" in their Familia. As for Bors, his face had turned pale already. Loki Familia always went deeper in the dungeon. Hence, he had seen "Sword Princess" many times and know the how strong she was. In front of Level 5, he as a Level 3 won't stood a chance.

Bors: S-Sword Princess. What are you doing? Do Loki Familia really want to attack the Rivira.

Ais pointed "Lambent Light" at Bors before speaking.

Ais: I am no longer part of Loki Familia. So, whatever I do have nothing to do with them.

Bors: W-What? You no longer b-belong to Loki Familia. Then who?

Ais didn't waste time answering again. She rushed at Bors directly. Bors also realized that he had no choice but to fight because he was afraid. Even if he had met "Sword Princess" before, he never saw such coldness in her eyes. This sacred his very soul. Because the situation demands, he punched at Ais with his full strength. That's all he could for now to delay her even a bit. During that time, he just hoped that his men charged forward to protect him.

Too bad that this tactic to delay Ais didn't work. She just tilted her head slightly and dodged his attack without any decrease in her speed. Then....


Azure colored "Lambent Light" penetrated his chest and came out from behind. Bors looked down at his penetrated chest as blood came out of his mouth.


When his eyes met with Ais, he became even more sacred. At the last second, he turned and looked at Primis. His eyes this time met with Primis. The way Ais was looking at him and the way Primis was looking at him were the same. They didn't even have the slightest change in their expressions. It felt as if they were just looking at the ant. Ais then pulled out her "Lambent Light" from his chest and severed his head.






Once both head and headless body fell, the head rolled towards the residence of the Rivira, who were looking at the scene with pale look. They shivered when they saw the old head of Rivira. Even in the end, Bors eyes were opened wide as he can't believe he died like this, without being even able to fight back.

As they were lost in their thoughts, Ais moved and rushed at them. Then she started her killing spree.










This kept on going for few minutes. All Adventurers looked at scene with terror. They never thought "Sword Princess" had such a ruthless side. She was sparing no one. Adventurers and Residence alike. All the people of residence were shouting and begging for mercy, but Ais didn't show them any since Primis told her to kill everyone.

As his sword, she can't let her emotions interfere in between his orders. Unbeknown to Ais since Primis was always using the connection of their heart to influence both her and Sheng Ming all the time, they both were becoming more and more like weapon.

As for Ophis, no need for that. She was emotionless in the first place and now Primis is the only thing she care about and no one else. To the point, if she will find that Sheng Ming or Ais was even thinking of hurting Primis, she will erase them without hesitation.



Last slash and the last residence of Rivira was dead. Now everyone who once belonged to and lived in Rivira was dead.



Ais swinged "Lambent Light" once more to remove any blood on it before putting it back into its sheath. Then without looking at the bodies on the ground she walked over to Primis again.


The bodies of every Adventurers at scene started to tremble when they look at such massacre, such carnage. Almost every house now had a splash of blood on it. Some weak Adventurers started to vomit on the spot as they saw intestine coming out of the severed body or organs all around. Some organs were still wiggling. This was just too much.

(*A/N: I know some of the readers don't like the gusty and extremely scene but let me remind you, this is a "DARK" novel. Such scenes will be common and will appear more and more. On top on that, they will become even more cruel. If your heart is not strong and can't take it, I hope you reconsider before continuing reading this novel.)




Ais's foot stepped on the corpse of Bors before she reached Primis. Primis stretched his hand touched Ais face gently and wiped some drops of blood which fell on it before letting you. Ais showed a beautiful smile before she walked and stood behind him again with a cold face.

During the whole ordeal, Primis was also keeping an eye on Sheng Ming. As the Goddess of Life, as the kindest goddess, she won't have like such thing. But Sheng Ming remained unfazed all the time. Like these things were not enough to faze her even a tiny bit. Primis smiled inwardly witnessing this.

'Primis: Now then.'

Primis turned at every single Adventurer present around. The 3-tomoes in just eyes started to move as every single Adventurer fell into trance. Even those standing at the far also fell into trance. In the next second, they all came out. They could no longer see Ais behind Primis as Sheng Ming hid her presence again.

What Primis did just now was that he put them all into an illusion and manipulated their memories into thinking that it was Primis who killed all residence of Rivira not Ais. They even forgot that Ais was under Primis. If Primis hadn't done that then this news would have known to Loki Familia too. It's merely 2-3 days since Primis took Ais from them. Once they knew how merciless Ais became in such short amount of time then things will become more complicated between them. So, it's better to keep Ais hidden until they will return from their world travel.

Primis: Alright. Does anyone have problem with me being the head of Rivira?

Primis eyes swept on all of them as Adventurers shook their head. They just now witnessed "The Black Swordsman" merciless slaughter. They really didn't wish to become the next one by disagreeing.

Primis: I see. Then from now on, I am the head and the ruler of Rivira. Now all of you get out. I need to start the entire reconstruction of Rivira.

All Adventurers hurriedly left Rivira. They also didn't wish stay in the bloodied city. Once Rivira became devoid of any people, Primis tap his foot on the ground two times.



As Adventurers who were now standing at some distance behind Primis started wondering why Primis tap the ground, the ground started to tremble.







Earth walls rose from all around the Rivira one-by-one. Then under the astonished eyes of everyone, these walls hid the entire Rivira in a dome. No one could see what's going on inside.

Primis: The construction of new Rivira has started inside. It will be done in five days. By then you all Adventurers will be able to enjoy living here. Peacefully this time. Still, since Rivira is in dungeon the price will be higher compared to Surface. However, it won't be as overpriced like ten times or twenty times like before. They will at most five times. And it will be fixed. You all don't have to worry about the price being increased in future.

Hearing this, all Adventurers became happy. Not only it was because Primis said that the price will be five times 'fixed' but also because they will be able to live peacefully. At this time, one Adventurer couldn't control himself from asking.

Adventurer 1: "The Black Swordsman", do you wish to create city on other floors of dungeon?

Primis: I have such plan for 28th and 39th Floor. The prices on 28th Floor will be ten times the normal and the prices on 39th Floor will be twenty times than normal. You all should already know how difficult it is to create city in a dungeon. The deeper you went the stronger the monsters. So, these prices will be reasonable.

Along with that Adventurer, all other Adventurers also nodded. Compared to 18th Floor, they won't mind least bit to spend ten times or twenty times on 28th and 39th Floor if they could rest peacefully there.

Primis: Anyway, that will be for later.

Primis then turned and disappeared from everyone's sight. Adventurers got shocked at first before they decided to not give it much thought as they had started to get used to "The Black Swordsman" disappearance. They turned their attention to the dome that was hiding Rivira inside. They really can't wait to see what the new city will look like.




Primis was walking deeper into the dungeon with Lili and Haruhime. Though, Lili and Haruhime mind was preoccupied with other things. They didn't know that "Sword Princess" Ais Wallenstein was now under Primis. Unlike others, Primis didn't make them forget about Ais. So, they remembered everything. Especially the strength she displayed. They also wanted to become as strong as her.

They were currently in 19th Floor. From 19th to 24th Floors are known as the Large Tree Labyrinth. The walls, ground, and ceiling are made from wood making it seem like the inside of a giant tree. Instead of phosphorescent light, radiating moss grows across the floor and give off blue light. These floors contain many unexplored areas and a large variety of insect-type monsters.

The plant diversity on these floors often provides ingredients used to make healing items which result in many resource gathering quests being issued for this area. The 24th Floor is at least half the size of Orario and there are rare trees that produce valuable gems which are guarded by Green Dragons, the strongest monsters on the floor.

The Large Tree Labyrinth was filled with monsters with base potential exceeding Minotaur's and others that inflict poison. Even with a large party it is difficult to explore the region with only Level 2 adventurers. It is also very difficult for Level 3 adventurers to solo the region. Adventurers are recommended to have above average Level 2 status and Abnormal Resistance development ability to explore the region. The standard for 24th Floor is Level 2 with basic abilities of at least C.

[So, on which floor do you plan on training Liliruca Arde and Sanjouno Haruhime.]

'Primis: ...25th Floor.'