Volume 3 - Chapter 45(Battle on Uninhabited Island(Part 9))


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


--- When Ais reached the village for the first time. ---

Primis and Ophis arrived at their destination. In front of them, there were many remains of old structures that appeared to be destroyed or in the form of disrepair. Overgrown vegetation and decay were present on all of them. This place was some kind of old ruins.

Ophis: This is where "One-Cut Killer: Murasame" was created.

Primis: Yeah.






Step-by-Step they both entered. The sound of their footsteps echoed all around. Yet, there was no one except them. They both kept on walking straight. Completely ignoring everything around them. Soon, they reached the center and saw the stairs leading to the entrance of a temple. There they stopped.

Primis: I want to do something before entering. Wait for now.

Ophis: Ok.

Then Primis turned and walked to the side and sat on a stone slab. Next, he closed his eyes and cut himself completely from the World. Ophis kept on looking Primis with her beautiful violet eyes for some time before turning and walking back to the path from where they had just come.





After walking for some distance, she took a different turn and walked a different path. That was not all, she took a few more turns before finally stopping. She reached a huge circular open area. On both the right and left side of the area, there were three huge pillars. Ophis attention was completely on the center of area. There someone was sitting with crossed legs and closed eyes.

It was a humanoid, bipedal creature that resembled that of a yoga practitioner. It had a gray body with red and yellow adornments. A red headpiece with three bulb-like extensions which covered the upper portion of its head: one on top and one on either side. The bulb on top of it. Its large, closed eyes were slightly covered by the headpiece, and its red lips seemed to be in a rounded or puckered position. Its legs appeared to be covered with puffy, red pants that had a large yellow spot on the knees and yellow bands next to the hips.

Unlike Sheng Ming and Ais, Ophis didn't need Primis' help to see through this being. She could do it on her own. Because of that, the information about this thing already appeared in her mind.


Name: Medicham

Status: Normal

Type: Fighting/Psychic

Gender: Male


Trainer: Richard


-> Stats

-> Abilities

-> Hidden Abilities

-> Moves




Attack: 1,792

Defense: 2,224

Special Attack: 1,792

Special Defense: 2,224

Speed: 2,368



· Pure Power


Hidden Abilities:

· Telepathy



· Normal

o Endure

o Recover


· Fighting

o Force Palm

o High Jump Kick

o Reversal

o Counter


· Psychic

o Confusion

o Psybeam

o Calm Mind

o Power Trick


· Fire

o Fire Punch


· Ice

o Ice Punch


· Electric

o Thunder Punch


'Ophis: He is not facing any World's Suppression. Huh. Looks like its human trainer must be using 'that' artifact.'

Next, Ophis moved her head towards one of the pillars. On top of one of those pillars, another pokémon was resting.

The pokémon resembled that of a bat. It was primarily black with a purple underbelly and greenish turquoise wing membranes. It had a purple lower jaw; a large, red, V-shaped nose; two fang-like projections on its upper lip; yellow eyes; and a greenish-turquoise color between its eyes and nose. Its large, teardrop-shaped ears had alternating rings of blue-green and black on the interiors and resembled loudspeakers. Around its neck is a fluffy mane of white fur that was longer in the back. Its wings had three red claws on the middle joint and were divided into segments by two black wing fingers. On the back of the wing, the final segment was purple. Its feet have two toes each and a red, claw-like growth on top of each toe. It had a long, whip-like tail with a blue-green underside and two spines near the tip.

Ever since this pokémon saw Ophis, it was shivering in fear. Ophis, on the other hand, was just looking at it with indifferent expression.


Name: Noivern

Status: Normal

Type: Flying/Dragon

Gender: Female


Trainer: Richard


-> Stats

-> Abilities

-> Hidden Abilities

-> Moves




Attack: 2,080

Defense: 2,368

Special Attack: 2,864

Special Defense: 2,368

Speed: 3,600



· Infiltrator


Hidden Abilities:

· Telepathy



· Normal

o Supersonic

o Double Team

o Super Fang

o Boomburst


· Flying

o Wing Attack

o Air Slash

o Tailwind

o Hurricane


· Dragon

o Dragon Pulse


· Grass

o Absorb


'Ophis: This bat is a bit stronger than the yoga pokémon. Still just a bit.'

Only Primis and Ophis can see the information of the pokémon in such details. For Ais and Sheng Ming, they must become the trainer of that pokémon. As for why Noivern was shivering, it was because of bloodline suppression. It's the same thing that Haxorus faced when it saw Ophis for the first time.

{Medicham: Just like master said, other people will also come to steal his legacy.}

At this time, Ophis heard a telepathy voice in her head. Ophis returned her gaze back at Medicham who had opened his eyes at this point and was looking at Ophis attentively.

{Medicham: Anyone who is after Master legacy shall----}

{Ophis: Except Primis, I don't like anyone entering my mind.}


Saying this, Ophis ruthlessly cut the connection from her end. She also made sure that from now on except Primis, no one could establish any connection in her mind. If they wanted to talk to her through telepathy, then they must ask for her permission.

Medicham: Med-argh!!!

On the other hand, Medicham grabbed its head in pain. Ophis not only sever the connection but also did a high damage on its mind. Because of this, psychic power around the ruin went haywire for a second before disappearing. Yes, psychic power around the ruins. In truth, from the very beginning, these entire ruins were covered with the psychic power of Medicham.

It was to prevent anyone from reaching the temple where this so-called legacy, Medicham talked about resided. If normal people entered the ruins, then they would get affected by this psychic power and will lose their way. In this way, they will always end up here. And dying by the hands of these two pokémon. After all, both these pokémon's are Level 3 and Level 4 respectively.

As for Primis and Ophis, of course, they were completely unaffected by this psychic power and nonchalantly reached their destination by taking the shortest route.

Medicham: Med............medi......... (Are you a psychic human?)

Ophis: You can say that.

Suddenly a dumbfounded expression appeared on Medicham face.

Medicham: Med….medi…..medi...medi. (You can understand what I am saying?)

Ophis: Yes, I can understand your language completely. After all, I know all 7,397,281 languages of your species.

Medicham: ...........................…

Noivern: ...............................

Medicham: Med.....................…Medi............ (Are we even divided into so many species?)

Ophis: Yes. So far there exist 7,397,281 species of pokémon. Though the knowledge of less than 5,000 of your species must be known to your world.

Medicham: Medi…. med…...di...… (Then why do you say 7,397,281 exists?)

Ophis: That's because some of them existed in the past. Some of them existed in different parallel worlds. Some of them exist in different dimensions. And some will be born in the future. Altogether, a total of 7,397,281 so far.

Medicham: ..............................…

Noivern: .................................…


Seeing Medicham outburst, Ophis shook her head.

Ophis: I don't care whether you believe me or not. Let's end this fast. I would rather spend time by Primis' side than playing with the 'pets' of a mere human.

Furious expression appeared on Medicham face when Ophis called him 'pet' and his trainer as a mere human. Ignoring the pain in his brain, he stood up on its feet.



Breaking the ground on its feet, Medicham charged at Ophis.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
