Chapter – 179 (Underwater Battle(Part - 1))

(*A/N: Here goes 2/4 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 30th November = 6.



In the depth of the river, Ais was floating with closed eyes. Many fishes were floating around her as if wanted to play with her. However, Ais ignored all of them. By now, a lot of her fear of water had diminished. Her heart was no longer panicking as before. On top of that, she didn't need to put all her concentration on holding her breath. She can now do so very normal.

Currently, she was enjoying this feeling of water touching her skin. The cold sensation of water and slight tickling when fishes touched her with their mouths was very enjoyable. Normal human can't stay in water for much longer. Not only because they can't hold their breath for too long but also because if they stayed longer then their body temperature will decrease. It will lead to serious consequences.

However, as an Adventurer Ais can hold were breath longer. On top of that, Primis told her to keep on making her magic flow through every part of the body all the time. As a result, the temperature of her body didn't decrease and remained constant.

{Primis: Ais.}

{Ais: My Lord.}

{Primis: Have you gotten hook of it?}

{Ais: Yes. Now instead of being afraid of water, I loved remaining in it.}

Primis smiled on the surface hearing her response.

{Primis: Let's move on the next step.}

{Ais: What do I do?}

{Primis: This time I want you to cover your body with magic so that your body heat won't be escape.}

{Ais: Is that because of monsters?}

{Primis: Yes. But monsters are not the only thing. Other beings like humans can also find you hiding in water easily when they will sense your body temperature. So, to blend completely with the water you must hide your body heat.}

Ais nodded and tried to do so. Magic released from her body and started to cover her.

{Primis: You are using too much magic. Decrease its output.}

Hearing Primis words, she started to decrease her magic output. Slowly by slowly the amount of magic covering her started to decrease. Creases appeared on Ais's forehead. She needed to concentrate at lot here. Why? Because not only she must maintain the flow of magic in her body but also outside. And both that different function. Her magic inside must keep her body warm while the magic outside made her look cold. So, that she could blend completely with the river.

As Ais was having hard time, Primis spoke.

{Primis: Ais, don't tense up. Relax your body and try again calmly. I never once gave you the time limit. That's why, take as much time you need. You don't need to hasty.}

Ais relaxed somewhat hearing this. She also remembered that Primis never mention anything about time like the last two training. This calmed her down greatly. Then she started to do what was told slowly and calmly this time.

Hours went by.

Ais was controlling her magic both inward and outward simultaneously at the same time. Since she was taking her time, it was happening without any problem.

From the surface, Primis was looking at her. Ais was so deep in water that so one could see her. However, that's not the problem for Primis. With time he was also sending the pulse of his magic into Ais to help her when she was about to reach out of breath. That's why she was able to stay underwater all this time.

Ophis who was sitting on his left-shoulder was showing bored expression while Sheng Ming standing on his right side was also looking at Ais.

Sheng Ming: Her control is improving step by step.

Primis: Because she is not as afraid of water as she was before. That fear made her heart panic which also led to chaotic control of magic.

Sheng Ming: Mn. If she had used her magic in that situation that it would have been released with a burst. It might have saved her since I am sure that time this river would have been no more, but such burst would have also hurt her body.

Primis didn't reply. Though he also agreed Sheng Ming then turned and looked at him. She showed a sweet smile before speaking.

Sheng Ming: It's thanks you again, Husband. Little Sister, put her entire trust on you. Completely believing that you will save her if something happens. That's why even if she was panicking before she tried her best to not do anything unnecessary. On top of that, you have been standing here and keeping an eye on her all this time. Unlike other times when you were also doing other work. This time, your whole attention is at Little Sister.

Primis: Since I am the one to take her under me, she's, my responsibility.

Sheng Ming: Heh. Yes. Yes.

Primis shook his head ignoring Sheng Ming. After few minutes, he narrowed his eyes.

Primis: She is done.

Sheng Ming: Mn.

Ais had now completely covered herself with magic. As a result, no heat was emitting from her body. It's like she had completely blended with the sea lives. Though, her body was still warm inside.

{Ais: Lord, I did it.}

{Primis: You did. Well done.}

The corner of her lips raised and formed a smile when she heard Primis words. Nevertheless, learning from her previous mistakes, she didn't open her mouth this time.

{Primis: Remember this feeling perfectly and initiate "Extreme Image Training".}

{Ais: Extreme Image Training? Now.}

{Primis: Yes.}

{Ais: O-Ok.}

Acknowledging Primis words, Ais decided to do so. Primis power inside Ais's brain activated and "Extreme Image Training" initiated.





Whistling sound was heard and Ais opened her eyes.

Ais: Huh?

The first thing she saw was sky as she was falling down. Before she could gasp her situation.


She fell into water and didn't even have time to hold her breath.


Ais guggled and tried to reach the surface. Though...…

Ais: !!!!!!!!

Someone grabbed her leg. Ais looked down and saw a humanoid monster covered in blue scales with webbed hands.

'Ais: A Merman.'

Merman was one of the stronger monsters in Water City. It travels in groups, with one Merman Leader controlling each group. Merman were very strong monsters which appeared in 26th Floor onwards. Because of their strength, Primis didn't let Lili and Haruhime to go beyond 25th Floor. Otherwise, a single Merman was enough to end both before they could even realize.

Because Primis knew everything of this Group, he even knew the entire structure of a Merman. Hence, it's that a big deal for him to create it in "Extreme Image Training".

Merman grabbed Ais's leg with both of its hand and started to drag her deeper into water. Ais hurriedly drew her azure "Lambent Light" attacked it. Merman hastily let go of Ais leg when it saw the attack coming for it. Yet, it was too late.



Its head was severed from its neck. Ais frowned. Since she was not used to underwater battle, she realized that her attacking speed also decreased somewhat here. Albeit it was not much in other eyes but for her it could decide her life and death.

Then she hurriedly tried to reach the surface. Because she was so destined to reach the surface, she forgot that Merman always stayed in groups. On top of that, since she killed one before. Its blood had spread near her which attracted them even more. And in the next second...…


Ais: !!!!!!!!!

Ais saw a Merman rushing towards at any astounding speed with a pole in its hand. She stopped it with her "Lambent Light".


The sound of their weapons colliding changed in water. Seeing its attacked got stopped, the Merman attacked again. Instead of deflecting it, Ais parried the attack.


Next, she used her knee and attacked that Merman arm which was holding the pole.


Merman: GRAO!!!!!!!!

A faint sound of its arm bone breaking resounded. And it screamed. Thanks to its broken arm, it let go of its pole. Ais was not like before who only use brute force. Now along with technique, she also used her brain. She already knew that the speed of Merman underwater will increase. And if she was going to attack then it will use the pole to protect itself.

Not a much problem for her since she can easily destroy it. However, not only did she need to use more strength it will also delay here even so slightly. And since she wanted to end it fast, she can't afford to waste time on it.



Another slash the body of Merman separated from its waist. By the time, it died it was already too late for Ais.











Many Mermen had reached Ais by now. And then the battle begins.






Though, in just a few seconds it was over for Ais.

Ais: GURGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since she didn't hold breath before, she could no longer hold back. As a result, water entered her. Ais grabbed her neck while Mermen seeing she couldn't fight back, grabbed her, and dragged her deeper into water. Ais could only look up as she was pulled deeper. Soon, light disappeared from her eyes, and she died.




A familiar whistling sound was heard near Ais ears and she opened her eyes again. Completing understanding what was about to transpired, she hurriedly took a deep breath and hold it in.


After falling into river again, she first drew out her azure "Lambent Light". Next, she looked down and saw a Merman approaching her with a great speed. This time, she was fully prepared. She first dodged its hand which was trying to grab her and then stabbed her azure "Lambent Light" into its skull.


Merman: ......…

Merman stopped all its movement and died. Ais frowned.

'Ais: It's body is not disappearing.'

She then pulled out her sword and blood came out of its dead body.


An attack came from behind. Ais moved her body with the flow and dodged it. During the whole time when she was getting used to the water, Primis was also teaching her how to move in water. He taught how to move with a flow and against it. He also taught her how to swim to the surface. It was not that difficult since she was just moving her body with the flow of water or just needed to move her legs correctly.

As for other things like moving fast, fight more easily, and so on. Primis decided to teach that later. Once she will learn underwater fighting, she won't face the issue of water decreasing her speed and strength later. So, currently, she could only move with water.

After dodging that Merman attack, "Lambent Light" moved and stabbed through that Merman chest.



When "Lambent Light" was pulled out, another two attacks came.



Instead of dodging it, Ais parried one of the Merman attacks towards the other.



When those attack collided, its force pushed both Merman back and stunned their body for a second or so. Though, that second was enough for Ais to end both. "Lambent Light" moved again and cut them in two.



Blood started to gush out from their severed body parts nonstop and was mixing with water. Ais ignored it and turned to meet the next attack.





After killing this one, she looked down and saw many Mermen rushing towards her in tide. She didn't panic and just readied herself for the long underwater battle.

'Ais: Come.'