Chapter – 182 (Getting rid of fear.)

(*A/N: Final chapters of this Volume 2/20.)


Ais: Umu...…

Ais who was sleeping on Primis lap started to wake up from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes before raising her head. Then she took a deep yawn.

Ais: YAWN!!!!

After standing up and stretching herself, she turned and looked at Primis with drowsing eyes.

Ais: G-Good M-morn-ning, M-my Lor-d...…

Seeing her still in half-sleep state, Primis shook his head and show her a gentle smile. Then he patted the place next to him.

Primis: Come here.

Ais didn't give it much thought and sat at the place Primis patted just now. However, in the next second, she leaned her head on his shoulder and fell asleep again. Primis put his hand on her head and started to pat her. Next, he sighed, and a helpless smile appeared on his face.

Primis: Fine. You can sleep for thirty more minutes.

[You are spoiling her.]

'Primis: So?'


Primis then turned his gaze at his left-hand which was holding a white cube. This is the cube in which Juggernaut is. During the whole time when Ais went to sleep after coming out of river, Primis attention was mostly on it.

'Primis: It's true that Juggernaut can reflect all type of magic, there is limit to how strong of a magic it can reflect. Like if Sheng Ming will use her Life Magic, Juggernaut magic reflection won't work. That's because her Life Magic had reached the limit of her Existence Level. EX Rank. The most Juggernaut can reflect is A rank Magic. Beyond that is impossible.'

[I agree. But I am sure you can increase that.]

'Primis: I can. Though its limit will reach at most S or SS rank. That's all.'

[I think that's enough though.]

'Primis: I also agree. That's more than enough.'

[Then what are you worried about.]

'Primis: It will greatly reduce the number of skills I can give it.'

[Well, that's true.]

Primis went deep into thoughts before reaching a conclusion.

'Primis: Alright. I have decided. I will make all its skills reach S rank instead of SS. In that case, I can give it more skills.'

[That will be better. However, if you planned for all those skill reach S ranks too, then it will again decrease the number of skills you can give it.]

'Primis: Not a problem.'

[Alright. By the way, what about 'that' thing. The one you were planning for letting Hephaestus make for you.]

'Primis: It will take a lot of time before I will be able to make a perfect blueprint and procedure. So, I will delay it for now.'

Next, Primis took about another paper from the inventory. There was something else drawn on it.

[This is?]

'Primis: Next project Hephaestus will work on once she will be done with Growth Weapons.'


'Primis: …....'

[You really know how to make people work to bone.]

Primis didn't reply.

Soon 30 minutes went by, and he woke Ais up again. Ais rubbed her drowsing eyes but this time she didn't fell asleep again. Primis gave a water bottle to drink.

Ais: *Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* FUHAAA...…

Primis: Fully awake now?

Ais: Yes.

Ais replied actively this time.

Primis: Good. Now tell me, how did your "Extreme Image Training" go?

Ais became serious told him everything that she went through. From her first death then how, she was unable to use "Arielle", how she found out the reason, how she found many things about monsters. And he tried to use magic in her eyes but failed thoroughly. She didn't hide anything. Though when she mentioned how she used almost all the ten days with no success, she became sad.

Ais: Lord, no matter how much I tried but I failed to do so. Why is it?

Sheng Ming: Heh.

Sheng Ming who was still sitting on the branch of the tree while reading a book also heard everything. When she saw how Ais's complaining to Primis of her failed attempt, she chuckled. Primis also sigh and shook his head.

Sheng Ming: Little Sister, you really wasted those ten days this time.

Ais: Wasted?

Ais raised her head and looked at Sheng Ming. She the showed a confused expression on her face and asked.

Ais: Sister Sheng Ming, why do you mean by that?

Sheng Ming: Little Sister, it may appear simple when Husband said using magic in eyes but it's not.

Ais: It's not?

Sheng Ming: Yes. Because in this case you are not using the magic to reinforce your eyes or something. You are using it see things far away. It's a whole different thing.

Ais still didn't understand and kept on showing confused.

Primis: Think of it like you are using two different kinds of magic. First, is fireball. Second, is Fusillade Fallarica. You must have known "Fusillade Fallarica", right?

Ais nodded and said.

Ais: Yes. It is one of the spells Lefiya use.

Primis: I see. Then I don't need to explain that spell. Anyway, "Fusillade Fallarica" is a lot stronger than a fireball, isn't it?

Ais: Yes.

Primis: So, let me ask you. Just because they both are fire magic, are they both same?

Realization struck Ais and she finally understood.

Primis: Even If they both are fire magic why would they both require different chants. One short and one long. Why they have different shapes.

Ais: ...…I understand.

Primis: Good. Though next time, don't try to do such stuff yourself. If it was so easy, then I would have told you to do it on your own. Like how I told you to hide your body temperature by coating yourself with magic. You did the rest on your own, didn't you?

Ais: Mn.

Sheng Ming: Little Sister, what you were trying to do take years. Even with Husband guidance, you will still need months to master it. It can't be learnt in just mere ten days.

Ais eyes opened wide hearing this.

'Ais: Years? Even with Lord guidance, months? No wonder I had no progress at all.'

Primis: Anyway. Since you were able to stay underwater in those ten days instead of staying on the surface of water, it means your fear for water is gone.

Ais: !!!!!!!!!!!

Ais startled hearing this. She then started to remember how she spent those days in underwater like it was normal.

Ais: M-my fear i-is gone.

She fell into daze because she still can't believe.

Ais: I-I...

As she was trying her hard not knowing what to say, Primis stretched his hand and touched her face. Next, he started to caress her cheek tenderly while showing a gentle smile.

Primis: Are you happy now?

Ais eyes turned moist and then instead of tears, a beautiful smile full of happiness and joy appeared on her face.

Ais: YES!




Primis: Now then. How much longer can you stay in underwater now?

Ais: Twenty hours and so.

Primis: Hohhhhh.

Ais: It was a hassle to go to the surface again and again. So, every time I tried to take as much deep breath as possible. Then suddenly, I found out that I could stay longer in water than before. But still don't know how.

Primis: Hmm. Took a deep breath again.

Ais: Mn.

Ais nodded and took a deep breath as told. Primis narrowed his eyes when he saw what was happening. Sheng Ming also showed an astonished expression.

{Sheng Ming: Husband, she----}

{Primis: She is doing it subconsciously. So, she herself doesn't even realize what she has achieved. Don't tell her. She will figure it out herself.}

{Sheng Ming: Ok}

Primis then gave Ais a smile and put his hand on her head.

Primis: You have no idea what you have achieved Ais. And it's an achievement.

Ais: Huh? What did I do?

Primis shook his head and continued.

Primis: You will figure it out yourself.

Then he continued patting her head. Ais looked down and didn't ask. Though she didn't forget to nod.

Ais: M-Mn.

[Now that's interesting. She unconsciously compressed the air she took while taking deep breath.]

'Primis: Thanks to her Wind Magic as well as the Compressed Magic.'

[Agreed. Because she had been using Compressed Magic ever since you took her, she somehow even compressed her very own Wind Magic. That's why even if she thinks that she only took deep breath to stay in water for few minutes, in truth it's hours.]

'Primis: Another reason, is her Wind Magic again. Because of that the speed at which she used up the air in her lungs decreased exponentially.'

[Truly a genius.]

'Primis: Well, I can accept nothing less from the heroine of this world.'

{And a child of wind.}

'Primis: True.'

Primis then looked at Ais who seemed happy while he was patting her head.