Volume 3 - Chapter 7(Date with Ais(Part 1))


*A/N: For every 150 power stones extra chapter will be released on the last day of each month.

Extra chapters on 28th February = 0.


In the Home world, inside the house in a room, Ais was sitting in front of a mirror. Sheng Ming was right behind her and was combing her hair gently. Ais still had confused expression on her face.

Ais: Sister Sheng Ming, just what is 'Date'? And why would I need to wear these clothes instead of my armor?

Ais said while looking down on her new clothes. Primis gave Ais two sets of casual clothes. One when she became his Permanent Member and second was yesterday. He wanted to give more but decided against it since he could tell that Ais didn't have that much interest in clothes. Well, she was the not the only one.

Even he, Ophis, and Sheng Ming were same. It must be because they had lived for so long that such interest had diminished completely. And since their equipment will never get dirty, what's the point in wearing different or new clothes. Hence, for now three sets of clothes were enough for Ais. First, her equipment. Second, her casual wear in Home World. Third, her casual wear for outside.

Hearing Ais, Sheng Ming smiled sweetly before replying.

Sheng Ming: You will know what Date is later. As for these clothes, do you really don't want to wear them. Because I am sure Husband will love seeing you in them.

Ais became silent as Primis face appeared in her mind. Next, a slight blush appeared on her face. Sheng Ming gently looked at Ais from mirror after witnessing her expression.

Sheng Ming: Ok, Little Sister. Let's go.

Ais: Mn.

Ais nodded unconsciously while still being in her thoughts and followed Sheng Ming outside.




Currently, Primis was sitting on one of the branches of "Erste Tree". Yes, Erste Tree. That's the name he had given to this tree of his. Erste means First. Since this tree was his first creation using Origin Force, he named it as one. Hence, Erste Tree which means First Tree.

Ophis was sitting on his lap while Primis had a new notebook in his hand. He was writing many complicated formulas in it.

[That's the new thing you want to make. Huh. What about the one you were thinking of creating in Danmachi world with the help of Hephaestus?]

'Primis: I decided to put it on a hold for now. I can't return to "Danmachi" World unless I will become a God. And without Hephaestus help, its impossible. Therefore, I decided to put it on the last of my list.'

[I see. However, once you will become God, I don't think you will need Hephaestus help. After all, that time you can use all types of Skills at Master Level. The same level as Gods themselves.]

'Primis: I can but I won't.'


'Primis: Creation of that thing will take Millennium or Ages. Instead of spending that much time on one thing, I would rather give it to Hephaestus to create while focus on doing other stuffs.'

[Well, if you put it that way then I can't deny it.]

Next, Primis write few more things in the notebook before he closed it and put it in his inventory. Then he came down from the branch and looked in front.


The door of the house opened, and Sheng Ming and Ais walked out.

'Primis: She looks gorgeous.'

Primis said inwardly while looking at Ais who was following Sheng Ming behind. Current Ais was wearing white shirt with a red bow tie on the neck while a green jacket was on top. Down she was wearing a white skirt with a thigh length black socks and dark brown long boots.


(*A/N: Ais(Casual Clothes 2))


Once both reached in front, Primis nodded at Sheng Ming before putting his attention on Ais.

Primis: My Princess looks extremely beautiful in these clothes.

Ais blushed even more hearing this and lowered her head.

Primis: Shall we go?

Ais: Mn.

Ais nodded as space wrapped around them and they disappeared from the Home World.




In the next second, they returned to the Hill where they were before. Primis looked towards one of the directions. His gaze penetrated through the space and found a village several kilometers away. Primis only gave a single glance to that village before shaking his head and proceeded to find the next one. It's because that village was already full of corrupted people.

Primis could see many nobles enjoying wine in their house while people were suffering. He even saw many soldiers raping a mother and daughter in a house while the man of that family was lying in the pool of blood right in front of them. In one house, he even saw a noble giving his wife to another noble. The second noble dragged the woman out of the house. On the hand, the first noble was counting the money in front of him while completing ignoring his dragged wife pleas or cry for help.

Primis saw everything happening in that village with a single glance. That's because once he concentrated his gaze on that village, his "Elemental Sight" provided him all the information in an instant. Then he looked at the other villages one-by-one. It's not like Primis was afraid of trouble, he just didn't want to destroy his first date with Ais on such a corrupted place. Hence, you can forget about capital too. Since, it's the most corrupted place in this world.

Few seconds later.

Primis finally found a village that suited his needs.

'Primis: This is truly a most corrupted world.'

[I agree. But the way, you know what, Primis.]

'Primis: What?'

[I think you should have agreed with Ophis destroying this world.]

'Primis: I see. Anything else you want to say.'

[Not for now.]

'Primis: Then be quiet for the entire day. I don't want to talk to you while I am on date with Ais.'

[I will try.]

Primis was not wronging in saying that "This is truly a most corrupted world". That's because out of twenty-three villages he saw, merely two met his requirements. All others were under the corrupted mayors or leaders, and their soldiers and people were doing as they pleased.

Primis: I found a good place.

Next, space wrapped, and they disappeared again.




Once they reached the outskirts of the village, they looked at it. There were many wooden houses there. Small stalls, Inn, shops, and so on. People were happy chatting with each other. Children were playing. Hunters could be seen carrying dead animals on their shoulders and so on. Seeing such peacefulness, Ais hearted started to relax. Though, in the next second, she became alert again since as a guard she can't let her guard.

Primis: Don't worry about it today. Just relax.

However, she bewildered hearing Primis words. So, she turned to him to know why.

Ais: ......

Sheng Ming: ......

But in the next instant, not only Ais but even Sheng Ming became dumbfounded. They both widened their eyes as their jaws fell on the ground.

Current Primis was neither wearing his Midnight Coat nor carrying his Elucidator. He was wearing black t-shirt on top of which he was wearing blue jacket. Down, he was wearing dark-blue pants and grey shoes. His eyes were black in color, not because he deactivated his Sharingan but because he was wearing black contact lens so that people won't became scared seeing his Sharingan. And then there was a gentle smile on his face.


(*A/N: Primis(Casual Clothes))


Sheng Ming and Ais fell into trance because they still can't believe Primis was wearing casual clothes. This was the very first-time they have seen him like this. The thing Primis wore so far was his Midnight Coat with his Elucidator. No matter what he will do. Whether being busy, resting, or anything else. The only thing he wore was his equipment. Hence, seeing him like this was just too shocking.

Primis: What's happen? Do I look weird?

Primis asked with gently voice while smiling. Ais hurriedly shook her head as her face was complete red and streams were coming out of them. Let alone her even Sheng Ming had a blush on her face.

Ais: N-No. No. N-No. My Lord, look very handsome in these clothes.

Sheng Ming: Y-Yes. Husband, you look very good in them.

Primis: Is that so. Good to hear that.

Seeing his smile their hearts started to beat violently. They both then hurriedly looked away and took a deep breathe again and again and again to calm themselves.

'Sheng Ming: That was dangerous. To think Husband look this dashing in normal wear. I barely controlled myself from switching places with Little Sister to go on a date with him myself.'

'Ais: I thought I learnt how to remain calm myself after so many years of training. But in front of Lord such appearance, I can't keep it.'

Few seconds later, they both calmed down and turned to Primis again. Though, they still had a slight blush on their face. Next, Sheng Ming coughed a little to get rid of the embarrassment before speaking.

Sheng Ming: *cough* By the way, Husband. What happened to your eyes?

Primis: Nothing. I am just wearing contacts to hide them. As you both were fully aware what will happen if someone look directly into them.

They both nodded in understanding.

[Why don't you just deactivate them?]

'Primis: Not possible. I have already turned it into my Habit. And I don't want to let go of this habit either.'

[If you say so.]

Primis: Anyway, let's go Ais.

He then walked to Ais grabbed her soft hands gently before walking towards the entrance of the village. Ais became stunned at first before following. Sheng Ming looked at Primis and Ais back from behind with sweat smile. Next, she disappeared and hid herself.




Little Girl: Guard uncle, my cat climbed the tree and can't came down. Please take it down.

Little Boy: Yes, please do it. It's almost time for her food.

Guard: Alright. Alright. I am coming.

At the entrance of the village, a little girl and a little boy were pestering the Guard to help them with their cat who had climbed the tree and can't came down on its own. The Guard showed a tired smile hearing this. It was not the first time their cat climbed the tree and he had to help.

Why didn't these kids ask the help from anyone else in village? It's because everyone they saw were busy doing their work. While this guard will only stand at the entrance of the village 'doing nothing'. To them this guard was the freest person in the entire village. The guard also knew these kids' thoughts and always felt like crying.

'Guard: Why don't you kids try to stand at the entrance of the village 12 hours a day? I bet let alone 12 hours, you won't be able to stand for even 2 hours. Then we will talk who has most lazy person in the village.'

Though, he didn't speak these thoughts of his. People in the village looked at them and started laughing. They had already seen such thing many times and still loved it. In the end, guard could show wry smile noticing so many gazes at him.

Little Girl: Hurry. Our friend is trying to climb the tree to help the cat,

Little Boy: If he falls and get injured then you will be the one responsible for it.

In the end, Guard sighed and agreed.

Guard: *sigh* Fine. Let's go.

Little Girl: Yay.

Little Boy: This way.

Guard: *sigh* These brats.

The Guard smiled and moved to follow the kids who had run to the distance. However, suddenly, he saw someone approaching the village. They were two people. Seeing them, the guard stopped all his movements and just stood on the spot.