Chapter – 177 (Strong Barrier)

(*A/N: Here goes 4/4 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 30th November = 5.


Sheng Ming and Ais were sitting on the roof of the "Raven Sight" while looking at the stars in the sky. It's already been night. Even though they had seen such scene many times before it's still beautiful and had calming effect on them.

Almost everyone in "Raven Sight" had gone to sleep by now. As for them, it's impossible to sleep if Primis was not by their side. Not that it matters much because Sheng Ming can go on without sleeping for decades whereas Ais can do so for days.

Why? It's because Sheng Ming had lived for hundreds of millions of years. So not sleeping for mere decades won't affect her a single bit. And Ais, since she went deeper floors of dungeon with Loki Familia, most of the time they didn't sleep for days. After all, if they let their guard down even for a second, it could end of them. Hence, they both were used to it.

Ais: Sister Sheng Ming, just what is Lord doing in Haruhime's room?

Sheng Ming: Hehe. Didn't little sister try to peek?

Ais became embarrassed and spoke.

Ais: I did try but failed. The barrier around it just won't let me. I can't even hear what was going on inside.

Sheng Ming: Well, that's not a simple barrier. Even I need to go all out to break it.


Sheng Ming: Yes. It is.

Sheng Ming turned her gaze at the Haruhime's room which was covered in barrier. Though, no one could see it until they will try to enter the room.

'Sheng Ming: It's not a simple barrier but the one made of many laws. Even though I have basic knowledge of all the laws that are being used in that barrier, but Husband used them on a deeper level. Even I don't have that much knowledge. The strength of all those laws is even a slightly higher than my very own Life Magic. To think Husband, have such deep knowledge on them.'

Sheng Ming then shook her head.

'Sheng Ming: So, it's impossible for even me to remove it. The only way is to break it with brute force.'

Ais: Can no one remove that barrier?

Sheng Ming came out of her thoughts when Ais spoke. She then smiled at Ais and said.

Sheng Ming: Well, there's one person who can do that with hardly any efforts.

Ais: One person?

Then as if she understood Sheng Ming meaning, Ais turned and looked at Ophis who was floating in the air with the same emotionless face.

'Ais: When Eldest Sister released her aura in dungeon, I already realized that she is very strong. But this strong to the point that where Sister Sheng Ming needs to use her full power to break the barrier while Eldest Sister could remove it with hardly any efforts.'

Ais clenched her fist tightly and released it after few seconds. She then sighed.

'Ais: I really am the weakest one here.'

Ais shook and looked at Sheng Ming again.

Ais: Sister Sheng Ming, you still didn't tell me what Lord is doing in Haruhime's room.

Sheng Ming smiled and said.

Sheng Ming: Don't worry little sister you will know in future. No. You will have a first-hand experience of it.

Ais showed a confused expression not understanding what Sheng Ming meant. Sheng Ming decided to change the topic.

Sheng Ming: Little Sister, would you mind telling me about your past? Before Husband took you under him.

Ais: Huh? Ok.

Ais nodded her head and spoke.

Ais: I.........….


(*A/N: R-18 scene ahead. If you don't like lemon, then please skip the remaining chapter.)


Haruhime: Mmmm~

A moan escaped Haruhime's mouth as both her and Primis tongues intertwined inside her mouth. They had been kissing for a few minutes. When she was out of breath, Primis separated his mouth. A thread of saliva connected their lips when their mouth separated. Haruhime eyes had already turned moist, and excitement had clouded her judgment. Though she didn't care. She began to move her hands around his body, from his chest until his neck. As Primis stroked her legs gently and kissed her neck. Another moan escaped her lips.

Haruhime: Ahhh~ H-Husband~

Her words sounded enticing in Primis ears. One of his hands then grabbed her chest and began to play with it. It intensified Haruhime's lust even more. Slowly by slowly at each passing second her body was turning softer and hotter. Her skin was becoming more and more sensitive and every movement of Primis hands caused her intense pleasure. The smell of pheromones filled the room completely.

Haruhime: Mhmmm~ Ahhhh~ Husband…

Hearing her begging tone of voice, Primis bite her neck which caused her to shudder unconsciously, and she let out a loud moan.

Haruhime: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh~

At this moment, Primis other hand moved between Haruhime's legs and touched her moist cave. He smiled and traced his fingers around her sacred place. Haruhime felt a shudder running through her body with each movement of Primis fingers. With this, she cummed again.

Haruhime: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Love juice began to flow from her cave in great amounts. Her eyes turned completely blank, and her body lost all strength. The entire room was now filled with smell of her love nectar.

Primis: How Fragrant.

After few minutes, Haruhime returned from the afterglow. Primis then kissed her and continued caressing her body. As she got lost in the feeling of kiss and caressing, he began to take off her clothes while sending his Midnight Coat and Elucidator back into his soul. In just few seconds, both were completely nude.

Primis then picked up Haruhime in princess carry and walked to her bed. Once placing her on the bed, now he was top of her and was looking into her eyes which were full of love and lust. He then brought one hand behind her back and grabbed her fluffy tail. Then he pressed some of the pressure points of the tail. Tail was already the most sensitive part of her body and along with the pressure point which he touched increased the pleasure further. Then he even brought his mouth to her and bit her nipples softly.

Haruhime: Uhhhhhhhhh~~~~~~

Haruhime moaned loudly as she cummed again. Her body turned completely soft, and love juices kept flowing out from her cave.

Haruhime: Ha… ha… ha…

She began panting softly as her eyes had gone cloudy. While she was still lost in the pleasure, he kissed her and raised one of her legs. Next, he brought his waist in front of her cave.

Primis: I am starting.

Haruhime nodded unconsciously. And in one moment, Primis dragon entered her moist cave.

Haruhime: Ahhhhhhhh~

Haruhime moaned and cummed again when Primis entered her. Primis then began to move. He first pierced her until her womb before starting his piston movements. Haruhime kept on moaning as the lewd sounds filled the room.

Haruhime: Uhhhh~

She groaned with an expression of lust as pleasure filled her entire body and she kept of releasing her love juice. Primis one hand was playing with her fluffy tail, another was playing with one of her nipples while his mouth was sucking another one. As time went by, her moans kept on becoming louder and louder.

In case Primis hadn't put the barrier around the room then not only the entire "Raven Sight" but even people outside would have heard Haruhime's moans.

Haruhime was completely engulfed in lust. Their legs intertwined completely as he kissed her neck and bit her fox ears softly which intensified the pleasure. She tried her best to follow his lead and her body was answering his movements. Her cave tightened around Primis dragon, and he responded by increasing the strength of his thrusts.

Haruhime: Husband~

Haruhime continued moaning as her body was moving in sync with Primis. Their tongues entwined again, and their fluids filled the bed. Primis felt something building inside his dragon. So, he didn't hesitate to increase his piston speed which caused Haruhime to moan even louder. He then pressed her down with all his body while thrusting inside her intensely.

Haruhime's mind became blank. As the pleasure of sex filled her completely. Her face made a lewd expression as she was greatly enjoying their lovemaking session.

Haruhime: Ahhhhh~ Uhhhhh~ So deep~

She moved her mouth to find Primis's. His dragon repeatedly moved inside her and reached the deepest part of her cave. Finally, Haruhime felt an intense burst pleasure coming over her.

Haruhime: Urgh~ Husband~ Husband~ I am cumming!!!

Haruhime realized that a big orgasm was coming so she shouted and hugged him tightly. Primis didn't stop and continued thrusting fiercely while observing her lust-filled face.

Primis: I am cumming too.

Then he thrusted one last time. His dragon invaded the very depth of her womb and pleasure attacked her.

Haruhime: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~

Haruhime moaned again and curled her toes as Primis dragon twitched and released his essence which filled her womb. Haruhime showed a satisfied look on her face. Though how could it be over so soon. He turned her and hugged her from behind.

Next, he lifted her body softly. He then sat on the bed and put her body on his lap.

Haruhime: Uhhhh~

Haruhime moaned softly when her body fell and Primis dragon invaded her again. Due to the new position, her moist cave received his dragon more easily. He grabbed her two breasts and was playing with her nipples. Haruhime eyes were looking at the ceiling of her room though they were completely clouded with lust.

When her mouth opened, Primis sealed her lips as their tongues intertwined again. Since her back was resting on his chest, her tail started to move as if asking for his attention. Primis removed one of his hands from her nipples and started playing with her tail.

Haruhime: Ahhhhh~~~~

This made Haruhime cummed again because as said before tail was of the most sensitive part. Then she began to move her waist. Her body moved up and down trying to find the best way to receive Primis dragon. Primis moved in and out, savoring the feeling of her walls engulfing his dragon. She began to pant and breath heavily before long, and her movements became more and more seductive.

Haruhime: Ahhh~ Ahhh~~ Husband~~~

Primis brought her mouth to her fox ears and said.

Primis: Let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest. I gave you rest for tomorrow, so it doesn't matter if you will wake up late.

Haruhime: Yes~

Said Haruhime as she forgot everything and completely made herself fell into pleasure. As Primis started moving, he glanced at the door of the room. To be more precise, at one of the corners of the door where Time-Hourglass was being placed by him when he entered.

'Primis: Yes. We have all the time.'

Then Primis moved his hips repeatedly and massaged Haruhim'e breast and tail at the same time. Haruhime could not endure the pleasure and almost fell forward. But Primis caught her and continued his movements.

Haruhime: Ahhnn~ Ughhh~ So good~

Their bodies were completely lost in lust. Haruhime turned back and took the initiative to kiss Primis and entangled her tongue with his. He gazed into her green eyes which were filled with lewd and burning gaze. Finally, he felt a heat coming from his abdomen again and speed up his piston. Haruhime felt the change in Primis movements and looked at him with an expression of ecstasy.

She started to scream and moaned repeatedly, and a few seconds later, her body shivered in pleasure. Her hole wrapped tightly around Primis dragon. Realizing that he was about to release, he grabbed her from behind and continued his piston stronger than before.

Haruhime: Husband~~~~~~~

As Haruhime called his name, Primis kissed her lips and pressed his dragon deeper than ever. When it touched her womb, Haruhime had a sudden burst of pleasurable. She shivered in ecstasy and her toes curled up again. And then, Primis released his hot and white essence inside her deepest part again.

Haruhime let out a last moan and all strength left her body. Primis hugged her and kissed her lips softly. Then Haruhime closed her eyes with an expression of satisfaction.


(*A/N: R-18 scene and chapter ends.)
