Chapter – 193 (Final Battle Begins(Part - 6))


(*A/N: Final chapters of this Volume 13/20.)


Before Primis and Lin Dong final clash.

Ais who was teleported to a distance with Ryuu Shun and Ryota Uchiha was looking at direction Primis was fighting. How did she know Primis was fighting there? It's because she could a huge black dome there. That Dome was Lin Dong's Devouring World.

Ais: My Lord.

She muttered slowly before turning to Ryuu Shun and Ryota Uchiha again. Both had ugly expression on their faces. When they saw how all the Pseudo-Gods except Lin Dong left without taking them, they knew they had already given up on them. Now they only had a small hope in their heart that Lin Dong will come for their rescue.




Step-by-Step Ais walked towards them with emotionless face. Since these invaders had come to invade her world, she wouldn't show any mercy to them. Sensing the aura of Level 11 Pseudo-God emitted by Ais, both had a cold sweat appeared on their forehead. They both gulped unconsciously as she was approaching them.

Ryuu Shun: W-We need to delay her as m-much as we can so that L-Lord Lin Dong came for our rescue when he is done on his side.

Ryota Uchiha: Y-Yeah.

Then they both took out some potions from their inventory one-by-one and started to drink them. Ais stopped moving forward and wait for them to finish. As an Adventurer, she had also used potions before. Hence, she wasn't surprised by it and let them drink it. Why? Because once the fight will begin, they won't get such chance again.

Once they were done, all their wounds were healed, all their fatigue was gone, and all their magic or chakra was recovered. Not only that Ais has to raise her brow a little because she could tell that their strength had also increased.

Ryuu Shun: Thank you for waiting.

Ryota Uchiha: We are ready.

Ais didn't reply. She just stomped her foot on the ground and rushed at them.


A sonic boom was released behind her, and she was already in front of Ryota Uchiha. While killing other invaders before, she also glanced at them when they were fighting Primis. Hence, she knew that this Ryota Uchiha could use a lot of long-ranged attack. So, she decided to start with him.

Ryota Uchiha opened his eyes wide when he saw Ais already in front of him. Even with his Mangekyō Sharingan and buffs from the potions, he barely saw her shadow when she moved. Still, in the last moment, he brought his kunai in front to stop it. Though, that was a bad move.






Ryota Uchiha: Ackg!!!!!

Because he brought kunai to block "Lambent Light" in desperation, he didn't cover it with his chakra. As a result, it was destroyed in an instant. He also realized that and moved his body to the side at the last moment. This saved his life at the cost of his shoulder. "Lambent Light" was embedded deep into his shoulder. Ryota Uchiha expression became distorted as he looked at Ais with rage.

Ryota Uchiha: You Bitch. Amaterasu.

A glint appeared in Ryota Uchiha's Mangekyō Sharingan as he looked at Ais. Ais's instinct suddenly warned her about upcoming danger. Hence, she did a reverse-backflip.


Something passed by in the next moment where she was before. From the position of upside down, Ais saw black flames which fell on the ground ahead. She could sense an extreme danger while looking at those flames.

Ryota Uchiha: Gah!!!!!!!!!!

Ryota Uchiha screamed again. When Ais did the reverse-backflip, she put her weight on the handle of her "Lambent Light". Hence, it dug deeper into Ryota Uchiha's shoulder. But that was not the end. Ais grabbed the handle with both hands and pushed it downward.



Ryota Uchiha: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryota Uchiha let out a soul-shaking scream as his severed arm fell on the ground.

Ais ignored the screaming Ryota Uchiha for now and moved her eyes to the left where Ryuu Shun had appeared in front of her with his twin blades. He attacked at Ais vital organ with one of his swords. Instead of stopping this attack, Ais twisted her body and dodged it.


Ryuu Shun wasn't done yet, he attacked with his second blade at this time. This time Ais used her "Lambent Light" to block it.


Ryuu Shun gritted his teeth because even when attacking Ais at this unexpected time, he still can't push her back.


Both their weapons grinded as they used the force to jump back.

While they were still in air, Ais didn't forget to look at Ryota Uchiha. Ryota Uchiha just now picked up his severed arm and put it on his shoulder again. Next, his hand got covered in green light as he tried to re-attack it. Ais had no intention of letting him do so. She pointed her free left-hand towards him as her wind magic started to gather. Then she released it.


Wind magic in the form of artillery rushed towards Ryota Uchiha. Because he was completely focused on re-attaching his arm, he only heard it by the time attack was already in front of him. And then...…


An explosion occurred.


Ais finally landed and turned her attention towards Ryuu Shun now. He was already approaching her with his full speed. Instead of waiting for him to reach her, Ais also dashed towards him. So, they met sooner.





They both started to clash with each other. Ais's swordsmanship "Ventus Fury I" and equipment increased her movement and attack speed. While Ryuu Shun Dual Wield gave him high reflex speed. Hence, both of their weapons and movements became blur. As time went by, their speed kept on increasing more and more.

It may appear that both were equal but in truth Ryuu Shun expressions were becoming more and more grave with time. Why? First, Ais's stats were already max Level 11. Second, with her swordsmanship and equipment, Ryuu Shun was barely keeping up with her. Third, but not the least, Ais was not Agility based Adventurer but Allrounder one. Hence, even her strength was that of max Level 11.

Ryuu Shun was having hard time while blocking such heavy attacks. His arms and hands had long gone numb. He could lose the exchange at any moment. And that's what happened.




Ais deflected his twin blades and slapped his chest. She also released wind attack from her hand which sent a shockwave at Ryuu Shun chest.

Ryuu Shun: Kuh!!!!!

Since it was more of a blunt attack, the force behind it not only threw him away but also injured him.



Ryuu Shun hit the ground in a distance and an explosion occurred. Ais next moved her gaze towards Ryota Uchiha location. Dust had started to settle down. After some time, Ryota Uchiha could be seen. In the next moment, Ais opened her eyes wide in shock.

Ryota Uchiha was standing on his spot while glaring at Ais. His arm had been completely re-attached to his shoulder. However, that's not what shocked Ais. What shocked her was the purple ribcage that was protecting him. She raised her head and say a giant skeleton. Seeing this her expressions became grave. She could feel danger from this skeleton.

Ryota Uchiha: Rejoice, Bitch. You made me use my strongest power already. Behold, Susanoo. The strongest power of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Ais narrowed her eyes before opening her mouth.

Ais: Mangekyō Sharingan. Is that what your eyes called?

Ryota Uchiha: Huh? You are with that guy, and you don't know what Mangekyō Sharingan is.

Ais shook her head and continued.

Ais: My Lord, never explained anything about his eyes to me.

Ryota Uchiha: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Why should he give you a proper explanation? He had clearly stolen the eyes of my clan and implanted them on himself.

Ais: Hmmm?

Ryota Uchiha: Looks like you didn't understand. Then let me. Only those with the bloodline of Uchiha can process the Sharingan. Sharingan is the basic power of Uchiha. It has tomoes in them, the same as your so-called Lord. While Mangekyō Sharingan is the evolved version of Sharingan. And is a lot stronger compared to normal Sharingan.

Ais: Is that so? Since Sharingan belongs to the one with your bloodline, didn't this mean if someone else implanted them then they had to face some kinds of side-effects or setbacks.

Ryota Uchiha startled for a bit before started laughing loudly.

Ryota Uchiha: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I guess you are not a fool and have some brains in you.

Then he looked at Ais intensely.

Ryota Uchiha: You're right. If Sharingan is transplanted into non-Uchiha, then they are unable to deactivate it and its use has a greater chakra demand for them than for actual Uchiha, who need only minimal chakra to keep it active. For these reasons, non-Uchiha need to cover their Sharingan when they aren't using it in order to conserve chakra. Oh, you can interpret chakra as magic so that you can understand it.

Ais became silent for some time hearing this before a smirk appeared on her face. Seeing this Ryota Uchiha suddenly had a bad premonition.

Ais: So, non-Uchiha can't deactivated their Sharingan and need to cover it because it uses a greater amount of power. Right?

Ryota Uchiha: R-Right?

Ais: And even if as an Uchiha you only need to use minimal amount of 'chakra', you still can't afford to keep it activated all the time, right?

Ryota Uchiha: Y-Yes.

Hearing this, Ais smiled became even more brightly.

Ais: In that case, why do I feel like you are more of the fake here instead of My Lord.

Ryota Uchiha: Wha----

Ais: It's true that My Lord's Sharingan is activated all the time, but I never once saw him covering his eyes. Let alone that he kept his Sharingan activated all the time. Every Minute, Every Second, and Every Moment. And that's something not even you Uchiha could accomplish. Last but not the least, you said that Mangekyō Sharingan is the evolved version of Sharingan and is a lot more powerful. However, I can tell that My Lord's normal Sharingan is still a lot stronger than your very Mangekyō Sharingan. So, you are more a fake than him.

Ryota Uchiha can't believe what he just heard. Ais words felt like a Fairy Tale to him. What Primis did was something that even Uchiha's can't do let alone non-Uchiha. His face distorted as he thought that Ais was talking rubbish.

Ryota Uchiha: YOU ARE LYING.

Hearing his shout, Ais just shook her head. She held her "Lambent Light" tightly and attacked. With her speed she appeared behind him and attacked. Ryota Uchiha who saw Ais's action sneered.


Ais: Kuh!!!!!

When her attack hit Susanoo, the rebound force pushed her back instead. Ais summersaulted in the air before landing gracefully on the ground. She saw how her right hand which was holding "Lambent Light" shivering. A frown appeared on her forehead.

'Ais: Hard.'

Ryota Uchiha didn't move and was looking at Ais with a mocking expression. Ais didn't become angry seeing this.

'Ais: Even if its hard, I still think that I can break it.'


Suddenly a loud sound was heard, and they both turned towards it. All the rocks were thrown away as Ryuu Shun came out of the crater. There were some injuries on him, and a trail of blood was coming from the corner of his mouth. He was glaring at Ais as if he wanted to murder her as ruthlessly as possible. Step-by-Step he walked towards them and stand at Ryota Uchiha side.

Ryuu Shun: You won't get the chance to take us out one-by-one again.

Ais raised one of her brows before replying.

Ais: We will see.

Saying this Ais took her stance. Ryuu Shun and Ryota Uchiha also got ready. And then both parties rushed towards each other again.