Chapter – 168 (Ais Magic Control Training II)

(*A/N: Here goes 9 extra chapters of this month 8/9. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 30th November = 0.


Primis was laying on the roof of "Raven Sight" while looking at the sky which had turned dark by now. After parting with Hestia, he returned with Lili and Haruhime. They both already returned to their room and had fallen asleep. Today was really taxing for them. Even though Primis healed them completely, a good sleep is still a lot better.

{Primis: Did you get in touch?}

{Ophis: No. It's still silent.}

Primis frowned a little hearing Ophis response. He had asked Ophis to try and contact the dungeon again and again. Ophis always succeeded in establishing the connection, but Dungeon didn't respond even once. It's like how you called someone on a phone. The other party picked it but just remained silent on its end.

{Primis: Alright. You can stop contacting it now.}

{Ophis: Mn.}

'Primis: Looks like I need to go deeper into the Dungeon to find the source of problem. Because I feel it's not a simple problem but the one on the whole different scale.'

Primis then shook his head and put it at the back of his head for now.

'Primis: I will take care of it later. Since it's not that urgent. Now then on the next thing----'

Sheng Ming: Husband.

Primis: Hmm?

Primis turned to Sheng Ming who was sitting at the side.

Primis: What is it?

Sheng Ming: You are waiting for Ryuu and others to return, right? Once they will return and fell asleep, you will start the next part of Little Sister Ais magic training.

Primis raised his eyebrow a bit before speaking.

Primis: Yes. I do have such intentions.

Sheng Ming: Then until they will return, why don't you take some rest too.

Sheng Ming patted her thighs saying that. Ophis who was laying on Primis chest opened her eyes. Then she floated in the air and looked at Primid. Since the connection between him and Ophis was the most perfect, he could that that Ophis was also saying that he should rest while she will keep an eye on him.

Ais: Yes, My Lord. You should rest a bit too.

Even though, it's not been that long since Ais came under Primis. She still saw all his actions. Ever since coming out from the "Home" world, she never once saw Primis taking a rest. He was always doing something. Even last night when she was doing her magic training, he was still writing something on a notebook while also keeping an eye on Ophis and Sheng Ming when they slept leaning on him.

He was also keeping an eye on her all the time and guided her when she was getting confused. And even when she fell asleep after completing the training, he was still writing. He never rested even once while doing many things simultaneously.

Primis took a deep sigh and shook his head. He found no point in arguing with them.

'Primis: Oh well. I guess a bit of rest won't hurt much.'

Seeing how Primis was not denying their words, Sheng Ming smile before closing the distance. Then she raised his head with her delicate fingers and placed it on her almost soft and boneless thighs. Experiencing the softness and comfortableness of Sheng Ming thighs, Primis closed his eyes as his body relaxed somewhat. After few minutes, Primis constant breathing was heard.

Primis: Zz...…Zz...…Zz...…

Sheng Ming showed a loving smile and started to caress his head to make him as much relax as she can. Ais put a serious expression on her face while standing at the side as a loyal guard. Since her Lord was sleeping, she didn't want anyone to disturb his rest. Her head kept on moving here and there.

Ophis who was floating in the air didn't show anything on her emotionless face. However, she was also alert and her senses had expanded a lot. She even destroyed the sound around Primis so that he could rest properly. Even for the time being.

Time passed by.

Finally, Ryuu and others return. After confirming that Lili and Haruhime had returned, they prepared the dinner. Once done, they wake them and told them to have dinner before returning to bed. Lili and Haruhime even though sloppy accepted that and went to sleep again once they had their fill. Since they didn't see Primis, they just put his food in the kitchen so that he could have it once he will return. Finally, they also returned to their room to rest for the day.

More time went by.

Suddenly Ais's gaze became sharp as she looked at a certain direction. There she saw some Thieves and Assassins trying to sneak into "Raven Sight". Though they failed to even cross the walls around it. Afraid that they will do something which will affect Primis sleep, Ais decided to get rid of them. However, before she could make a move, all those Thieves and Assassins suddenly stopped all their movements.

As Ais was getting confused about what's going on, the next scene made her dumfounded. In a second, bodies of all those Thieves and Assassins disintegrated into nothing. As Ais got shocked by this spectacle, she saw Sheng Ming pointing at Ophis and this answered all her questions.

Once all of them were erased, Ophis turned and floated back to Primis. She could tell that he was about to wake up. And just like she thought, in the next second, Primis eyelids twitched, and he opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Ophis, who already brought her face in front of eyes curiously.

Seeing her such childish behavior Primis smiled before picking and putting her in his embrace. Then he raised his body and stretched it a little.

Sheng Ming: You look rather refresh now, Husband.

Primis: Well, I guess a bit of relaxation now and then is still better for my brain.

[Since you have been using your Sharingan and Elemental Sight all the time, your brain has always been working to the limit all the time. This quick nape really let it rest.]

Primis didn't reply. He just turned to Sheng Ming, lowered his head a little to give her a gentle kiss on the lips before parting.

Sheng Ming: Mmph~

Primis: Now then, Hmm......

Before he could finish, he saw what was going on inside. Next, he took a deep sigh before opening his mouth.

Primis: I guess I need to tell Ryuu and others to not make any portion of food for me.

Then he disappeared and appeared in the kitchen. Waving his hand, Primis removed the cover from the food and re-heat them in an instant.

Primis: Oh well, since they already made it, I will eat it for today.

At this time, Sheng Ming and Ais also entered the kitchen and saw Primis eating the food prepared by Ryuu and others. Ais tilted her head in confusion and turned to Sheng Ming.

Ais: Sister Sheng Ming, you say my tea and food didn't meet the standard to serve Lord? Then why is Lord eating the one made by those waitresses? I am not saying their food is bad, but I don't think it reaches the standard you specify.

Sheng Ming smiled before speaking.

Sheng Ming: You're right, Little Sister. Even though their food is good, it didn't reach the require standard. However, Husband, don't want to let their good will go to waste.

Ais: Oh...…

By now Primis was done. He waved his hand again and all the plates got cleaned and were placed at the side. Then he got up and turn to them.

Primis: Let's go.

They nodded their head in response. It's time to start next part of Ais magic training.




After flying for some time, they left Orario and entered mountain area. Finally, they found the place that was perfectly suitable for Ais's training. It was huge mountain which was as long as 5,000 feet or 1524 meters. Primis drew his Elucidator and used "Hex Rend" to cleave the mountain into two.



Then he used his power again to make a distance between those two halves. Now the distance between those two halves was at least 20 meters apart. They both almost lookied like two high and steep cliffs. That's what Primis was trying to accomplish.

Primis action made all the animals in the area to wake up. Seeing how the mountain was divided into two, they all got scared thinking a new overlord had come to take over the area. So, they started running away as far as they can. Primis floated at the middle of these two new cliffs before landing at the feet of those cliffs.

Primis: Alright, it's time for your next training Ais.

Ais nodded her head.

Primis: This training is called "Cliff Climbing Practice".

Ais: Cliff Climbing Practice.

Primis: In this training, you must climb this high and steep cliff by just using your single arm.

Ais: One arm?

Primis: Yes. Now what makes this difficult is that, can you see some cracks or spots which you can use as a hold in this cliff?

Ais: Yes.

Primis: That's the only thing you can use as a support. In other words, the cliff should remain the same as it is looking right now by the time you will reach the top. You are not allowed to use your strength to create a new spot or crack that can help you.

Ais narrowed her eyes hearing this. This made this training a lot more difficult. Primis cut the mountain very cleanly. There were barely many spots which she can use. Now Primis stopped her from making more. It's really took the difficultly at a whole different level.

Primis: So, what you need to do is the same you do while doing "Tree Climbing Practice". Instead of using magic on the soles of your feet, you need to do it on your hand. And that's not the only thing. The weight of your entire body will fall on your arm. As a result, you not only need to use magic on the hand to climb but also use it on your arm to raise your body.

Ais: ...…

Primis: In case you will use too little magic, you won't be able to grab those small cracks of the cliff. And in case you use too much magic then your magic will be used up before you could even reach top. And you also need to control your physical strength to make sure that not a single mark or spot will be made my mistake. Understand?

Ais: Yes. But does that mean, Lord chooses this place on purpose?

Primis: Of course. If you will do it perfectly than your magic will only be used up completely by the time you will reach the top. In case it will be used up before then it means you are doing it wrong.

Ais: Oh, Ok.

Primis: Alright. You can start.

Once getting Primis permission, Ais started her training. Meanwhile, Sheng Ming created a swinging bench made of tree branches like Primis did. Then all three sat on it and bench started swinging to and fro.

Primis: Let's start with you today.

Instead of taking out the notebook like before. Primis took out the white cube in which Juggernaut was present. He tapped the cube two times, and the transparent surface of the cube became pure white. Now no one could see, what's going on inside. Primis mind was sit inside the cube as he started to do the tweaking.

He planned to not only make Juggernaut body more powerful but also gave it some skills to get rid of its weakness. Because he knew we will be going to use Juggernaut a lot in future.