Chapter – 195 (Final Battle Begins(Final))


(*A/N: Final chapters of this Volume 15/20.)


The entire battlefield had been devastated by Lin Dong and Primis final clash. The power they released was so strong that there were still some residues of it left in the atmosphere. And these residues were more than enough to turn even a Level 10 being to ash with just a slight touch.

Lin Dong: ...…

Lin Dong was lying on the ground while looking at the sky. His face was completely pale while he was in his last breath. In the last attack, he used up all his blood essence to increase its power. So, even if Primis won't kill him now, he will still die soon anyway.




Primis approached him at this time. Unlike Lin Dong whose condition was very severe, Primis was still same as before. He didn't even have a single scratch on him. Lin Dong didn't turn his head towards Primis and just kept on staring at the sky. After reaching him, Primis looked at him and spoke.

Primis: You Lost.

Lin Dong: Yes. It's my loss senior.

Both became silent after this. The silence remained for some time before Lin Dong spoke.

Lin Dong: Thank You, Senior. It was really the best fight I could ever possibly ask for.

Primis: ......

Primis didn't reply. He also raised his head and stared at sky like Lin Dong. He only opened his mouth after few seconds.

Primis: Do you mind if I ask something?

Lin Dong: If its something I could answer then I will.

Lin Dong thought Primis wanted to ask about his past or why did they want to invade the world or something along the line, however, his next words made him open his eyes wide.

Primis: I wonder why the main protagonist "Wu Dong Qian Kun" and one of the Three Guardians of the "Great Thousand World" trying to invade the worlds like that of "Heavenly Evil Monarch" and his fiend clan from that world.

A sad smile appeared on Lin Dong face as he spoke.

Lin Dong: So, Senior already knew who I am. It's really an honor.

Saying this he became silent again as he started to go through his memories. Then he sighed.

Lin Dong: Since Senior knows about me then you must have also known about 'our' battle against Heavenly Evil Monarch.

Primis: If I remember correctly, he had trouble facing you, Flame Emperor, and Mu Chen at the same time, thus he sacrificed his nine eyes and his lifespan to use the tenth eye. And when Mu Chen ascended to "The Great Ruler" realm, he wasn't his match and decided to flee. Still, before he could flee far, Mu Chen had gathered the battle will into a single streamer, which pierced his tenth eye, thus in the process killing him.

Lin Dong: Yes, this would have happened. But it didn't.

Primis frowned before opening his mouth.

Primis: Someone interfered. No. To be more precise, someone interfered with the timeline.

Lin Dong startled hearing this.

Lin Dong: S-Senior, you really are something. Yes. That's what happened. His father who had died in "Heaven Genesis World" came and saved him at the last moment.

Primis: Saint God. Huh.

Lin Dong: Exactly. And he was a lot stronger than before. No matter what we threw at him, it was useless. As a result, we the "Great Thousand World" lost.

'Primis: He must have become Dimensional-God. Only a Dimensional-God can hurt another Dimensional-God. That's because Dimensional-Gods are completely immune against the attacks of those who aren't one. It was to the point that even if you get a Dimensional-God weapon, you still won't be able to scratch them.'

Primis glanced at Lin Dong. He can already guess what happened next. Lin Dong gritted his teeth as he still vividly remembered how all died right in front of his eyes, but he failed to do anything. All three of them were completely suppressed by that Saint God like they were ants.

Primis: Is that why you joined these invaders?

Primis words brought Lin Dong back to the present. He sighed again.

Lin Dong: If you have lost everything and was at the lowest point of your life, someone came knocking at your door saying you can still reverse the situation. I am sure everyone will accept that offer without much thought.

Primis: Yes.

Lin Dong: That's the same case here.

Primis: However, you realized that it was just a false hope.

Lin Dong: Exactly. But too late by then. When I realized the truth, I have completely lost all hope. The person who came to me with this offer, did the same with Saint God. They told him about his future and gave the same offer. He accepted, of course. That's why not only did he survived but he also became more powerful.

Primis: ......

Lin Dong: After countless years of investigation, I came to know that this happened every time. When they invade worlds, they were given strict instruction to not kill that world's Protagonist. Later when that Protagonist was at his lowest point after losing everything, some of their high-ranking members approached with the same offer. On top of that, they even contact antagonist of that world before even invading.

Primis: So, in the end, they get both the Protagonist and Antagonist of that world to their side. Talk about win-win situation.

Lin Dong: Yes. They don't care about the lives of other people. They just want Protagonists and Antagonist since they had a lot of potential and can have a great use to them.

Primis: Hmmm.

'Primis: No wonder. In the entire world, Protagonist and Antagonist are the center of the world. Like if the 'Will of the World' made its move to protect its hero in case of danger, it did the same for its villain too. Because it can't let anyone except the hero to kill the villain.'

Primis then shook his head and decided to think more about it at later date.

Lin Dong: Senior, can I also ask you something?

Primis: Go on.

Lin Dong: What is your goal?

Primis: My Goal. Huh.

Lin Dong: Yes. Since you are not with those people, is your goal is to stop them?

Primis: No. I am not such a benevolent person, Lin Dong.

Then Primis turned his gaze into Horizon. However, his eyes were looking at something beyond.

Primis: My Goal. My fight. Is still a long way. It's so far that I am not even at the starting point yet.

'Primis: Yes. I need to unlock the second seal of my Awakening if I want to even reach the starting point. Means I need to become 6th Level Existence first before taking my first step.'

Primis: In front of that goal, that fight, these invaders are nothing.

Lin Dong got astounding hearing that. In case someone as strong as Primis was not even at the starting point, then he didn't even dare to guess how far his goal is.

Lin Dong: I am sure Senior will reach his goal one day.

Primis: ......….

Primis didn't answer. He just kept on looking at Horizon.

'Primis: I won't be so sure though. Even 12th Level Existence failed and died. Twilight said that these 12th Level Existences commit suicide, but I know it won't be that simple. Someone who could force these Existences to take that step must be something others can't comprehend.'

Primis then looked at his System panel at the side. Twilight was still silent. She must still be trying to find the reason of what happened before.

'Primis: Anyway. According to Twilight, she divided the information into 3 parts. I am already absorbed first one. Second and third one will be when I will reach level 4 and 5 respectively. I will know then.'

Lin Dong: Can I ask you for a favor, Senior?

Primis: ......…

Lin Dong: Don't worry. I won't overstep my boundaries.

Primis: ...What is it?

Lin Dong: Before that...…

Lin Dong raised his hand with great difficultly.


A light came penetrating from the distance and stopped in his hand. Once it dimmed, seven-colored spear which got blew away before re-appeared. Next, eight lights shot out of his body and eight-Ancestral symbols made their appearance again. Lin Dong nodded before making a cutting gesture with one of his fingers.


Lin Ding: HRRGH!!!!!

Blood came out of his mouth as he severed all his connection with both the seven-colored spear and Ancestral Symbols.

Lin Dong: I know its not much and mostly useless to Senior, but I still hope they can help you in your journey.

Primis stretched his hand as the seven-colored spear landed on it.

Lin Dong: Even though they are weak from Senior's standard, I am sure senior can make them strong enough so that they can be of help in future.

'Primis: My "AINCRAD-Supreme" also have skills related to spear. And since I don't have any spear, I guess I can use this Seven-Colored Spear.'

Lin Dong: There's one more thing that I also want to entrust to the senior.

In the next moment, he turned his hand to knife and penetrated his own chest.



Gritting his teeth to not scream out of pain, he dug deeper and pulled his heart out.







Primis remained indifferent at Lin Dong's action. His gaze was not on his heart but the thing inside it. Lin Dong then squeezed his heart and destroyed it.




Once it was destroyed an object in the size of a fist made its appearance. The object was emitting a faint light. There was something about that light. To the point that even Ophis and Sheng Ming narrowed their eyes seeing it.

Primis brought his other hand which was not holding the Seven-Colored Spear forward and took that object from Lin Dong's hand. Inside the object was a small world. Well, calling it a world will be extravagating since it only had a floating island on which he could see a big courtyard like thing. Though the courtyard was 90% destroyed and remaining 10% was barely keeping it from falling.

Lin Dong: This is Martial Realm. Me and my wives created it when we ascended to the "Great Thousand World". Even though the "Great Thousand World" is no more, I still can't bring myself to abandon it. Inside are my entire lifetime of treasures, manuals, knowledge and so on. This is the last and the only time I can give you. I don't have anything else left.

Primis: ......

Primis looked at the "Martial Realm" in his hand. He could everything present inside. He then raised one of his brows and chuckled.

Primis: Giving your wives to another man. You really are one sort of a husband.

Lin Dong didn't become angry hearing this and chuckled too.

Lin Dong: I never thought Senior also knows how to joke.

Primis smiled hearing his response before turning his attention back to "Martial Realm". Inside with many things he also saw two heavenly beauties. Appeared to be Lin Dong's wives. However, they both are already dead. He can tell that their souls dissipated long time ago. In other words, they were just corpse.

Primis: If I remembered correctly, you also had a daughter when you fought "Heavenly Evil Monarch".

Lin Dong became silent again before sadness appeared in his eyes.

Lin Dong: ...…I failed to even secure the body of my daughter when she died. I not only failed as a husband but also as a father.

Primis: ......

Primis also became silent and moved his attention at the Horizon again. Some memories appeared in his mind before he sighed inwardly.

'Primis: I failed too. As a son. As a husband. As a father. As a grandfather. And many more.'

Primis: So, what favor you wanted to ask for?

Lin Dong: Senior, I only have two friends left. One is Flame Emperor, Xiao Yan and other is The Great Ruler, Mu Chen. If you will meet them in future, I hope you can also free them like how you free me. They both are also in lot of pain and like me felt themselves responsible for the fall of the "Great Thousand World" and their family.

Primis: ......I promise.

Lin Dong smiled hearing this.

Lin Dong: Thank....Yo.u...….

Then light disappeared from Lin Dong's eye and Primis can tell that at the last moment he even burned his own soul. Not that surprising, because when he will reincarnate, he will definitely recover his memories and will suffer again remembering his failure. Hence, by burning his own soul, he gave himself a true death. A true salvation. With this the protagonist "Wu Dong Qian Kun" and one of the Three Guardians of the "Great Thousand World" died.