Chapter – 187 (To the Battlefield)

Hello, readers. Sorry but the remaining chapters will take time since my exams are around the corner. So, I want to spend more time in studying. Hence, I don't have much time to write new chapters. I hope you all understand. Thank You.


(*A/N: Final chapters of this Volume 7/20.)


As they were flying towards the destination, Primis thought about something.

{Primis: Ophis, you remember the soul which was trying to enter this world?}

{Ophis: Mn.}

{Primis: I told you to remember its signature. Can you find it?}

{Ophis: ......…Found him.}

{Primis: Is he also stopped like everyone or moving?}

{Ophis: Stopped.}

{Primis: Hmmm. Is there something inside him which was trying to move or break through this time stopped?}

{Ophis: There really is something inside him. However, even that thing stopped completely.}

{Primis: I see.}

[Since that fated one just got his system, his system must still be weak. Hence, it also failed to break through this time stop along with its host.]

'Primis: True.'

[Since he is also still right now, you can go can extract his system.]

'Primis: No need. I was just worried that he will also go to that battlefield to become strong faster. As a result, it will be suicide. If he dies, his system will also leave to find a new host. Now I don't need to worry about it.'

[I won't deny that. Still, what if he will die after you leave this world. That time you still won't be able to get your hands on it.]

'Primis: Don't worry. System won't let its host die just like this. Even though it can't save him from !@#$%^& God, it would still be able to find or give something so that its host won't die at the hands of Monsters and Adventurers. And since Gods are not allowed to release their Arcanum in this lower world.....'

[That's true.]

'Primis: On top of that, it's useless to get my hands on the system which is still so weak.'

[I see.]

Primis: Ais.

Ais: Yes, My Lord?

Primis: When you returned from the world where I sent you to master your skills, instead of greenish wind, the wind around you were blackish. What was that?

Ais: Oh that. That was something I created while fighting in that world. It combines all my skills along with my killing intent.

Primis: Hmm. Not bad. Now that you have leveled up, your equipment has also become stronger. So, currently you have the strength of max Level 6 Adventurer. If you will use "Arielle" you can fight on par with a Level 7 Adventurer. And if you will use your new move then you can fight on par with a Level 8 Adventurer.

Ais: Yes.

Primis: So, what is the name of that move of yours?

Ais shook her head and looked at Primis.

Ais: How about you give a name to it too, My Lord?

Primis: Is that so? Let's see......

'Primis: To be honest, I never thought Ais will be able to create that new move.'

[I agree. That move was an upgraded version "Tempest-Avenger". In the plot, Ais combined her "Ariel" with her "Avenger" skill to create that. However, after becoming your Permanent-Member and gaining new skills, she lost her old skills. That also includes "Avenger". As a result, it was basically impossible to create it again. But...…]

'Primis: Instead of combing it with "Avenger", she combined all her skills with her killing intent.'

[Agreed. And the reason this skill is a lot stronger, is because "Avenger" only increased Ais's attack power against monsters, massively increases her attack power against dragon-type monsters, and the effect rose based on her hate. Yet, this skill can't be used when fighting others like Humans.]

'Primis: However, since she used her killing intent, it can be used on anyone.'


Primis: Tempestas-Occidere.

Ais: Tempestas-Occidere?

Ais muttered the name for few times before nodding her head.

Ais: Yes. I will use that name from now on.

Primis smiled while looking at Ais.

{Primis: Sheng Ming, you don't need to fight outside. You will fight when we enter the portal.}

{Sheng Ming: Ok.}

(*A/N: Tempestas means "Tempest". Occidere means "to kill" or "killing intent")



Soon, they almost reached the location. Once they reached almost 100 km in distance, Primis counted their numbers.

'Primis: 5,946. Huh.'

Primis: Ais. There are many Level 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 enemies. Even if you can fight on a par with Level 8 Adventurer after using "Tempestas-Occidere", don't go directly to them. First kill those who are Level 4, 5 and 6. As I had told you before, you didn't need to update your status all the time. Only when you are about to level up because of you will become strong even when fighting.

Ais: Ok.

Primis: Now then.

Primis looked in front and narrowed his eyes.

'Primis: Even if no Dimensional-God came out of the portal, I can still sense the power of Pseudo-Gods.'

Primis and others kept on looking in front and reached the destination.

From the height of 10 Km in the sky, Primis and others saw the invaders that were standing in a formation with discipline. Ais opened her eyes wide seeing that.

'Ais: Too many. Even Orario didn't have this many High-Level Adventurers in past let alone now.'

Invaders looked exactly like any other Humans. With the help of "Elemental Sight", Primis red their information and confirmed their race. They really were human. However, along with humans, there were many other races. Primis ignored them for now and looked at the beings who were guarding the portal.

'Primis: All of them are Level 11, 12 and 13 Pseudo-Gods.'

Then Primis moved his gaze to look at some specific people or group. Seeing all these people a smile appeared on Primis face.

'Primis: Interesting. To think I will see cultivators this soon.'

Primis: Let's go, Ais. Don't show them any mercy. They have come to invade this world after all.

Ais: Mn.

Ophis and Sheng Ming separated themselves from Primis and hid their presences again. They knew that they didn't need to join this fight. They left this to Primis and Ais since they both need to increase their stats.





A whistling sound was heard. All invaders who were standing in a formation raised their head. There they saw a red light like that of asteroid approaching them extremely fast. All their hairs rose in the end. Still, instead of panicking, they hastily cast their spells or use their artifacts, treasures or so on to protect themselves.

Once all that combine, a colorful barrier was made in front of them. Protecting them. Still...…


It broke in the next instant like a glass and that red light slammed at them.


An explosion occurred and swallowed many inside it.

[60 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[60 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[40 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[80 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[50 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[70 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]




Cloud of dust rose for a few seconds before it settled down. By now all the invaders could see two people standing in the very middle of a huge crater. The man was Heavenly Handsome while the woman was Heavenly Beauty. Looking at them all got shocked. Not because they were Heavenly Handsome and Heavenly Beauty. No. That was also one of the reasons. But the main reason was that they can't believe someone could still move after this world stopped.

???: Compared to killing the members of Ishtar Familia, this time I really get a lot of it.

Hearing the man words, all of them came out of their stupor. Ais showed a confused expression not understanding what Primis meant. Still, she didn't ask. While Primis was looking at all the Twilight's prompt window, all other invaders had circled around them, closing all escaping routes. Next, all their eyes started to glow. And in the next instant, all of them flabbergasted. They tried again and received the same result.

Primis smirked seeing their expressions and useless efforts.

'Primis: Appraisal. Huh. Hehe. Too bad its useless. Even if you have the skill of Bell Cranel "Liaris Freese" which let him attain SS and SSS stats. The limit of it is also SSS-1500. Beyond this is not possible because one's body won't be able handle more power. However, both mine and my Permanent-Members stats reach beyond it which is impossible in logical way. Hence, Appraisal can't identify the exact strength.'

[The same case is for skills. The skills I provide are very strong and had never appeared before. Why? Because following your words, I not only found the strongest skills but also fuse them to create a new skill. Because of that Appraisal can't identify these skills either.]

'Primis: Yeah. Still, I never expect all of them to have Appraisal Skill.'

[Must be 'his/her' doing again.]

Primis didn't reply but he also agreed with Twilight's words. And just like Primis and Twilight said when all these invaders' eyes glowed, they used Appraisal on check Primis and Ais strength. But the results, shocked them.


Name: ??????

Alias: The Black Swordsman

Age: 19


Level 3

Strength: ???

Endurance: ???

Dexterity: ???

Agility: ???

Magic: ???


Development Skills:









Name: ??????

Alias: Sword Princess

Age: 16


Level 2

Strength: ???

Endurance: ???

Dexterity: ???

Agility: ???

Magic: ???


Development Skills:









Except Level, Age, and Alias, they can't see anything. In case Primis and Ais would have used or had something which prevented others from reading their information that it would have made sense. However, their Appraisal can read the information, but it can't identify what skills they had. In other words, the skills possessed by Primis, and Ais is completely foreign to even their Appraisal itself. A new skill. If they gave it some thoughts.

At this time, one of the Invader stepped forward. He was emitting a powerful aura, his guard was all time high up and he was ready to draw out his two swords from his back.

'Invader 1: This man is wearing "The Midnight Coat". And the sword behind his back is definitely "Elucidator". This means he came from the world of "Sword Art Online" or he has a "Sword Art Online" system. Still...….'

That invader looked at Primis who was looking at the side.

'Invader 1: His eyes. They are Sharingan. That's something you can only obtain from the world of "Naruto". You can't go to two worlds. Hence, it could only be either "Sword Art Online" world or "Naruto" world. However, the only thing he has from "Naruto" world is Sharingan.'

That invader then glance at his and his eyes met with another person. Surprising this person also had Sharingan.



Ryuu Shun: This person has not only the equipment from "Sword Art online" world but also has Sharingan from "Naruto" world. Did he come from "Naruto" world?

Ryota Uchiha: No. He didn't. With my Sharingan I have checked the flow of power inside him. So, I am sure that he doesn't have any chakra inside him. It's like the flow of magic inside you.

Ryuu Shun: Can you confirm once more?

Ryota Uchiha: Give me a second.



Three-Tomoe in the second invader eyes started to rotate and formed a new pattern. Then he closed his eyes and opened them again. It was shockingly Sasuke's Mangekyō Sharingan. The one Sasuke used before he got his "Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan".

The Invader then looked at Primis attentively before shaking his head.



Ryota Uchiha: Just like said before. He doesn't have any Chakra but Magic.

Ryuu Shun: This means he came from "Sword Art Online" world. He must have come across a transmigrater of "Naruto" world at some point who had Sharingan.

Ryota Uchiha: Yeah. He must have killed him and implanted his eyes.

Ryuu Shun: That appeared to be a case.

Ryota Uchiha: Bastard. How dare he has audacity of Humiliating an Uchiha? I will make him pay for it dearly.



At this time, Primis moved his gaze from Twilight prompt towards the Invaders in front. Then he smiled.