Chapter – 191 (Final Battle Begins(Part - 4))


(*A/N: Final chapters of this Volume 11/20.)


Primis looked at the person named Lin Dong in front. The person was wearing a black robe. He had a pair of black eyes that were deep as the night. An ancient feeling swirled in the depths of these eyes, as if they had experienced Reincarnation itself. He was very handsome, and his eyes were filled with determination.

Primis looked at person for a few seconds before moving his gaze at other Pseudo-Gods who were ready to retreat the moment Primis and Lin Dong's fight will begin. Primis sighed before saying.

Primis: Scram.

They all shivered hearing Primis words. Then after giving Primis and Lin Dong one last look, they retreated into the portal. However, one of them stopped before entering and looked at fight occurring between Ais, Ryuu Shun, and Ryoata Uchiha. As if he wanted to take them with him too. Nevertheless, Primis emotionless voice interrupted his thoughts.

Primis: Do you wish to stay here with them?

The person understood that he can't help them when he heard this. Still, he looked at Lin Dong as if asking for help. Lin Dong also realized that it's impossible to help them, so he just shook his head as if telling him to forget it. The person sighed before entering the portal too.

Now only five people were left in the battlefield. Ryuu Shun, Ryota Uchiha, Lin Dong, Ais, and Primis. Of course, if you will exclude Ophis and Sheng Ming who were hidden.

Primis: Now then.

Primis looked at Lin Dong again.

[Lin Dong from the "Great Thousand Worlds". Wait a minute. Primis, isn't he...…]

'Primis: Yes. He is the main protagonist of the novel "Wu Dong Qian Kun". And one of the three became the strongest hegemonic figures in all the "Great Thousand World".'

[So, it's really him.]

He then shook his head and put these thoughts at the back of his head for now.

{Primis: How was it?}

{Ophis: I already marked the retreating Pseudo-Gods. The moment they entered the portal they all died.}

{Primis: Did you make sure no residue of your power left?}

{Ophis: Yes. Don't worry even !@#$%^ God won't be able to realize it.}

{Primis: Good.}

Primis: The Black Swordsman, Primis Rigla.

Lin Dong got shocked hearing this. When Primis didn't introduce himself at first, he thought Primis was being arrogant and didn't wish to introduce himself. Still, he didn't get angry because higher Beings didn't introduce themselves to those who think ants. Hence, he his respect for Primis increased when Primis introduced himself. With grateful look on his face, he smiled and cupped his fists.

Lin Dong: Thank You.

Primis nodded and said.

Primis: Let's begin.

Lin Dong: Yes.

Lin Dong eyes became serious as an unfathomable aura was released from him.

Primis: What is your realm called?

Lin Dong: In "Great Thousand Worlds" my realm is called "Ranker".

Primis: Hmmm.

'Primis: So, "Level 14 Pseudo-God" is equal to that of "Ranker".'

[This means "Level 15 Pseudo-God" must be equal to "The Great Ruler" realm.]


Leveling = "Wu Dong Qian Kun" Realms

Level 1 = Tempered Body

Level 2 = Earthly Yuan

Level 3 = Heavenly Yuan

Level 4 = Yuan Dan

Level 5 = Form Creation

Level 6 = Qi Creation

Level 7 = Manifestation

Level 8 = Nirvana

Level 9 = Profound Life

Level 10 = Profound Death / Fiend Commander

Level 11 Pseudo-God = Samsara / Fiend General

Level 12 Pseudo-God = Reincarnation / Fiend King

Level 13 Pseudo-God = Ancestor / Dimension Master / Fiend Emperor

Level 14 Pseudo-God = Ranker

Level 15 Pseudo-God = Martial Ancestor / The Great Ruler


Lin Dong took out a Scepter. The moment he took it out lightning came out of it and covered it whole.



Countless lightning bolts exploded from the Scepter in his hand. The Berserk lightning than covered his entire body. The power emitting from every bolt was so high that even Ais, Ryuu Shun, and Ryota Uchiha had move their gaze to look at this direction. Ryuu Shun and Ryota Uchiha face turned pale seeing this. Even though Ais didn't turn pale because Sheng Ming's blessing and Primis power in her mind calmed her, her expressions were still grave.

Primis who was still indifferent looking at his Lin Dong, suddenly moved his Elucidator to the left.



A huge shockwave was released. The shockwave travelled to long distance. Even the Ais and other two had to keep some distance.

He moved his eyes to the left and looked at Lin Dong whose Scepter he had stopped with his Elucidator. The Lin Dong in front was just an afterimage created from his extreme speed.


Both the Lightning covered Scepter and Elucidator were grinding against each other.


Primis deflected the Scepter away and attacked Lin Dong in middle of his chest. Lin Dong moved to the left and dodged Elucidator before pointing Scepter towards Primis head. A bolt of lightning was released from it and moved towards Primis head. Primis tilted his head to the side dodging it. Next, he changed the direction of Elucidator and attacked again.


Lin Dong jumped and dodged it again before kicking. Primis blocked it with his left arm and pushed it away. Lin Dong used the momentum and made a whole circular turn and kicked again from the other side. Primis ducked and dodged it. Elucidator thrusted forward again. Just when the Elucidator was about to touch Lin Dong, Lightning Scepter his hand moved and touched the tip of Elucidator. And then using the force behind the Elucidator, Lin Dong jumped back and made a distance.

Next, lightning gathered around Lin Dong as he pointed Lightning Scepter towards Primis. Countless Lightning Bolts rushed forward towards Primis like torrential rain. Magic condensed in Elucidator and magic in the shape of crescent moon was released to meet with these Lightning Bolts.







Lightning Bolts released by Lin Dong seemed endless. Yet, a single "Hex Rend" was able to take on all of them. Many shockwaves released from the collision of the two attacks devastated the entire area. If it was any another world that this collusion would have even shattered even the space itself. But in this world, it was not enough. Only the battlefield was affected not any other place. This showed how strong a mere planet of this world is. Otherwise, such battle would have easily damaged the planet of other worlds.

Once the collision ended, the entire area was covered with dust and smoke. Primis swing his Elucidator which released wind who blew all these dust and smoke away. He then raised his head and looked at Lin Dong who was flying in the sky and was also looking at Primis.

'Primis: No wonder he is called the God of martial arts. The way he chains attacks, the angle, the timing everything is calculated perfectly.'

[Yeah. Your permanent members like Ais will need to increase her swordsmanship to at least "A" rank if she wants to be on a par with him in martial arts.]

Primis didn't reply but he also agreed with that.

At this time, Lin Dong who was looking at Primis had an extremely solemn expression. He never expected that a single attack of Primis will render all his lightning bolts useless. He then took a deep breath and raised his hand. A symbol appeared in his hand. When it appeared, the lightning around Lin Dong grew increasingly violent and its power also increased further.

Another symbol appeared. The moment this symbol appeared the temperature around increased drastically. Air, land, everything started to heat up. Even the stone started to release steam as they started melt. Then another symbol appeared. Once this appeared, the entire space started to come under it.

'Primis: Three Ancestral Symbols. Huh.'

[Yeah. Thunderbolt Ancestral Symbol. Flame Ancestral Symbol. Spatial Ancestral Symbol.]

The color of lightning around Lin Dong turned red before it became translucent. Then lightning around Lin Dong suddenly erupted in a maniacal manner. It filled the area within a several hundred thousand feet radius around him. Thunder rumbled in the area, and signs of crumbling could be seen.

However, that was not the end. One more Ancestral Symbol appeared. Seeing it even Primis narrowed his eyes.

'Primis: Devouring Ancestral Symbol.'

{Primis: Ophis, send Ais and other two away from here.}

{Ophis: Ok.}

Ophis replied and in the next instant, Ais, Ryuu Shun, and Ryota Uchiha disappeared. Lin Dong got started seeing this. Spatial Ancestral Symbol gave him the mastery over space. Yet, he didn't understand how they three disappeared. He only thought for a second before turning his attention towards Primis again. On the other hand, all this while Primis was looking at "Devouring Ancestral Symbol".

'Primis: Devouring Ancestral Symbol can absorb different kinds of energy and give it to its user. It can even devour life force. If it was before then I would have really loved to get by hands on it but now, it's useless to me.'

[It's because of Therion, isn't it?]

'Primis: Yeah. Therion possessed the strongest devouring power in existence. To the point that even the previous !@#$%% God was afraid of it. So, once I will get Therion, I will also gain that power. In front of that power, Devouring Ancestral Symbol won't even hold a candle.'

[I won't deny that.]

Lin Dong who was covered in red translucent lightning suddenly closed his eyes. Devouring Ancestral Symbol moved away from him and appeared on top of Primis. Once it was on top of him, the symbol slowly started to take a shape of black vortex and the light around Primis suddenly dimmed. Even the air itself begun to gather towards that black vortex.

Soon, an endless darkness seemed to sweep out from the black vortex like floodwater. The endless darkness grew more and more and filled the horizons. In the next moment, a calm voice which contained an endless strength was softly emitted from Lin Dong mouth.

Lin Dong: Devouring World.

He opened his eyes at this moment. His eyes had turned into two rotating black holes and in the next instant, the entire world turned completely dark. an overbearing devouring light spread at a speed, which was undetectable by the naked eye. As the light spread, magic and air in the atmosphere was devoured by it.

The entire battlefield was turned into a Devouring World by Lin Dong.

Primis looked all around him. It was nothing but darkness. Endless Darkness like that of Abyss. He can't even see his own hand. However, that's not the only thing. He can tell that all his senses had been sensed. He can neither see, hear, smell, touch, taste anything.

A small smile appeared on Primis face when he realized his predicament.

'Primis: Interesting. It's really been a long time since I have found myself in this situation. As expected, all the Heroes and Heroines are something else. Even my Sharingan is useless here. Nevertheless, the current me won't have any problem even if all my senses are sealed.'

Primis then closed his eyes as he put all his concentration in his "Elemental Sight". Everything was visible in his mind. He could easily see the position of Lin Dong. The current Lin Dong was wearing some sort of armor right now.

'Primis: That's "Devouring Armor". Looks like I can't use "Hex Rend" on him for a while since the magic will be absorbed by the armor.'

[But if you will use more power than what that armor could handle then you can easily break it.]

'Primis: I guess.'

Primis answered nonchalant before raising his head. The red translucent lightning now had a shade of black into it. It appeared that even devouring power was merged with it. Intense rays suddenly exploded from that lightning surrounding Lin Dong before it rapidly shrunk at an astonishing speed. After a few seconds, that lightning transformed into thick blackish-red thunder clouds that were looming in the sky above.