Chapter – 185 (Preparation before the Final Battle (Part-1))

(*A/N: Final chapters of this Volume 5/20.)


Primis shook his head and just when he was planning to greet these uninvited guests, Twilight spoke.


'Primis: Stop shouting in my head.'

[*cough* Sorry about about.]

'Primis: What happens?'

[You remembered I told you that you will soon be going to face a life-threatening danger.]

Primis raised his brows.

'Primis: You don't mean, now.'

[Yes. At first, I was not sure even when my danger sense went haywire. However, now that your Empress has confirmed the birth of a new !@#$%^& God, I am sure.]

'Primis: Never thought it would be this soon. We just talked 2-3 three days. Even though you said it could happen anytime within the four months. Yet, this soon.'

[I know. What now? I told you that you will face such situation just when you will about to go to the next world.]

'Primis: And since this happens, it means once I will resolve this matter, I will be on the next world.'


'Primis: Oh boy......'

Primis started to rub his head in frustration.

'Primis: This means I need to put all my plans in this world on hold.'

[That appears to be the case.]

'Primis: It's the worst case scenario.'

Primis stopped rubbing his forehead and looked at all the Orario.

'Primis: I came Orario just three months ago. In which on the second month I was in deep slumber while this third month is just half-completed. So, basically, I only spent 1 and a half month in this world.'

[No. Did you forget the one-year time you spent in that forest to train yourself?]

'Primis: For me, that didn't count.'


'Primis: Since it's the dangerous situation, this means it's also any opportunity.'

A smile appeared on Primis face.

'Primis: Killing Level 4, Level 5, or Level 6 will give a huge amount of Excelia. This means even with the penalty I can increase by stats fast.'

Primis: Ais.

Ais: Y-Yes, My Lord.

Primis: A great opportunity has come to our door. These beings who came must be invaders.


Primis: Yup. It's obvious that we will kill them.

Ais eyes turned cold, and she nodded.

Ais: However, Lord, how is this opportunity?

Primis: Even though you have the strength of max Level 5 Adventurer, you are still Level 1. On the other hand, they all are genuine Level 4, 5, and 6. So, imagine how much Excelia you will gain after killing them.

Ais opened her mouth slightly hearing this. She also realized this it's really a great opportunity for her. Then she frowned.

Ais: Lord, it really is a great opportunity. But I am still Level 1. Hence, I won't earn any Excelia.

Primis: I know. That's why I have a plan.

Primis then turned to Ais and looked directly into her eyes.

Primis: Listen Ais, I am going to send you somewhere. You will be spending three weeks in that place fighting non-stop. On top of that, you must use "Extreme Image Training" every day. In other words, if you will include 210 days from the "Extreme Image Training" along with 21 days of the three weeks. You will be spending 231 days fighting.

Ais: ......…

Primis: In these 231 days, your goal is to master your skills to the limit. They both are only at "H". I know it sounds cruel but until you don't master them to "F" rank, I won't level you up. No matter what.

Ais: I can----

Primis: No, it's not as easy as it appears to be Ais. Mastering skills take a lot more time than even the stats themselves. It's true that there are just two more ranks to go after "H" rank, yet those ranks might even take forever if you won't go deeper into understanding them.

Ais: .........

Primis: And the most important thing, you will be fighting non-stop with barely any rest in those 231 days. As a result, there's high chances that you will lose the sense of yourself and will turn into nothing but emotionless machine who want to do nothing but kill everything front in its eyes. So, I will say it now.

Primis eyes became extremely cold, and he said in icy tone.

Primis: Once you will return and attack me, I will kill you on the spot.

Ais body trembled violently hearing this, she had a feeling that Primis will definitely kill her.

Primis: When I took you under me, I already told you. I want a weapon, a sword that only I can wield. If that sword turned towards its owner, then I will destroy it myself.

Ais became completely silent. She gave it some thoughts. Because didn't tell her to do it but asked her, this means she could reject it. Still, when she gave it some thought.

Ais: My Lord, I want to do it.

Primis: Are you sure? You can decline it and take it slowly.

In response, she shook her head and continued.

Ais: No. I am willing to do anything to become stronger. So, I don't want to let go of this opportunity.

Primis smiled seeing the resolve in Ais eyes.

Primis: Then be ready. For you it might be 231 days but for us it would only be a moment.

Ais nodded. Even if she didn't understand how, she still didn't ask. In the next second, Primis Sharingan started to change. The three-tomoes joined and formed a new pattern. Seeing into that pattern, let alone Ais even Sheng Ming started to tremble.

Primis: Ready?

Ais: U-Um.

Primis: Tsukuyomi.


Ais heard her own heartbeat once.




She then opened her eyes and found herself in an open area. No matter where her eyes went, she could only see a baren land. Next, she looked up and got shocked. The sky was red in color with some black clouds moving around slowly. However, the most terrifying thing was a giant glowing crimson moon. Ais gulped nervously seeing that. She felt that as if that moon could fall on her any moment. Nevertheless, the ground suddenly started trembling which brought her out of her thoughts.

Goudou!!!!! Goudou!!!!!

Goudou!!!!! Goudou!!!!!

Goudou!!!!! Goudou!!!!!

Ais looked in front and a cold sweat appeared on her forehead. In front of here, a big horde of not only monsters but also Adventurers were rushing towards her. All of them had a savage look on their face and were emitting a strong aura. Not only that but they also numbered in at least Hundred Thousand.

'Ais: I am having a feeling that once I will kill them more will be come.'

She then took a deep breath and drew out her "Lambent Light". Next, she also rushed towards them.




Primis and others were looking at Ais. For her it might be 231 days but for them only a moment. And just when that moment passed, Light returned in Ais eyes. But......…


A huge killing intent exploded from Ais. The killing intent was so strong that if time was not frozen then everyone would have been able to sense it. And that's not all. Along with killing intent, wind also started to gather around her.





That was not a normal tornado like before. This tornado was full of rage. As it will destroy everything that will stand in its way. Not only that, but the color of the wind was also not the usual green but black.

[That's just like "Tempest-Avenger". The one she created when fighting against Revis in plot and when fighting you for the first-time.]

'Primis: It's a lot stronger though.'




The tornado around Ais kept on becoming more and more stronger. It was even to the point that the entire Babel Tower started to shake. If "Arielle" was like an 'armor of wind' around Ais, then this was like a 'fortress of wind'. The wind was so violent that it could make anyone sacred shitless. Yet Primis, Ophis, and Sheng Ming remained unfazed. Then suddenly Ais, drew out her "Lambent Light" and attacked Primis who was in front.

{Primis: Stop.}

Primis gave a telepathic message to Ophis and Sheng Ming who were about to move. Sheng Ming wanted to stop Ais while Ophis was going to erase her. However, hearing Primis words they stopped on their tracks. Primis just kept on looking at Ais whose "Lambent Light" was about to touch his neck without any change in expression.

However, it stopped just 1 millimeter away from his neck.

Ais: L-Lord...…D-Did I s-succe-ed......?

Primis looked at Ais face. One of her eyes was complete emotionless while the other had some emotions in it. And a tear also came out of that eye. Instead of answering directly, Primis walked past her arm and stopped in front of her. Next, he put his hand on the back of her head and pulled her into his embrace.

Primis: Yes. You succeed and with flying colors.

Ais: I-I see.

The corner of Ais lips rose as she closed her eyes to rest. She really was extremely tired after so much fighting. Soon, she went into a deep slumber.

[Seeing that black wind, now she had even surpassed both Lili and Haruhime.]

Primis didn't reply. He just kept on patting Ais's head while hugging her tightly.

'Primis: Not only that but she also exceeds all my expectations. Creating a technique which even surpass "Arielle". Heh. What a perfect weapon I get my hands on.'

Primis then looked at the sleeping Ais again with a chilling smile.

'Primis: If all Hero and Heroines of all the World are just like her, then I must get my hands on all of them(Of course not the male protagonists). Such talent. Such Potential. Now I am getting even more excited.'

Next, he made Ais sit before siding her hairs to expose her naked back. He then pricked his finger, let the blood flow before touching Ais back. The blood split into two lines and started to form a symbol. Soon, a painting of a Raven soaring the sky was made. The painting turned from blood-red color to pitch black.


The sound of Raven croaking was heard. The light emitting from the symbol started to become more and more intense. Soon, it faded away. Before her new status could appear, both her equipment shone for a second and returned normal. It may appear that nothing had changed. However, their power had increased a lot. Since it will take a few more seconds before Ais new status will appear, Primis decided to check her upgraded equipment.


Origin, Sword Princess Armor


Type: Armor (Light Armor)

Rank: I

Defense: 1,000 ----> 2,000


Soul bound: Ais Wallenstein



Indestructible: EX

Wind Immunity: F ----> E

Damage Reduction: F ----> E




Wind Immunity: E

Nullifies 15% of the damage taken by attack that contains or use Wind Magic.


Damage Reduction: E

Reduce the damage taken by 15%.


'Primis: Before Wind Immunity and Damage Reduction could only nullifies and reduce 10% of the damage. Now its 15%. Not bad.'

[In other words, against a wind user, the damage she will take will be decreased by 30%.]

'Primis: Yeah.'

Primis then checked her azure "Lambent Light".


Origin, Lambent Light


Type: Weapon (Rapier)

Rank: I

Attack: 1,000 ----> 2,000


Soul bound: Ais Wallenstein



Indestructible: EX

Wind Mastery: F ----> E

Accelerate: F ----> E




Wind Mastery: E

The cost of using Wind Magic will be decreased by 15% and its power will be further increased by x1.5.


Accelerate: E

Increase the attack and movement speed by 50%.


'Primis: Just like her Wind Immunity and Damage reduction, the cost of Wind Magic is also decreased from 10% to 15%. On top of that, its power is also increased from x1 to x1.5. Even though it only increased by x0.5, it means it increases from 100% to 150%. It's really a great boost. However......'