Volume 3 - Chapter 26(Kurome)









The sound of rain falling on the window could be heard inside the room. It was a small with only a single bed on it. This also only had one window and one door. Both were also tightly locked. The room appeared more like a prison.

Currently, in this room a little girl was sitting on the bed and was looking at the rain falling on the window. The girl was lost in her thoughts. Sometimes later, she muttered under her breath.

Kurome: Big Sister.

That girl was Kurome. It's been two days since she and her big sister was 'rescued' by the Empire's soldiers from that burning Gifnora Forest and brought here. And just like Primis told them, those people separated both the sisters and made them join different groups. With the excuse that if they want to meet each other then they must behave and do what they were ordered.

Before she might not had known about it, but now she knew they wanted to train both sisters as an assassin. Primis already gave both sister brief information of Empire's corruption and how they were wiling to do everything to attain. Still, hearing, witnessing, and experiencing were all different. And both sisters had gone through all these three things. Hence, they no longer had any good impression of the Empire. It won't be wrong to say that they hate it.

Sighing Kurome got up from the bed and approached the window. Looking outside she muttered again.

Kurome: I wonder how long I have to stay in this room all alone. I really wanted to see you Big Sister.

???: The way you are right now, those people won't let you both sisters to meet.

Kurome abruptly turned her head back and saw someone sitting on the bed while looking at her with stoic expression. Yet, instead of becoming shocked, a smile appeared on Kurome's face.

Kurome: Big Brother.

Hearing this, Primis expressions loosened, and slight gentleness appeared on his face.

Primis: Come here.

Without any guard, Kurome happy ran up to him. Since Primis not only rescued both the sisters but also brought Kurome's back to life, Kurome has full trust on him. Primis sighed seeing this innocent girl rushing at him. Once she reached him, Primis picked her and made her sit on his lap.

Primis: You should rest and eat something. I could see some blackness under your eyes, means you haven't sleep till the last two days. And your body has also became thinner, means you haven't eating in those two days either.

Kurome expressions turned sad as she replied.

Kurome: It's the first time I have been away from Big Sister. So, I can't sleep. As for food, those people didn't give me anything to eat.

Primis answered by pointed towards the door. There at side of the door, there were two trays which had food on it. Kurome became dumbfounded seeing that. Next, her face turned red in embarrassment. Primis chuckled witness this and patted her head.

Primis: It's fine. I know you are not feeling good since it's the first time you are away from Akame.

Kurome: Mn.........I miss Big Sister.

Primis: I know, and I am sure she is also missing you right now. But don't worry you will meet her in few days.

Kurome: R-Really!!!!!!!!!

Kurome's eyes sparkled hearing this as she looked at Primis with expectancy in her eyes.

Primis: Yes. I promise.

Kurome: YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Hearing Primis response, Kurome hugged him in excitement. Primis kept on patting her head gently. After some time, he spoke.

Primis: Let me introduce my people.

Kurome: Huh?

Kurome raised her head and looked at Primis with confused expression because she can't see anyone beside Primis here. Primis first pointed at his left shoulder. Though Kurome can't see anyone there.

Primis: She is my Empress. You can call her as Eldest Sister.

Kurome: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At first Kurome was confused but she got shocked as a little girl appeared on Primis left shoulder all of sudden. Next, she fell into daze witnessing Ophis beauty like everyone else. Primis snapped her out of her thoughts as he pointed at his left side.

Primis: She is my wife. You can call her Big Sister Sheng Ming.

When Primis said so, Sheng Ming also stopped hiding her presence and showed herself. She held a beautiful smile on her face as she was looking at Kurome. Kurome fell into trance again seeing Sheng Ming.

Primis: She is my Sword Princess. You can call her Big Sister Ais.

This time, Primis pointed at his right and Ais also stopped hiding her presence. Kurome became speechless again. As she was still dazed seeing three Divine Beauties, Sheng Ming approached her and bent slightly to meet Kurome's eyes.

Sheng Ming: Nice to meet you, Little Kurome.

Ais: Nice to meet you too.

Ais also approached and spoke with slight smile on her face. Ais is no longer like her previous self when she had hard time expressing her emotions. Now, she not only has common sense but also appeared more humane. Kurome returned to her thoughts and became embarrassed again. After some time, she gathered her courage and spoke.

Kurome: B-Big Sisters a-are v-very beautiful. I have never seen someone as beautiful as y-you before.

Sheng Ming and Ais smiled hearing this. They had heard people calling them beautiful before. However, those people were not as pure and innocent as Kurome.

Sheng Ming: I am sure Little Kurome will also became a beautiful girl when she will grow up.

Kurome: ............…

Kurome became embarrassed again and hid herself in Primis chest. Still, they all can see a smile on her face. Primis kept on patting her head before taking out something from his inventory. Kurome smelled something and raised her head. There she saw a bread in Primis. Her mouth got filled with water looking at this. Just the smell of the bread intoxicated her. Primis smiled before giving the bread to her.

Primis: Here. You must be hungry.

Kurome hurriedly grabbed the bread and took a bite. Next, her eyes sparkled before she hurriedly ate the whole bread.

Kurome: *nom* *nom* *om* *nom*

Once she done, she looked at her empty hand. She can't believe she ate all of it this soon. Seeing her disappointed look, Primis took out two more.

Primis: Here.

Kurome became excited seeing it and hurriedly ate both too. Those bread were not the normal breads but stuffed one. They were filled with many ingredients. When she was done eating them, Primis took out a bottle of juice and gave it to her.

Primis: Here. You must be thirsty.

Kurome: Mn.

Kurome hurriedly nodded, opened the bottle, and took a sip. Tasting it, she again became intoxicated and soon drink all its content. Soon a satisfying expression appeared on her face.

Kurome: Fuaahhhhh......…It was delicious. Both the bread and juice.

Primis: Right.

Kurome: Um. Big Brother, where did you buy them? I want to eat this bread and juice again.

Primis: Too bad you can't find them anywhere in this world.

Kurome: Huh? Why?

Showing a confused expression, Kurome's asked.

Primis: Because the bread was made by your Big Sister Ais. As for juice, it was made by your Big Sister Sheng Ming.

Kurome: ............…

Kurome abruptly turned her face at Sheng Ming and Ais who only smiled in response. Seeing the sparkle in her eyes, they understood what she wanted. Sheng Ming released a light laugh and spoke.

Sheng Ming: Little Kurome, do you want more?

Kurome: *nod* *nod* *nod* *nod* *nod*

Kurome hurriedly nodded many times.

Sheng Ming: Then me and Little Sister Ais will make more for you later.

Ais: Um.

Ais also nodded in agreement. Then all ladies started talking among themselves while Primis put Kurome on the bed and walked to the window. He and Ophis were looking outside with emotionless expressions. He only showed his expressions and feeling in front of those he cared about. Other time, he remained indifferent.

Though his expressions loosened a little as he heard the laugh behind him. And he was not the only one, even the corner of Ophis lips raised a little as she heard their talks. Even if they both were looking outside, their attentions were also on Sheng Ming, Ais, and Kurome.

While glanced at the side and Primis couldn't help but chuckle while shaking his head. At the side, there was a system window which was showing his inventory. One of the slots of his inventory was completely filled with Ais's favorite food, Jagamarukun. When Ais learnt how to cook, the first thing she did was creating a whole stack of Jagamarukun which Primis put in his inventory.

'Primis: Oh boy. This amount can go on for a year.'

[But you don't mind, do you?]

'Primis: Yeah. I don't mind.'

Said Primis before looking outside again.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
