Volume 3 - Chapter 20(Rider Edward Teach/Blackbeard)


*A/N: For every 150 power stones extra chapter will be released on the last day of each month.


The bullet was swallowed by that abyssal dark vortex. The man eyes turned serious witnessing this as he readied himself. Finally, Primis walked out. The man raised one of his brows seeing Primis overly handsome face but didn't give it much thought. With his gun pointed at Primis, and he spoke.

???: I don't know which faction are you from but don't get in the way.

Primis didn't reply as his "Elemental Sight" provided him all the information of the person.


Name/True Name: Edward Teach/Blackbeard

Race: Servant, Heroic Spirit, Human

Class: Rider


Status: Suppressed


Strength: C+

Endurance: C

Agility: E

Magic: D

Luck: C


Class Skills:

Magic Resistance E

Riding -


Personal Skills:

Voyager of the Storm C

Honor of Pirates C

Gentlemanly Love C


Noble Phantasm:

Queen Anne's Revenge C++


Primis narrowed his eyes witnessing this.

'Primis: Heroic Spirits entering this world really changed a lot of things.'



Ranks Stats

E 1,000

D 2,000

C 3,000

B 4,000

A 5,000

+ x2 boost in that Stat.

++ x3 boost in that Stat.

+++ x4 boost in that Stat.


'Primis: Because of the World's suppression his strength has decreased to C. Means Level 3. That's the very limit of this world.'

[Be careful, Primis. His Strength is C+. This means 3,000*2.]

'Primis: 6,000. Max Level 6.'

[Yes. While your current strength is only at Level 5 right now. So----]

'Primis: I know.'

Saying this, Primis grabbed the handle of his Elucidator and drew it out.


The abyssal dark vortex behind him also disappeared. Edward Teach/Blackbeard expressions became solemn when he witnessed this.

Edward Teach: So, you really wished to get in my way. Can't be helped then.



Cracking his knuckles, he showed a crazy smile.

Edward Teach: You know what, looking at you I really want to do you. Now I even have gotten the opportunity to do so. I really can't wait to hear your moans when you will be under me.

Primis smiled hearing this.

Primis: Change of plans. I wanted to capture you at first to get information. But now I think it's no longer necessary.

Primis then took one step forward and disappeared.

Primis: Because you would be dead soon.

Edward Teach opened his eyes wide as he heard Primis voice behind. He hurried jumped forward to dodge.




Edward Teach: Grgh!!!

Even though Edward Teach jumped forward, he still got slightly delayed. Because of that a bloody slash appeared on his back. His face distorted slightly because of pain. Just when he was about to turn and counter, he saw Akame in front with no one protecting her. Hence, he decided to kill her first.

Ignoring the wound on his back, he pointed his gun at Akame and shot again.



The sound of gunshot and explosion was heard again. Edward Teach didn't look happy because he saw that right before his bullet could touch Akame, Primis picked her and move out of the way. He then moved his gaze towards where Primis went. The wound on his back had already started to heal by now.

Some distance away, Primis put Akame down and turned towards Edward Teach direction.

'Primis: Even if his strength reach Level 6, his agility and other stats are still lower.'

[Yeah. But still, be careful of his Noble Phantasm.]

'Primis: C++. Means 3,000*3.'

[Level 9.]

'Primis: Um.'

Akame: You......don't............…need to...…save...me.

Primis lowered his head and looked at Akame on the ground. She was currently hugging the corpse of her Little Sister while looking at Primis with dead eyes.

Akame: Kurome......is the only...family......I had in this......world.

Primis: ......

Akame: ...…Now...that......…she is gone............I don't......…have...any...intention of......living…......either.

Primis: ............What's your name?

Akame: .................................Akame.

Primis: Akame. Huh. If I tell you that I can revive your sister, then what can you give in return.

Akame: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Akame eyes opened wide hearing this. She can't believe what she just heard.

Akame: T-T-T-T-That's..................Impossible.

Primis: Not for me.

Primis looked eye to eye with Akame before opening his mouth.

Primis: Once someone die, it takes 15-20 minutes for their soul to dissipate. This means its still possible to revive someone during those last minutes.

Akame: ..................…

Primis: So, only have 5-10 minutes left to choose.

Saying this without waiting for Akame response, Primis directly rushed towards Edward Teach.

Akame: Wait...…

Akame stretched her hand in air towards Primis direction. Too bad, he had already left to confront Edward Teach. Akame lowered her hand while thinking what to do.

'Akame: What can I offer? I am just an orphan. I have nothing.'

She then looked at the face of her Little Sister. As she caressed her face, she can feel that the temperature of her Little Sister body had already decreased a lot. Her eyes trembled as her body shivered witnessing this. She then closed her eyes took a deep breath before opening them again. Her eyes were filled with determination now. She picked the body of her little sister, hugged it tightly and ran towards Primis direction.








Primis dodged the gunshots and appeared in front of Edward Teach to attack. Edward Teach also attacked with his hook. Primis moved his body slightly dodging the hook by the breath of hair and attacked. Edward Teach also moved to dodge. He can tell that Primis was faster than him. Hence, he wanted to decrease the damage he took by moving away.



A new slash appeared on his chest as blood leaked out of it. Edward Teach frowned before countering.







Primis kept on dodging the bullets because these bullets contained C+ strength of Edward Teach. Since he was currently only at Level 5, he can't afford to take a blow of max Level 6 strength. While Primis was thinking of his next course of action, Edward Teach mood was complicated.

'Edward Teach: His strength and movements are very much like that of Heroic Spirits. But how could it be possible. Including me there are total of seven servants and masters who came to this world. If another one came then we would have been notified about it.'



'Edward Teach: This means he is not Heroic Spirit but a human. But how could this be possible.'



Edward Teach: Argh!!!!

Edward Teach grunted before taking a step back. Another slash appeared on his chest. Along with the previous slash a cross was made on his chest.

'Edward Teach: His attacks are ignoring by defense completely. You can only be accomplished by using Divine or Holy power. And it's impossible for this lower world to give birth to Heroic Spirit let alone Divine Spirit............…Wait a minute. Could he be----'

Realization struck Edward Teach at this point and his expression became grave.

'Edward Teach: It's him. Our Hidden objective. The one whom we must kill or brought back with us at all cost.'

Primis: Why are you distracted?

Edward Teach: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Edward Teach jolted back to his thoughts when he felt a pain in his chest. Looking down he saw Elucidator thrusted into his chest.

Edward Teach: Hrrgh!!!

Blood came out of Edward Teach mouth as he attacked with his hook. Primis took Elucidator out and moved back to dodge. After keeping some distance, Primis didn't continue with his attacks and wait. Edward Teach grabbed his chest and looked at Primis with hatred.

Edward Teach: YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He then put his gun away and took out his scimitar before lurching at Primis. Elucidator and Scimitar collided.



A huge shockwave was spread all around. Edward Teach looked at Primis with disbelief. Primis blocked his attack casually. Let alone moving from his spot, Edward Teach can't even push back his Elucidator.

Edward Teach: H-How could t-this be?

As a Heroic Spirit, Edward Teach also had a lot of experience. In their previous confrontation, he realized that Primis was dodging his attacking instead of deflecting or stopping it. So, he came to conclusion that Primis strength was weaker than him. But now seeing how Primis stopped him with hardly any efforts, he got shocked. Though, he was not the only one.

[How did you do that?]

Even Twilight appalled witnessing this. Next, she checked how Primis did that and became speechless.

[Oh.........…yeah. I forgot that you have "Primal" Incantation Symbol. "Primal" Incantation Symbol increased one's physical strength. No wonder you can easily take on Blackbeard's attack.]

'Primis: .........…'

Primis didn't reply. He pushed Edward Teach's Scimitar away, clenched his fist and delivered a straight-line uppercut.


Edward Teach: Hrk!!!

This was one of "AINCRAD Supreme", martial art skill. Senda or Flash Blow you can say. It's quickest of all the martial arts skills.


Edward Teach chin cracked as some of his teeth also broke. Though, Primis didn't stop. He raised Elucidator atop his shoulder. Magic was gathered in it instantly. Then he leaped and reached Edward Teach in the next moment before delivering a single top to bottom vertical slash.



'Primis: Sonic Leap.'


Edward Teach fell from the sky. Primis also landed at some distance and was looking at where Edward Teach fell.

'Primis: As expected from Heroic Spirit. In the last moment, he brought his Scimitar in front to block some of the force behind by attack.'

[He will a shame to Heroic Spirit if he can't even do that.]

Primis also agreed as he waited for the dust to settle. But it looked like Edward Teach didn't have such patience. He threw wick bombs from his location at Primis. Primis hurriedly moved away.




Explosions occurred but that was not all. As he was dodging, with his Elemental-Sight he could see that Edward Teach was also aiming at him.




Primis dodged the gunshots while also dodging the wicked bombs. As Primis was dodging it, he saw that Edward Teach took out many Powder Kegs out of nowhere and also threw them at Primis. Witnessing this Primis narrowed his eyes and put even more distance.

Now Primis was dodging wicked bombs, gunshots, and even powder kegs. By now almost the entire place was filled with powder kegs. Edward Teach then showed a triumphant smile and shot at one of the powder kegs.


Primis suddenly dashed at particular direction. There Akame was hiding behind a tree was looking at Primis and Edward Teach confrontation. She was looking at their fight with disbelief. Primis and Edward Teach were exchanging blows at inhumane speed. She could only see blur. She occasionally saw a glimpse but that's all. Because of that she was unaware of the danger.

At this time, Primis appeared in front of her and hugged her. And then......…


A huge explosion occurred as all the powder kegs exploded. A mushroom of explosion rose in the sky as the entire Gifnora Forest was covered in flame. Children who were still inside, Danger Beasts, tree, plants everyone was covered with fire.

Children and Danger Beasts merciful cry could be heard but no one was there to save them. Soldiers, Gozuki, and Bill who were supervising the test all had incredulous expression.


Bill: I don't know. The only bomb we put in the forest was the one to attract Danger Beasts. And we already used that.


Bill: That's----

Gozuki: Tch.

Gozuki then turned to the soldiers behind.


Soldiers snapped out of their daze and hurriedly responded.

All Soldiers: YES SIR.

Then they hurriedly ran to look for the water. Gozuki turned his attention back to the burning forest. His expression was very ugly right now.

Gozuki: We brought more than hundred children from all around the empire to find the best ones. If they died, then all our efforts will be for naught.